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 Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
February 2002     _________________Volume 3, Issue No. 2

February 13, 2002: Our next meeting begins at 7:30PM in the Grand Canyon Room at the North Las Vegas Airport. A group of chapter members meet for dinner at 6:00PM, Foothills Ranch, 3377 N Rancho Road. Everyone is invited to join the group dinner, a great way to get to know the other members.

February Program: has not been announced at press time. However, it will be interesting and educational. Plan on attending and bring a friend.

President’s Message:  FEBRUARY 2002 - Chapter 1300 is off and running for the New Year.  We have over 95 percent renewal as of the end of January.  Thank you for your continued support of the EAA and Chapter 1300.
Roland Fraga has taken the Web-master job and is waiting for your comments, so take a look at our new site;
Stan Roeski has agreed to be Scholarship Chairman.  Thanks Stan, but get ready for lots of work.
David Roebke volunteered to Chair the Jim Abraham aerobatics donation effort.  David has some fund raising experience and is a natural for this one.  Be sure to chat with David about your ideas.
Hugh Mattern has once again offered his services as Technical Advisor and Flight Safety Counselor.  Please bring your building or flying questions to Hugh.  He has a vast reserve of knowledge to share.
Seven pilots from Chapter 1300 were honored in the Young Eagles “10 for 2001” challenge.
We will be concentrating on a Boulder City membership drive during February, with the March meeting scheduled there.  More discussion at the February meeting.
See you at North Las Vegas on Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 19:30 hours.  Come early and have dinner with the board at the Foothills Ranch.  We start at 18:00 hours.

Newsletter Articles – Everyone is encouraged to submit articles or information of interest to the chapter members for publication in the WingTips. The articles deadline is the 1st Monday of each Month. Please email your articles to:

Secretary’s Note Pad:
President Elect Jim Bonelli called the meeting to order at 19:35 hours in the terminal building at Henderson Executive Airport.  Outgoing President Armin Tuma installed the new officers and wished them well.
Minutes as posted on the Web-site were approved as written.
Keith Hopkey read the Treasurers Report.  Chapter 1300 is in good financial standing. Report approved.
Plans to sponsor Jim Abraham to the International Aerobatics Competition were discussed.  A committee was formed with David Roebke as Chairman.
Sponsor 2 students from Rancho High School to the EAA Aviation Academy
  Increase number if students participate in funding.
  Set Young Eagle flight goal at 200.
  Reminder that the Winter Flight Fest is scheduled for Saturday, Feb 2 at VGT.
Approval to order 24 hats with Chapter 1300 logo to be sold at general meetings. Amended to 14 blue for members and 10 white for Aerobatics fund raising.
A proposal to add Boulder City into the meeting locations was introduced.  To be discussed at the February general meeting at North Las Vegas.
A trial meeting is being planned for March.  John Anderson is checking with Boulder City officials.
Business Meeting was adjourned at 20:30 hours to be followed by a discussion on how to protect your self when purchasing an airplane.  Vice-president Walt Ayers gave an in-depth evaluation of the process.

Young Eagles: The Winter Young Eagle Flight Rally on February 2, 2002 at NLVA was a great success. The EAA Young Eagle Pilot flew over 80 excited kids, finishing up by 2:00PM. A “BIG THANK YOU” to all of the volunteers and chapter members that participated to make this YE Winter Flight Rally successful.
Classified Ads: This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

Aviation Events for February:
February 10 ,2002 (Sunday) – LV $100 Hamburger Flyers – 1st Aerial Treasure Hunt – Lunch in Parker, AZ – If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled. Check website for details:

February 16, 2002 (Saturday) - Lunch at Stovepipe Wells, CA (L09) - The flight is in support of CCAA's effort to save the pavement at Stovepipe Wells Airport. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.
Check website for details:

February 19, 2002 (Tuesday) - FAA Safety Seminar, NLVA Grand Canyon Room at 7:00PM – Topic: Maintenance Issue for Flight Instructors

February 20, 2002 (Wednesday) - Clark County Aviation Association, General Membership Meeting, 7:00PM at NLVA (VGT), Grand Canyon Room. Check website for details:

February 28, 2002 (Thursday) - FAA Safety Seminar, HEA (HDN) Terminal Building 7:00PM – Topic: Risk Management

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 13th.

Contact: Webmaster