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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 34311

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89133-4311


                                               JUNE 2005

                                      Volume 6, Issue No.6


June 8, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at the North Las Vegas Airport in the

Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm. The Group dinner before the meeting

Is 6:30 pm at: Foothills Ranch, 3377 Rancho Rd.


June meeting Program:

We’re honored to present Lyn Freeman, Editor of Plane and Pilot Magazine

to be our Guest Speaker for the evening.


2005 Officers and Directors:

President:                        David Lerner

Vice President:                Paul Gerner

Secretary:                        Herman Leong

Ass’t Secretary:               Bill Lawbaugh

Treasurer:                        Ken Wyatt

Ass’t Treasurer:               Justin Kelly

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner:

Our May 11th meeting was well attended proving again that if you build it ‘they will come’.  Dave Skrock acted as our host and showed off his Lancair project and its’ unusual feature namely the turbo Subaru engine.  The business portion of the meeting discussed the status of the pinch hitter program that is being resurrected by Jim Bonelli.  We should have more news before the end of July as to how well it is going with some test participants feed back.


Paul Gerner indicated that we now have a candidate for this year’s Air Academy.  Hopefully she will be introduced to the Chapter at our next meeting on June 8th.  The business side of the June meeting will be short to allow as much time as needed for our guest speaker, Lyn Freeman, Editor of Plane and Pilot.  This should be a fun evening as Lyn has a great sense of humor and makes his point on aviation matters in a most entertaining manner very much along the lines of Ron Machado.  CCAA and Chapter 163 have been invited as well,  so mark your calendars.


Congratulations to Chapter member Justin Kelly who received the FAA Flight Instructor of the Year award at the recent FAA Awards Dinner.  Ann Devers, the AvFlash Lady, is also to be congratulated for putting together a memorable evening to honor so many outstanding aviation contributors here in the Valley.


Dave Edwards continues his efforts to resolve the issues surrounding the FSDO’s first flight restrictions at VGT.  In a recent update issued to the working committee he indicated that the AOPA has begun the process to obtain the documentation, which supposedly led to the FSDO determination.  A similar letter has been developed for the EAA.  Both requests should be in the hands of the FAA by the time you read this. Dave is also of the opinion that there is much support for both these requests and our position within other areas of the FAA, but is to premature for their public support. I personally believe the FSDO expected our interest to erode on the issue and while it is frustrating it is in our mutual interest to see this through to a satisfactory outcome.


Take a look at the web site.  This month’s project photo ‘almost there baby’ is John Andzejweski’s Berkut.  Please take advantage of the web site for information about chapter fly-outs, your projects and anything you find worthwhile dealing with our world of experimental aviation.  It will give our Webmaster, Jim Bonelli, something to take care of during his idle hours.  Another nagging reminder is to contact Dean Herrington for any suggestions on future Chapter events or programs.


Again see you on June 8th. 


Safe Flying and regards,


David Lerner


May 11 Meeting Minutes:


Dave’s Carbon Fiber Lancair 360 (under construction with a Subaru turbo powerplant) was the subject of much fascination, inquiry and builder discussion.  Looks like a terrific project!


The regular meeting convened at 1945 hours with 20 members present.

Treasures report submitted and accepted.


Air academy report submitted and approved.  Motion to move ahead and process Sarah Metcalf application, with request that she come and introduce herself talk a little at the June 8 meeting.  Young eagles credits requested.  Air travel is to be reimbursed.


Recent mishap and save at VGT wherein a back-up pilot was able to get a heart attack victim back on the ground) pinch hitter+.  Our plans for a simulator based approach was discussed.  Dave Lerner would like to at least get the pilot program accomplished this year.


Dean Harrington discussed the fly out to Seligman and told the “Baldy” story about the kind fellow aviator who tossed Dean the keys to his pickup so we wouldn’t have to walk into town.  Baldy has set up a free website trying to host a site for pilots to link-up and arrange to fly with one another.  Dean passed out the website information.  This site is not in competition with anybody and can only serve to grow the business of other Fixed Base Operators. 


Dave asked about non-flying social events, including resurrection of the former Jean October event??  Consensus was to start the Jean October picnic again this year.  Hugh Mattern spoke about another possible fly-out to visit the narrow gage railway in Durango, CO.  The trip involves flying to Silverton, then $300 (round trip) worth of Train ride (149 each way per person)  You’d still need hotel for overnights in Silverton and or Durango, meals, etc.  General consensus was that it is very expensive but might be worthwhile for some.  Hugh said too expensive, so he is out.


