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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311


September 2003
Volume 4, Issue No.8

September 10, 2003:

Our next meeting will be at Glenn Smith’s Hangar, Boulder City Airport at 7:30PM. 

Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the 50's Cafe - Happy Days Dinner, 512 Nevada Hwy, Boulder City Airport (The Happy Days Diner is about one mile

East of the stop light at Nevada HWY & Buchanan Blvd) Everyone is “Welcome’ to join us for Dinner..

September Meeting Program:

The program for the September meeting will be Mark Hall-Patton, Curator of the Las Vegas Airport Museum. Mark will tell about the History of Aviation in Las Vegas. If you have never heard Mark discuss Aviation History in Las Vegas, then you do not want to miss this program 

We want to say “Thank You” to Chuck Bodine for his Flight Simulator presentation (see last month’s minutes for details).

2003 Officers & Directors:

Walt Ayers, President

Mike Smith, Vice President

Stan Roeske, Treasurer

Herman Leong, Secretary

Steve Dahl, Henderson Director

Glen Smith, Boulder City Director

Paul Gerner, North Las Vegas Director


Officer & Director Nominations:

It is that time of the year, where we need to appoint a nominating committee to put together a slate of candidates to lead EAA Chapter for 2004. If you would like to volunteer for the nominating committee or if you would like to run for office, please contact Walt Ayers.

Secretary’s Note Pad: 

INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS:Nineteen of our members, including several Board Members had dinner together at the Foothills Ranch restaurant before the meeting.This was our best attendance so far at our “before meeting dinner”.Remember, all members are welcome at these Board Member “dinner meetings”.

Our President, Walt Ayers, convened the meeting at 1945 hours.Walt introduced and welcomed the 6 quests, Micah Braun and his dad Charles (Micah was our Air Academy attendee this year), Jesus Aguilar (who is interested in ultralights), Larry McIntyre (who became a new member), and two guys (“spys”) from Chapter 163, ChetKruleski and Parke Potter.We also had 22 members present.Our Secretary, Herman Leong, was on vacation so Mike Smith was filling in for Herman on the minutes recording.Paul Gerner sold our 50/50 tickets, so we wouldn’t miss our 50/50 drawing this meeting like we did at the last one.Ken Wyatt passed out tickets for the “Pro Kit Log” builders time and progress logging software drawing.

It was great to see a few folks we hadn’t seen for a few meetings (maybe because it’s summer vacation time).As your VP, I would encourage all members to introduce themselves to those you don’t recognize and exchange your interests.Hopefully some new friendships will flourish and strengthen our meeting attendance.

Walt asked if anyone had gotten to the Arlington and Oshkosh “gatherings”.ArminTuma got to Arlington and Jim Bonelli got to Oshkosh and gave a short synopsis of each.Armin said he “had a good flight up and back, though he wasn’t used to sitting so long at a stretch yet.”Van’s Aircraft formally introduced their new RV-10 four place at Arlington and gave some impressive flight test performance numbers.Of course, with a 540 cubic inch engine, it should do well until it comes to fuel use.Jim said he had “an interesting flight” to and from Oshkosh, but he didn’t elaborate, so you will have to “corner” him for the details.He also had “interesting flights” to and from Kittyhawk, NC.He said Oshkosh was overwhelming as usual.The newest attention getter was Airbus’s A-320 “Beluga” oversize cargo plane.From the brief comments, I expect it looks something like the “Guppy” we used to carry big rocket sections around the country.

Walt introduced our quest “presenter”, Chuck Bodine as the local expert on Austin Myers “Flight Sim Builder” software.Though not yet (he is working on it) a licensed pilot, Chuck has flown many aircraft with friends and, of course, lots of airplanes that are in simulators.Per Chuck, Austin’s software is the only FAA accepted simulator software program for aircraft upgrade training.Chuck gave us and extensive review of the “X-Plane” software program and its vast capability.Quite impressive, especially if you want to create your own airplane, etc. within it.Thank You very much Chuck!



Mtg Minutes:Walt called for reading of last meetings minutes and it was motioned to forego the reading since they were posted on the Web site and in the distributed newsletter.The motioned was passed.

Treasurer’s Report:Stan Roeske presentedhis Treasurer’s Report.Our current Chapter balance is $2548.02 (if my notes are correct).See Stan’s report for details.Stan took an action item to add our new member to the yahoo e-mail lists.(Editor’s note:If anyone knows a member who isn’t getting our e-mails, please let one of the officers know. 

EAA “Air Academy”:Micah Braun gave us a brief report on his trip to Oshkosh and the Air Academy.He obviously enjoyed it immensely and he and his dad graciously thanked the Chapter for the once in a lifetime opportunity.

