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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                              January 2006

                                         Volume 7, Issue No.1


January 11th, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at the North Las Vegas Grand Canyon room

In the main Terminal bldg. at 7:30 pm. Dinner before the meeting is at   

The Town Center II Bar & Grill 2992 W. Cheyenne at 6:00 PM.



January Meeting Program

Our Guest Speaker for Wednesday’s Meeting will

Be Dennis Mewshaw, the Clark County Airport Planning

Manager for the Ivanpah Airport Project.



2006 Officers and Directors:

President:                        David Lerner

Vice President:                Dean Harrington

Secretary:                        Mike Perger              

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner January 2006:

 The British are coming …the British are coming. You would have heard this cry in 1776 and certainly would have responded with musket in hand in defense of the rights of you and yours.  Is today, with the exception of course that now the Brits are our friends and allies, any different with respect of the erosion of our rights?  The difference, to the U.S. world of General Aviation, is that the call should be the FAA is coming.  Can there be any doubt that a non-elected and highly entrenched bureaucracy is with increasing rapidity eroding our rights to flight?  Case in point is our own local FSDO ruling barring first flights from VGT.  We were told that this was a locally developed ruling with no policy input from the FAA Administrators office.  Odd then that Van Nuys FSDO Manager Richard Swanson said his office is merely spelling out a policy that has been directed by the FAA administrator. Can our FSDO be that independent of Washington? Doubt it.

 By now most of you have seen the AV Web report on the ban of experimental aircraft from Van Nuys, Whiteman, Burbank and Santa Barbara airports. In a memo from the Van Nuys Flight Standards District Office Av Web reported from the memo “…"phase II and 'normal' operations [by “experimentals”] will not be allowed" at the four airports although "exceptions may be made based upon current office policy, certification category, aircraft type and operator experience." The memo did contain a grandfather clause allowing existing “experimentals” to continue using the fields until they are moved, sold or the nature of their operation is changed. The memo also bans initial flight and phase I testing of “experimentals” at the airports.”  Is this beginning to sound familiar?

 So where are we now?  On December fourteenth, at the request of Dave Edwards who is spear heading this mission for us all, I wrote to the FAA requesting detailed information under the Freedom of Information Act.  They have acknowledged receipt and have indicated that a reply will be forthcoming within the next thirty days.  This is one of the so-called baby steps necessary to move forward on this problem according to the AOPA.  As I mentioned previously sadly I have received nothing back from the EAA and that includes a personal letter to Tom Proberezny sent in early November- (Your EAA National dues at work). This is a serious issue to be faced this year as it has the portent of some nasty restrictions to come; and like an infection it may very well spread if left unchecked.  I hope you all will continue to shoulder your muskets in the coming months in support of our right to flight.


 Safe flying and regards,

 David Lerner

Chapter President, 2006


Meeting Minutes December 14th 2005:


          The meeting was called to order at 1930 hrs. by President David Lerner. Minutes from the November meeting were approved as posted on the website. A treasurer’s report was not available. David thanked everyone for attending.

            David then gave out recognition and achievement awards to officers and committee members, all of which were greatly appreciated and well deserved.

            The January meeting will be at North Las Vegas Airport (VGT) at 1930 hrs. Our guest speaker will be Dennis Mewshaw who will speak on the new airport in the area of Jean, NV.

            Mike Perger will give the second half of his electrical class on February 8, 2006 at Boulder City. If you attended the first class be sure bring you book with you. For those who did not attend the first class, books will be available for you. Bring a few dollars for the 50/50 drawing as the tickets will be used for door prizes from the class. More information will be forthcoming in the January newsletter. Stay tuned.

            The meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs.

Everyone then enjoyed the ice cream and cookies graciously provided by Jan and Jim Bonnelli for the annual “Ice Cream Social”. Many thanks to them for a great time. There were also a variety of interesting conversations and chats going during our eating and drinking (soda’s and bottled water).


Respectfully submitted,

Michael Perger



Welcome new Members:

 We have two new Members to report at this time. Keven Stall, and Roger Burrous. Welcome To our Chapter.


Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  The Chapter webpage URL is Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

Keep your thinking caps on for a candidate for the Air academy


Mike Smith writes --- Our first Young Eagle Rally of the year will be at the Henderson Executive airport on Saturday, February 4th.  I need to start collecting names of volunteers (both flyers and ground support) who will be available and willing to come out to help.  David Lerner has rounded up about 60 kids so far and anticipates a few more. 

    Please give me an e-mail reply if you can bring a plane and fly and if you can help with ground support.  I'll call to confirm with more details as I get them from Tom Donaldson and our HND Director Glenn Carlson.

Thanks much!


Cassified ads:

No Classified ads to mention at this time.


Refreshment Calendar:

Thanks go out to Jim & Jan Bonelli are the hosts for the December Meeting.

Ice Cream Social.   YUMMMMMMM!


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate

the generosity of  those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2006 Meeting schedule.

Below is the meeting dates and places, if you would like to help out, “E” mail

me at Leave a Telephone #.  I will get back with you, and let

you know what to do.


           Feb        8         BLD

           March    8         HEN

            Apr       12       VGT

            May      10       HEN

            Jun        14       VGT

             Jul         12      BLD

            Aug          9      VGT

            Sep        13      HEN

            Oct        11      VGT

            Nov         8      BLD

            Dec        13      VGT



                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the January meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 11th. Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster