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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
September 2002     ____________Volume 3, Issue No. 9

September 11, 2002:
Our next meeting will be at the Henderson Executive Airport, Terminal Building beginning at 7:30PM, come early and bring a friend for some great hangar flying.
Do not forget that a group of members will be having dinner at 6:00PM at the Tailspin Bar & Grill, 9265 S. Pecos Road on the west side of Pecos.

September Meeting Guest Speakers:
We will have our own chapter members Stan Roeke will present a program on Dehydration and Philip Brown will present a program on his trip the EAA Youth Air Academy during Oshkosh 2002. Be sure to ask all of your questions.

We want to say “Thank You” to Mike Smith and Ken Wyatt for an Excellent Presentation on formation flying.

President’s Message for September:
Now that September is here, we can expect to see better flying weather.  Time to dust off the old bird and head to the skies.  Since you won’t be alone, special care should be taken to look for fellow pilots.
Thanks to Tom Donaldson for being the nominating committee chairman.  I think you can expect a call from him during this month since the list of officers should be ready for the October meeting.
October meeting is confirmed for Boulder City airport.
Come early to the TAILSPIN Bar and Grill for some good eats and hangar flying.
Thanks. Jim Bonelli

Secretary’s Note Pad:
Our Chapter President, Jim Bonelli, was back to chair our meeting after his recent return from vacation and brief illness.   He convened our August meeting at 1939 hours. We had only 7 members and 2 quests present.  Our quests were Chris Beeze who is a local corporate pilot flying a Challenger.  Chris is also building an RV-8.  Our other quest was Eric Trombley who is building a Europa.  Jim welcomed them both and we asked a few questions about their projects.  We hope they both felt welcome and will join our Chapter.
Since our last meetings minutes were posted on the Chapter internet web site and in the Newsletter which is sent to all members with e-mail addresses, a motion was made and seconded to dispense with the verbal reading of the minutes.  Keith Hopkey gave his treasurer’s report.  As of the end of July, we had a total of $2167. 59 in our account with $614.25 designated for the Education fund and the remaining $1533.34 uncommitted in the general fund.
Jim took up old business next and said now that he was back he will get with his Apple Valley EAA Chapter contact to establish a joint fly-out location and date.  Some suggestion were Kingman, Stovepipe Wells, or Baker.  Hopefully we can do some activities like flour bombing, spot landings and such.  So, everyone should get in a little practice.
Mike had a message from Dave Brown, that his son, Philip, had a great time at the Oshkosh Air Academy. We look forward to a personal briefing from Philip at one of our meetings in the near future. Keith gave a short recap of the expenditures the Chapter made to send Philip to the Air Academy.
Steve Dahl brought up a previous meeting subject of poor attendance and we briefly discussed ideas.  Since our March Boulder City meeting was quite well attended we decided to have another combination dinner (Chapter sponsored) meeting at Boulder City’s airport on October 9th.  Mike Smith agreed to ask Glen Smith if he would allow the dinner meeting in his hangar.
Committee/Activity Reports:
YE:  There continues to be some question about the location of the Tuskegee sponsored September 21st YE Rally.  Mike will check with Roy Campbell, in Chapter 163, who is coordinating with the Tuskegee airmen.  The last known location was to be at North Las Vegas (VGT).  (Note: Since our meeting, I have found out that the Sep 21st date is NOT good and the Tuskegee Airmen sponsored YE Rally will be moved to Nov. 16th if we have no other conflicts.)  As mentioned above, we can expect to hear of Philip Brown’s adventure at the Air Academy soon.
YE Rally dates in work: September ??----- Mesquite
(Southern Nevada)  October ??-------- Pahrump  (EAA Chapter 1160 “sponsored”)
November 2 ------ Beatty (“Younghans sponsored”)
November 16 ----- Jean  (“Tuskegee sponsored”)
February ?? ------- North Las Vegas (Chapter 1300)
March ?? --------- Overton  (“American Legion”)
April ?? ----------- Jean  (Discover Aviation)
Programs:  Walt Ayers was not present, so we aren’t certain what he has planned for us at our next meeting.  Tonight, Mike and Ken will talk about Formation Flying.
Fly-Outs:  As mentioned above, Jim is coordinating with the apple Valley EAA Chapter.  However, it is still suggested that we attend Chapter 163’s planned breakfast fly-out each month.  Anyone in the Chapter who hears of a fly-out should put it out in the Yahoo Group e-mail.
Project Reports:  No reports were given tonight, but the following are projects our members or guests have in work that I know about.
Tom Cooper - Zenair
Doug Mueller - RV6
Armin Tuma - Glastar
Heman Leong - Glastar
Jim Bonelli - Air Force T-41
Glen Smith - RV-8 (“finished”)
Jerry Campbell - RV-8 (“finished”)
Tim Hemp (guest) - Lancair Legacy
John Andrzejewski - Berkut
Bruce & Brian Banks - Kitfox
Roland Fraga - Glasair TD (finished)
Hugh Mattern - Lancair (finished)
Keith Courson - Rebuild Stinson Voyager
If I have not included your name and project, please give me a call and I will add it to the list.  Also, our web site manager, Roland Fraga, wants project pictures to put on the web page.  His addresses are 1540 Mancha Drive, Boulder City, NV 89005 and
Airport Improvement Projects:  No update tonight. Henderson’s new runway is now under construction. Watch for the temporarily shorten runway due to displaced threshold during construction if you fly into Henderson Exec
We had a short discussion about getting Air Force fighters to do a flyby at the Beatty YE Rally.  The paper work to get a formal approval through the Pentagon is voluminous and not likely to be approved. Our best chance is to see if any Nellis flying is going on that Saturday and see if one of our active duty contacts can talk to the pilots and get them to “deviate” slightly on the way home.
Someone asked about Air Force Fire Power Demonstrations.  Nellis AFB conducts one each quarter for the public.  They are the third Friday of the first month of each quarter, i.e. Jan, Apr, Jul, and Oct.
Jim mentioned he had gotten a notice of a fly-in at Crested Bute, CO.  Check your aviation magazines for the date.  I didn’t get it written down if it was mentioned.
COMMITTEE NEEDS:  Contact Jim Bonelli if you would like to serve on a specific committee. We still need active Coordinators/Leaders for several of the committees
Jim won our 50/50 drawing and donated his winnings back to the Chapter treasury.   We adjourned the business meeting at about 2021 hours for a briefing on Formation Flying.
Mike Smith gave a short brief on the origination of formation flying and it military application. Ken Wyatt then discussed the show demonstration aspects of formation flying.  He and Mike answered several questions from those members present. Thanks to all who participated!
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Smith, Secretary, EAA Chapter 1300