Centennial of Flight Presentations:Dave Roebke gave an update on the Presentations he is coordinating at the Clark Cty Libraries.He said we have had some good effort so far but can use more.IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN AVIATION RELATED PRESENTATION AT A CLARK COUNTY LIBRARY, PLEASE CONTACT DAVE at or 564-6398.David Roebke gave a report on the Chapter co-sponsored “Centennial of Flight” presentations at the Clark County libraries.There was a great crowded (estimated at “about 100”throughout the day.Paul Gerner presented a “slide” show and story of “Powered Flight History” with some great pictures in it.Ken Wyatt addressed the Young Eagles Program, a Thunderbird representative covered their flying activitiesand Dave’s boss addressed SouthWest Airlines activities.The next presentations will be on Saturday at the Enterprise Library.(Editors Note:We had a good turnout of about 20-25 at the Enterprise Library where similar presentation were made.EAA 1300 chapter members made them all this time.Paul (with his wife’s help on the projector) gave his Flight History Presentation, Mike covered the YE program, MSgt Patrick Schnieder, a Thunderbird maintenance team supervisor, showed a film and answered questions, and David filled in for his boss in addressing Southwest Airlines story.)

Young Eagles:Walt called for a moment of silence for Wayne Connelly, one of our members who died along with three of his grandchildren when his Mooney crashed on July 26th.(Editor’s Note:His memorial service was Saturday and had a large attendance.Wayne obviously touched many lives and his joyful Young Eagle flying help will be greatly missed. Our sympathy goes out to his wife Pat and their family.)

Jim Bonelli announced that two YE Rally dates have been confirmed.Saturday, September 27th at Overton under Mardell Haskin’s (a 99s member)

coordination.I’m sure Mike and Clyde, who keep their Navions there will be totally involved also.Saturday, November 1st at Beatty, coordinated and fully supported by George and RenieYounghans.Richard Brand, a long time “super” aerobatic show performer has already commented to flying his routine at Beatty.Mark your calendars and “sign-up” to fly kids or ground crew for the planes

Monthly Fly-out:None scheduled at this time.We’re waiting for cooler weather.(Editor’s Note:Our Chapter fly-outs are usually on the weekend after the monthly chapter meetings and we usually don’t get the minutes to Roland Fraga, our Web site manager, until after that, so please call a chapter officer if you don’t get to the meeting and would like to know where we are going.)

Projects:No reports this meeting.


Nellis AFB will have their Open house and Airshow on November 15 & 16 this year.This is always a favorite for anyone who is interested in aviation.You never know for sure exactly what you will see there.

Walt called for the drawing on the Builder’s Work-Tracking Software and Ken Wyatt announced the winner as Glenn Smith.Glenn finished his RV-8 last year so will be looking for a new builder to pass this to.

50/50 Drawing:Paul Gerner sold $69 worth ofour raffle tickets.Mike Smith won the drawing and contributed his $35 back to the Chapter.

Walt adjourned our business meeting at 2145 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

M. W. Smith

Mike W. Smith

Chapter 1300 VP

Welcome New Members: 

We want to “Welcome“ the following new member to EAA Chapter 1300.
Be sure visit with our newest members and shake their hand.

May 2003

Mike Kamrat (#109)

1042 Royal Skyline St.

Henderson, NV 89015



Harry Saxton (#110)

11257 Golden Chestnut

Las Vegas, NV 89135


FAX: 702.269.2386


June 2003

Keith Robbins (#111)

7010 W. Darby Ave.

Las Vegas, NV 89117



August 2003

Jesus Aguilar (#112)

2220 Castleberry Ln.

Las Vegas, NV 89156


Chapter Meeting Schedule - 2003:
September 10, 2003Boulder City – Glenn Smith’s Hangar at 7:30 pm

October 8, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

November 12, 2003 Boulder City – Location TBA at 7:30 pm

December 10, 2003 North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:

Our chapter flying activities are resuming this month with a lunch flight to Bishop, CA (BIH). Arrive by 11:30AM PDT on Sunday, September 14, 2003. We will have lunch in the Airport Café. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland FragaWebMaster, email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: http://www.EAAChapter1300.orgBe sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:

Saturday, September, 20thOverton(99s & Mardell Haskins sponsored)

Saturday, October, __(Open)

Saturday, November 1stBeatty

Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to bring the meeting refreshment to one of our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to sign up.

September 10, 2003Stan & Carol Roeske

October 8, 2003 Ken & Phyllis Wyatt

November 12, 2003 

December 10, 2003 

Classified Ads:

This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.

FOR SALE: No Listings this month.

Chapter Hats:

The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the November Meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Soon:
CCAA Meeting on September 17 at 7:00 pm North Las Vegas – Grand Canyon Room.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 10th. Bring a friend…..

Contact: Webmaster