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                           The Monthly Newsletter

                                         of the

                    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                    P.O. Box 570561

                          Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561



                                        May 2006

                               Volume 7, Issue No.5


May 10th Meeting Location: Henderson Executive Airport

If you can make it Dinner starts at 18:00 at Last Chance restaurant.              


2006 Officers and Directors:


President:                         David Lerner

Vice President:                 Dean Herrington

Secretary:                         Mike Perger             

Treasurer:                         Brian Prinzavalli             

Director VGT:                    Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                    Glenn Smith

Director HND:                   Glenn Carlson


President’s Corner April 2006


The Young Eagles Rally at Overton’s Perkins Field saw 100 youngsters flown.  Thanks for making this such

an outstanding event for the kids go to a great cast of volunteers: Gail Smith and Brian Prinzavalli at the

Registration Desk; Mike Perger as Air Boss; Charlie Braun as Ramp Boss; Micah Braun and the Explorer

Post 747 members as Ground Marshals; Mike Smith as our YE Flight Coordinator; and the pilots including

Mike Smith, Armin Tuma, Roy Campbell, Dewey Peterson, Mark Ott, Lonnie Roy, Bob Doughty, Bob Rose,

Glenn Smith and Warren Erickson; and Jim Bonelli as our overall YE Coordinator.  You gave a lot of youngsters

some very special memories on April 22nd.  Special Thanks to Mardell Haskins and Clyde Fancher for their

work in organizing the Overton Day Program.


While we always need volunteers to handle the crowd at the registration desk the system worked very

smoothly and in a coordinated fashion for the pilots and their respective flights.  Everyone I am certain

slept well Saturday night.  I know I did.  Slept clear through and missed a Wrangler Hockey game.


During the month progress was made in getting a group together to begin the work on next years Discover

Aviation event.  The first group meeting will be held at VGT on Tuesday, May 9th at 6:00PM to discuss and

begin the serious effort of revitalizing this program.  I was very pleased by the initial response and potential

turnout for the meeting, which included a number of our Chapter members and previous Discover Aviation

individual volunteers. A fairly comprehensive discussion agenda outline was also sent out which will be

discussed at our next Chapter meeting in May as well. The proposed new format for the new version of

Discover Aviation will include the addition of an automobile and motorcycle show and display as well as a

Young Eagle and aerobatic event for one day at Jean Airport. Mike Perger, who is also Vice President of the

Greater Las Vegas Jaguar Club, has sent out requests of interest to various car clubs in the Valley and has

received an initial commitment from the Mustang Club.  Certainly a good omen for things to come for this

important proposed program.


Nothing new to report on the First Flight issue.  Separately, Michael Heintz writes:  We are planning a

 western regional fly-in and get-together for Zenith Builders and enthusiasts in Northern California for

 Saturday May 6th. This has been announced for a while on-line, but we have discovered that a lot of our

builders spend little time on the Internet. All homebuilders and EAAers are welcome; the guest of honor

will be designer Chris Heintz and the BBQ will be going all day! Cloverdale is a lovely airport next to the

Russian River and surrounded by vineyards; it is a great destination for anyone looking for a place to fly

 to that weekend.


Last, but certainly not least the thanks of the entire Chapter to Rich Kegelmeyer who after several years of

dedicated hard work is leaving as editor of this Newsletter.


Hope to see you all at Henderson Executive Airport on Wednesday May 10th.


Until then safe flying and regards,


David Lerner, President 2006






                        MEETING MINUTES – April 12, 2006



            Welcome and Introductions

                        Meeting called to order at 1930 hrs by President David Lerner


            Visitors/New members

                        Visitors – Chuck and Joann Bodeen




            Reading and Acceptance of Minutes – Secretary

Minutes as printed on website newsletter were moved and accepted.


            Reading and Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer

                        Treasurer’s report read, moved, seconded and accepted as read.




            Our program speaker was Chuck Bodeen who made a presentation on the “Alpha Trainer” which

is compatible with the X-Plane program. Chuck went through the Alpha program showing how a plane can

be designed to “your” specifications and then flown in the X-Plane program. The Alpha program shows

the lift, drag and angles of attack in graphic form by showing the forces the plane is being exposed to as it fly’s.


Putting the plane through its paces will show where some modifications made have to be made in the design

to improve the flight characteristics of the aircraft you designed. Very well presented and very easy to see

where forces are generated on the flight surfaces during actual flight, even though the flight is simulated.


Everyone in attendance thought the program would be very informative and beneficial in learning where the

forces are during flight. Very well done.



None at this time



            Our June 14th meeting will have as guest speaker’s members of the Nevada Highway Patrol

office to present a talk on the use of aviation in their line of work.

            Discover Aviation 2007: Wings & Wheels (DA) was discussed. It was decided that Chapter

1300 would be in talks with all parties of DA 2005 to let our Chapter head the program, coordinate

logistics, aerobatics, YE’s, etc. Meetings will be held shortly to start that process.

            Also included in DA 2007 is the “wheels” part of the program. It was discussed that asking the local

car clubs in town to participate by bringing some of their cars out for static displays with the aircraft on static

display would be a creative different approach to the event. Mike Perger has volunteered to contact all the

car club presidents in the area with the idea. Mike will make a presentation about DA 2007 to any club

responding positively to the idea at one of their local business meetings.

It was also decided that the date would be April 21, 2007 because the car clubs in town have their

calendars pretty much set for 2006. If we want them to participate contact will have to made early

so they can set their calendars.


            Chapter Committee Reports:


                                    None at this time

                        Builders Support

                                    None at this time

                        Help Requests

                                    None at this time

                        Young Eagles

                                    A YE’s event is scheduled for Apr 22, 2006 at Overton, Perkins Field. There are

expected to be 90-100 kids present. $786.00 was voted and approved to cover the extra insurance

 needed for the aerobatic demonstration.

                        Air Academy

                                    Paul Gerner has two prospects for the YE Air Academy this summer. Both are juniors

at Rancho HS. Paul is going to try to arrange for them to be at the next chapter meeting to be introduced.

                        Flying Activities – Fly outs, etc.

                                    See the Web Page for Fly Out Schedule


                                    None at this time


                                    None at this time

                        Future Programs

                                    None at this time


                                    None at this time


                                    None at this time

                       Home Builders and Restorers

                                    None at this time


50/50 Drawing



            Meeting adjourned at 2005hrs. Chuck Bodeen then made his presentation on the “Alpha Trainer”.



Respectfully submitted,

Mike Perger, Secretary


Welcome new Members:

Chuck Bodeen


Webpage Material:


Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures

of interest, for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.


Send material to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster,

Bookmark the Chapter’s Web Page:


Volunteers provide refreshments each month. We very much appreciate the

generosity of those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers

for the 2006 Meeting schedule, which follows for the balance of the year:


            May      10      HEN


            Jun        14      VGT


            Jul         12      BLD


            Aug         9      VGT


            Sep        13      HEN


            Oct        11      VGT


            Nov         8      BLD


            Dec        13      VGT


  Remember to wear your name badge at the meetings.


      Thanks for reading the Newsletter and bring a friend to


      our next meeting on May 10th.

Contact: Webmaster