Chapter Meeting Schedule:
September 11, 2002 – Henderson Executive Airport – Terminal 7:30 pm
October 9, 2002 – Bolder City Airport – Location TBA 7:30 pm
November 13, 2002 – Henderson Executive Airport – Terminal 7:30 pm
December 11, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room 7:30 pm

Newsletter Articles: (Members Profiles):
Member Profile: Ken Wyatt
Age: 68
Lives in: Sun City Summerlin
EAA Chapter 1300 Chapter Life Member – January 2000.
Employment: I was employed with Thomas A. Edison Industries, Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. and I owned Business-Industrial Communications, Inc., Telescan Systems, Inc., Beeper-1 Paging and Mobile-1 Radio. I retired in November 1993 and became an “Official Airportbum”.
Aircraft owned: I’ve owned three Cessna 140’s, two Cessna 172’s, an A36 Bonanza, Beechcraft T-34 Mentor and an Aeronca 7AC.
How I got involved in flying: I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to fly! My first flight was in a Stinson Reliant V77 when I was about 12 years old, followed a little later with a ride in a 1946 Piper Cub. I finally, found the time and money to start learning to fly in April 1961 in Greenville, SC. My first flying lesson was in a 1946 Aeronca Champion 7AC. After solo, I transitioned to a Piper Colt PA-22-108 for Blue Seal instrument and cross country training. I completed my private pilot training in November 1961 and took my check ride with an FAA examiner (Odel Garrison). By then, I had earned my private pilot certificate after spending a small fortune of $578.45 including training books and material.
Ratings/flight experience: I have a Private (SEL), Instrument and Glider (Aero Tow) with 2478 hours total time.
Why I joined EAA: Many of the guys I knew were in EAA. Plus EAA does a lot to introduce young kids to aviation, which gave me a chance to give back to our future aviators. If you give 1,000 kids a ride and even one says, “Flying is what I want to do for the rest of my life,” Then, it will have been worth it.
Other hobbies: Computer, Internet, Motorcycles, Travel, but other than that I eat, breathe and dream airplanes.
Interesting factoid about me: Fifty years ago I married a woman who supports my aviation interests completely. Phyllis never complains about the money spent on aviation or about the time I spend at the airport. She’s a Saint!
Fly-out Activities:
The Las Vegas $100. Hamburger Flyers has been re-activated with a much simpler format.
* No webpage pictures
* No webpage flight postings
* Only an email link to the LVHDHF Group to post a flight
It is everyone's responsibility to post Breakfast or Lunch flights whenever you are going somewhere and would like to have other flyers join you. Remember sometime you will dine alone, while other time you will dine with a room full. That is the way it works. So, please do not be bashful, post a flight soon.
The link to the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers webpage is shown below. Remember to save the site in your "Favorites", so you can go there to post your future flights.

Fly Safely and Enjoy Your Flights.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send what ever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is:  Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Chapter Family Picnic:
Our annual chapter family picnic is scheduled for October 19 at the Jean Airport. Be sure to mark your calendar for this family event. Look for more details in next month’s newsletter.

Young Eagles:
The next Young Eagle Flight Rally will be on November 2, 2002 – Beatty, NV

November 16, 2002 – Jean Airport - Sponsored by Tuskegee Airmen – coordinator for this event is Roy Campbell (Let Roy Campbell or Jim Bonelli know if you plan on flying or will volunteer for ground support. Jim’s email address is or phone number is 242-5002.

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.
FOR SALE: Pazmany PL-2 project (due to physical limitations). All ribs, spar extrusions (machined & bent), elevon & rudder spars, landing gear complete, windshield & canopy frame and Plexiglas, engine mounts and many formed or machined parts. Also, some radio, Norco, Motorola and 28volt Collins Call John Osburn  email:
FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray.  14 to 28 volts.  New from Aircraft Spruce $795.00
Make offer.  e-mail

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator  0-300 MPH  Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50      e-mail

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

Welcome New Members:
No new members this month.

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the April Meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Soon:
CCAA meeting on September 18, 2002 in the Grand Canyon Room at VGT – 7:00PM
Nellis Air Force Base Open House & Air Show, October 5 & 6, 2002

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 8th.

Contact: Webmaster