No report from nominating committee - no meetings to date.


New business: NAFB freedom park was suggested as BBQ site (John Andrejuski).


Experimental Phase one flying out of VGT = Dave Lerner still looking for the promised letters from McNeeley and Johnson.  Members with specific questions should speak to him.


On Aug 10 a class is to be presented on A/C electrical  - a handbook will be available.  The class will be 30-45 minutes, Q&A follow-up available ? may have option to go hands on with someone’s aircraft. 


Meeting adjorned at 2040.


Welcome new Members:

No new Members to report at this time.


Webpage Material

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest

To chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  The Chapter webpage URL is? Be sure to bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:


Classified ads:

No Classified ads to mention at this time.


I want to thank everyone who came to the open house at my Hangar

Last month. There were 8 flyin’s and about 50 people who came.

Richard Kegelmyer.


Refreshment Calendar:

Tom Donaldson Will be our refreshment host for the June meeting at VGT.

Our thanks go out to Dave Scrock for providing for last months meeting.

Homebuilt Pilots' Currency Clarification:

A story in Monday's News Wire unintentionally threw a scare into thousands of homebuilt pilots who quite legally fly their aircraft and will continue to do so without the prying eyes of the FAA determining whether they are capable. As the story noted, the FAA wants to make sure that those flying passengers in their homebuilts are properly rated for the aircraft they are flying. What we didn't say is that since most homebuilts are single-engine land planes and that's the certificate most pilots have, there's no action required for the vast majority of pilots. However, some folks who have built water-capable or multi-engine planes don't carry those endorsements. The rule is intended to ensure those pilots are proficient and current in the particular aircraft they fly before they can take passengers. To recap, if you have a recreational or better certificate in the class and category of aircraft that you fly, no action is required. We apologize for the confusion created by our incomplete explanation of the notice. For more information read EAA's complete description of the notice.

This information provided by: Glenn Smith.

For your Information: FYI.

Subject: FAA Safety Meeting
Several important changes were discussed at the monthly FAA safety
meeting held at North Las Vegas Airport's Grand Canyon Room.
It was an overflow crowd of 100 or better, so many of you were there. 
This is simply an overview for those who could not be present.
KVGT TOWER operators are requesting help from the pilot community
regarding COMMUNICATIONS with the tower.

Please refer to your Airmans Information Manual ( AIM ), Chapter 4,
Air Traffic Control ( ATC ), Section 2 "Radio Communications
”Phraseology and Techniques".
Specific request:  4-2-2.  Radio Technique. a,b,c,d.
Specific request:  4-2-3.  Contact Procedure, (a) Initial call.
Discussion:  While in flight, most of us have been taught the
4 "w's"; who we are, where we are, what we want to do and what we know in the initial call. (Information: Alpha, Bravo, etc.)

Now, they are requesting that we "Go by the book" and Establish contact, with name of facility you are calling, and  Aircraft Identification only, on initial contact.

If you have any questions, please send me an e-mail at:
Thanks and happy communications..........
Jim Bonelli, Safety officer

Dear Chapter Leader -

As part of the EAA Sport Pilot Tour at the Golden West EAA Regional Fly-In, Marysville, CA, you are invited to attend the EAA Chapter Leaders Ice Cream Social on Friday June 3rd (RSVP Required).
Come join us for some great Ice Cream (Free) and an opportunity to interact with Bob Warner (Senior Vice President of EAA Membership), Chapter Leaders, and EAA Staff. The Ice Cream Social will begin at 7:30 PM, and all will meet at the EAA Membership Tent located on the Fly-In grounds.
All Chapter Leaders are invited. Also invited are any Chapter Members who are interested in the future direction of EAA and your Chapter.
If you plan on attending, please RSVP by replying to this message, please include your name, Chapter Number, and EAA Number, or fax at (920) 426-6560.  If you are brining other Chapter Leaders/Members with you, please include their information in your reply. Space and Ice Cream are limited so please don't wait to RSVP.
Please share this message with all members of your Chapter who do not have e-mail.
P.S. For more information on the Fly-In go to this web site: <>

Troy A. Toelle
EAA Chapter Field Administrator
(920) 426-6847
(920) 426-6560 (fax)

                     Remember to wear your name badge

                                to the June meeting.

       Thanks for reading the Newsletter and we will see you

                           On the 8th. Bring a friend??..



Contact: Webmaster