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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311


March 2004
Volume 5, Issue No.3


March 10:

Our next meeting will be Boulder City Airport, Glenn Smith’s Hangar (TW1-16) at 7:30PM on March 10th. Upon arrival, if no one is there to let you though the gate, then drive passed the gate along the fence to hangar TW1-16 and HONK the horn.

Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the Boulder Creek Golf Club, 1501 Veterans Memorial, Boulder City Nevada. Everyone is “Welcome” to join us for Dinner.


March Meeting Program:

The meeting program for March will be a visit of two RV-6 projects under construction at Boulder City. One of these RV’s will use a Mazda Rotary engine.

We wish to ‘Thank ‘ Mark, Glenn and Mike for their program on the Formation Weekend at Boulder City last month.


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                     Mike Smith
Vice President:             Paul Gerner
Secretary:        Herman Leong
Treasurer:        David Lerner
Director VGT:              Armin Tuma
Director BLD:  Glenn Smith
Director HND:             Glenn Carlson

President’s Corner:
President’s Corner:

President’s Corner:

I have two main items for this month's President's Corner note.  I need to bring to your attention that of the 101 members we have on our roster, ONLY 45 have paid their Chapter renewal dues for 2004.  I am truly hopeful that this is just an oversight and not that you have elected to drop your membership.   If you wish to continue your membership, (and keep the EAA Yahoo Group Newsletter and e-mails coming) PLEASE send a check for your dues payable to "Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300" to Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300, POB 34311, Las Vegas, NV 89136.  Of course, you can save postage by bringing cash or check to the Chapter meeting in Glenn Smith's hangar on Wednesday, March 10th, at 1930.   PLEASE RENEW your membership and mail in your dues payment. ASAP.  

    The other item I want to address is the "Survey" results.  If you missed our last meeting, you missed a few "lively" discussions on some of the questions.  Even though the returned surveys were few, there were a few definite trends.  The main one being, that for the most part we are doing things OK.  Our newsletter, web site, and meeting agenda meet your expectations.  However, it was evident that those of you who responded would like to see more emphasis on projects in work.  Visiting work sites and seeing the "works in progress".  (NOTE:  We will be visiting Doug Mueller's hanger at Boulder City, where he is building an RV-6 to be powered by a two chamber, turbocharged "Mazda" rotary engine.  This should be quite interesting.)  The responses were about even on whether we should have a chapter project and possible recombination of our Chapter and Chapter 163.  Both of these issues would involve considerable discussion and only be under very specific conditions.  The conditions have mostly to do with project "build and use" liability and our differences in tax exempt (IRS 501c-3) status.  As most of you know, EAA National does not approve of chapter owned and/or operated flying projects.  Your officers agree, but other "entity" ownership is a possibility.  Some elements of our Chapter's activities are already combined (Young Eagle flying events and occasionally flyouts), so a "joint" project might be workable.  Several members in attendance were interested in a work project.  I didn't get a chance to record who they were, so if  you would again identify yourselves and help work on this issue, please give me a call at 565-4010.

    I take this forum to publicly thank Jim Bonelli for taking over the Web site maintenance and Rich Kegelmyer for helping out (by now maybe taking the reins of ) with the Newsletter.  These are our on-line products that project our image to the world and are very important.  Everyone should give them a "pat on the back" for their volunteer effort.  

    Hope to see you at Boulder City for our next meeting.  To get there from the LV/HND valley, take the 515 freeway to Boulder City, turn right at the first stoplight, Veteran's Drive (I think), and follow the new road through the next traffic light, past the new Boulder Creek Golf Course.  Then turn right at the next street (only a block long).  Turn left at the stop sign onto the road that borders the ramp.  The entrance gate is just 200 yards after your left turn and just before the dead-end.  It is within sight of Glenn's hangar, No. 16 on the street side taxiway, where everyone parks.  If for some reason, someone isn't tending the gate, then continue east along the fence to hangar 16 (There should be a bunch of cars parked by Glenn’s hangar), then "lay on the horn" to get someone's attention to open the gate.

   Well, as Woody Woodpecker used to say, "That's all folks" until next month.


Fly Safely,

Mike Smith, President




Secretary’s Note Pad:

Feb. 11, 2004 Minutes
EAA Chapter 1300

President Mike Smith convened the second meeting of the year at 1930 Hrs at the North Las Vegas airport. Twenty members and four guests were present. Our guests were Dan Landry(building RV7A at home), Russ Butcher(finished RV9 tail, waiting for wing, also working on Zodiac), Aaron Hassemer (looking for a Long EZ), and Stan Davis(has 1/3 ownership in a Mooney and is designing his own airplane). After the introduction and welcoming of the guests, a video of the Formation Flying clinic held at Boulder City airport on Jan. 24th and 25th was presented and narrated by Glenn Smith, Mark Dulaney, and Mike Hope. The clinic was a very successful, well planned safety oriented program. Nearly every flight had an instructor who taught precision flying techniques. About 48 persons attended, many from California. Another clinic is being proposed for April and hopefully more local flyers will attend. Mike Smith discussed the membership survey results.

Old Business:

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion passed. The Treasurer's report was given by Jim Bonelli who was substituting for Dave Lerner. Total income for Jan. was $474.25. There were no expenses. Adding the previous month's balance of $2,728.73 to the income gave a new balance of $3,202.98. After various set asides the Total Uncommitted Funds Total is $3,016.23. Mike Smith discussed the calendar and Chapter 1300 hat sales. Hats are $20 each.

New Business: Mike Smith announced that a letter of commendation for the Centennial of Flight program is now posted in the VGT showcase. Pictures of Jim Bonelli at the Kitty Hawk State Flag presentation ceremony will be posted there as well.

Committee reports: Ongoing projects by Chapter 1300 members present at meeting: Dan doing RV7A, Richard Kegelmeyer working on a Lancair 360, Mike Hope working on RV8, John Andrzejewski working on a Berkut, and Mike Smith doing a RV7A.

Young Eagles: New coordinator needed. Feb. 7th was the last Young Eagles event. Five airplanes participated and 26 Young Eagles were flown.

Air Academy Scholarship and Awards: ongoing.

Fly Out: Sunday (Big Bear), meet at 11:30 AM for lunch.

Next meeting: Mar 10 Glen Smith's hangar 7:30 PM.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Glen Smith($32). Dan Landry won a calendar. George Younghans won a 2004 Airman book. The 1st donation to the Chapter library is a video tape on composite aircraft construction. Approximately 10 persons paid their dues for 2004 at the meeting. The new baseball caps are in and Mike Smith urged everyone to get a new one. Richard Kegelmeyer is the new newsletter editor and he also provided the refreshments for the evening. Mike Smith brought in his RV7A aileron plus photos of the building process. The meeting adjourned at 2130Hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Herman Leong
Secretary Chapter 1300


Welcome New Members:
The Chapter wishes to “Welcome” the following New Members and we urge each of you to take an active roll in the chapter.


No new members last month


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The 2004 Young Eagle Flight Rally (Partial) Schedule:

            March TBA, 2004 – Location TBA  - Tuskegee Air of Las Vegas

Flying activities:
Our chapter fly out for March is to Laughlin (IFP) for lunch at the Riverside Casino & Hotel. We will meet at the Boat Dock next to the Casino at 11:30 AM Pacific Time (across the river from the airport)

Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to provide refreshments for one of our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to sign up.

March 10, 2004 - Glenn Smith        


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 11th. Bring a friend….. 


Contact: Webmaster