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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
May 2009
Volume 10, Issue 5

Next Meeting Location:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 13th in the Conference Room at Henderson Executive Airport at 7:30pm.

2009 Officers and Directors:
President:Roger Hansen
Vice President:Terry Frazier
Secretary:Rachael Holland
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director HND:Glenn Carlson
Director BVU:Glenn Smith

Presidents Corner:
The big discussion at April’s meeting was the defeat of our Nevada legislators' attempt to request Washington’s Congressmen and Senators to petition the FAA into restricting Experimentals/Homebuilts from flying into North Las Vegas airport. Seb Trost attended the video link to Carson City and reported on the details of the discussion. However, what came out of the discussion was a directive to form a group of pilots, locals and airport officials to improve the safety of all aircraft flying in and out of VGT. Definitely a much better solution than what was originally proposed.

Meeting locations and the need to rotate between the three Clark County airports was discussed in length and it was decided to have a paid member vote as to whether we “anchor” our meetings in Henderson or continue to “rotate” between the three airports. A ballot was emailed to all current and former members to insure we had an open invitation to vote. I received an email that Keith Hopkey, a founding member of Chapter 1300, wrote and felt it worthwhile to share it with all of you. Please remember to have your dues paid up and vote by May 8th. Here are Keith’s comments . . .

As an original member back in 2000 when Chapter 1300 began, I recall our intent in rotating the meeting venues was to offer interested aviation enthusiasts from around Clark County the opportunity to meet other pilots and "builders", which I believe was accomplished. During the process, HND became a modern & growing GA airport, for which I believe a lot of credit goes to Tom Donaldson, and the surrounding community did what it's developers wanted it to do, it grew! As a result of the population and airport growth, more people from the surrounding Henderson area joined the Chapter. The purpose of my "member map placement" exercise last year was to visually point out a large majority of our members reside closer to HND and that is where we were/are picking up more newer members.

Yes, some members from North Las Vegas may opt out but I see a good future for Chapter 1300 as a HND Chapter. The membership and attendance numbers certainly support the proposed action.

Ralph Millard reported that he has set up a Young Eagles event which is scheduled for May 23rd in Tonopah. For those of us flying, we will receive one night free lodging and gas for the event plus one way. Please let Mike Smith and Ralph Millard know if you will be participating. Another Pahrump event is scheduled in October; however, the original date of the 3rd is now in question and we should have that clarified by the May meeting.
  • Mike Smith – - 702-565-4010
  • Ralph Millard – - 702-804-0441

  • Regarding the program for the May meeting, yours truly will demonstrate “How to make fiberglass components and molds.” After we have the business meeting in the HND terminal, we will go to my Hangar “D-8” where we will “make stuff”.

    Roger Hansen
    President EAA 1300

    Meeting Minutes:


    Minutes of Meeting
    April 9, 2009
    Boulder City (BVU)

    Meeting was called to order by Chapter President, Roger Hansen at 7:41 pm.

    New members:
    • None noted
    • Ken Linder, national EAA member
    • Ivan McClay, two airplanes at Triangle Airport
    • Bill Rambo
    • Joe Norris, speaker from EAA Headquarters
    • Last minute Bill (S.J.R. 3) hearing today for State Senate. Voted to make people work together. Overall the odious pieces of the proposal were removed. Thank you, Seb, for the report.
    • Board of Directors meetings scheduled for the 4th Monday of odd numbered months. All members are welcome. Trying to organize and plan to meet members expections of events and topics.
    Business Meeting:
    • M/S/P to accept March 11, 2009 minutes as posted on the web site.
    Treasurer’s Report:
    • Presented by Brian Prinzavalli. Balance as of March 30, 2009 was $2,039.47. M/S/P to accept report as presented.
    Old Business:
    • Jim Butler Days in Tonopah, May 23, 2009. We have committed. They will provide hotel rooms for participants on Friday night. Looking to see if we can get discounted fuel from Tonopah.
    • Roger discussed meeting locations and attendence. M/S/P to query members about location of meetings.
    New Business:
    • Nominations are being made for Randy Holland for Webmaster and Mike Smith for overall contribution to EAA.
    • Members expressed interest in visiting projects, museums, speakers.
    Chapter Committee Reports:
    • Builders Support: No discussion
    • Help Requests: No discussion
    • Young Eagles: No discussion
    • Air Academy: No discussion
    • Flying Activities: No discussion
    • Social: Hangar visits continue to take place at HND Saturday mornings. There is a Henderson Hangar Group breakfast on Saturdays at 8:00 AM at the HND terminal restaurant.
    Status Reports:
    • Terry Frazier will be ready to fly this month.
    • Bill Rambo won the 50/50 drawing.
    M/S/P to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 pm.

    • Update about what's going on at the EAA from Joe Norris
    Meeting ended at 10:00 pm

    Submitted by Rachael Holland, Secretary

    Website Announcements:
    There is now a Pay Now button on the Membership Application page!

    This will allow new members to sign up via PayPal. It will also allow existing members to renew their membership, order replacement name badges, etc. Payments can be made via the user's own PayPal account, or via any standard credit card. Payments will be processed securely by PayPal's own secure servers, and the funds will be automatically deposited into the Chapter's bank account.

    Be sure to give it a try when renewing your Membership!

    Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate.

    We will see you at the next meeting on May 13th.

    Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

    Contact: Webmaster