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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311



Octoberl  2003 ________   _                                    _________________________Volume 4, Issue No.10


October 8th:

Our next meeting will in the Grand Canyon room at the North Las Vegas Airport  beginning at 7:30PM.


Remember a group of members & guests meet at the Foot Hills Ranch for dinner at 6:00PM. All members & guests are invited to attend.


October Meeting Program:

The meeting guest speaker will be Fran Tanassy, a WASP during WWII. Fran will have some very interesting stories to tell us about during her flying days as a WASP.


President’s Message:
No Report

Secretary’s Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300

September 10, 2003 Minutes

President Walt Ayers convened the meeting at 1935 Hrs at Glenn Smith's hangar in Boulder City. Twenty one members and two guests were present. Our guests were Matt Cooper and Lee Darrahp. Matt Cooper has been a cardiology surgeon in Las Vegas for the past 10 years and he flys an Extra 300. He's also became Chapter 1300's newest member at this meeting. After the introduction of the guests Tom Donaldson introduced our guest speaker, Mark Hall-Patton. Mark is the Aviation Museum Administrator of the Howard Cannon Aviation Museum at McCarran Int'l airport. The museum is named after Senator Cannon who served from 1958 to 1982. The deregulation of the airlines in 1978 had a big impact on McCarran. It went from 7 airlines to 14 airlines in one year and Senator Cannon played a large role in commercial aviation development during his tenure. Mark then talked about the main exhibits above baggage claim and also those at the A, B, and D gates and those at Signature and North Las Vegas airport. Some other interesting facts are: First flight in Las Vegas; 5-7-1920. First airport; 11-24-1920. First airline; 4-17-1926. Mark discussed the history of of all the airports and events that took place such as the Cessna endurance flight and the 1965 air races. He concluded his program with an appeal to all old timers to help him with aviation stories that he is not aware of.

Old Business:

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Stan Roeske reported that total income for August was $78.23. There were no expenses which left a Total Funds Balance Ending Aug 31, 2003 of $2,750.03 less 510(c) (3) funds designated for Aviation Education Fund resulting in a Total Uncommitted Funds for Chapter Use of $2,592.28.

New Business:

Walt Ayers announced that James Cullen will not be able to continue heading the Pilot Assist program being planned by Chapter 1300. Other members of the committee will continue with the planning. Jim Bonelli reported on the Overton Young Eagles flights planned for Sep. 27, 2003. He expects 7-8 planes to participate. Walt Ayers reported on insurance coverage for Young Eagle flights. Clark County requires $5 million coverage. Walt is working on lowering this amount. Ken Wyatt announced the resumption of monthly fly-outs. The destination this month is Bishop, CA with a planned ETA of 11:30 AM Pacific time. Dave Roebke reported on the previous Centennial of Flight program. It was well attended and received many favorable comments. Dave provided Young Eagle flight information to the young people attending. The next Centennial of Flight program is scheduled for Oct 11th. For more information check our Chapter web site or call Dave Roebke. Walt Ayers asked if any Chapter member was interested in displaying his aircraft at the upcoming Nellis airshow. Ken Wyatt and Glenn Smith had displayed their aircraft last year and they reported that the show sponsors did not provide any support. Response was mainly negative and someone suggested that the Chapter just man an information booth to disseminate information on our Chapter activities. Stan Roeske encouraged those who have changed e-mail address's to notify him. Roland Fraga wondered how many people at on dial up on their computers. His concern is that the web site contains many more pictures now and it might take a long time to download on dial up. Ken Wyatt announced that the November meeting will be at Glenn Smith's hangar in Boulder City. Don't forget to BYOC(bring your own chair).The 50-50 drawing was won by Walt Ayers, who donated it back to the Chapter. Refreshments for the evening were provided by Stan & Carol Roeske. The meeting was adjourned at 2107 Hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Herman Leong

Welcome New Members:
No Report


Wanted Newsletter Editor:

The chapter is looking for a volunteer newsletter editor to take over the newsletter. Ken Wyatt has served as editor for over three years and he would like to be replaced by a member willing to try his/her hand as editor of the production the “WING TIP”. If you would like to volunteer as editor, please contact Walt Ayers (702-795-8288 or

or Ken Wyatt (702-349-7795 or


Flying Activities / Family Picnic:

The October flying activity will be the chapter’s Annual Family Picnic at Jean on October 18th, arrive by 11:00AM and bring a cover dish or desert to share. The chapter will furnish the Drinks, Water, Hotdogs, Burgers and Condiments. Last year, we had a great turn out and everyone had a good time. So mark your  calendar and plan on attending the Chapter’s Annual Picnic on the 18th. Fly, Drive or Ride…..


Do it Safely and Enjoy Your Day.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:

            Check with Jim Bonelli or the Young Eagle Flight Leader group emails.


Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to bring the meeting refreshment to one of our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to sign up.


October 8, 2003                      Ken & Phyllis Wyatt

November 12, 2003    

December 10, 2003                 Jim & Jan Bonelli            


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 8th. Bring a friend…..
Contact: Webmaster