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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  December 2007

                                                Volume 8, Issue No.12


DECEMBER 14th, Meeting Location: NOTE!  THIS IS A FRIDAY




DECEMBER Meeting Program

Guest speaker: Ray McCrea, Long EZ flight.  Holland to Africa


2007 Officers and Directors:

President:                        Terry Frazier

Vice President:                Mike Perger

Secretary:                        Vacant               

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner:

November 2007


Good to see everyone who attended the Chapter picnic at Jean on 10/20.  We had a great time with plenty of Dave’s

excellent cooking, lots of tasty side dishes by the group, and wonderful site prep by Tom Donaldson and crew. 

I for one went home for a Saturday afternoon nap. 


The wind was just enough of a challenge that we ate inside the terminal building, but the weather was really cooperating

in all other respects.  Thanks to Tom for the option.  We missed Mike’s aero demonstration due to conditions,

but hopefully next year we can book a date earlier to facilitate more outdoor activities. 


Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14 at Glenn Smith’s hangar at Boulder City.  As you should

know by now, our Young Eagles event and meeting scheduled for November 3 was canceled due to conflicts with airport

improvements and commercial activities.  This will be one of the prime topics for discussion at our November 14th meeting at 61B.


Lastly, our December meeting has been rescheduled for Friday December 14 at the Henderson Terminal building. 

We have an excellent speaker scheduled to tell the story of his LongEZ trip from Holland to Johannesburg, South Africa.

Ray McCrea will be flying his LongEZ from Livermore, CA to Henderson to entertain us with his story and exceptional photos. 

Ray is a respiratory therapist by profession, but is an accomplished photographer as well.  Don’t miss this one!


See you there,


Terry Frazier

Chapter 1300 President



Meeting Minutes: October, 2007:

Meeting Minutes: October 12, 2007:


President Terry Frazier called the meeting at Henderson Airport to order at 7:30 PM. Our member speaker for the evening,

Roger Hansen was then introduced.  He presented an aviation quiz in the format of a series of photos from the Smithsonian

Udvar-Hazy museum.  Attendees took a timed quiz regarding the name, nickname or origin for each photo.  At the end of the quiz,

Roger went over each question and appropriate answer.  


Member Randy Holland won a heat gun from the aviation section at Harbor Freight for the most correct answers. 


Business Meeting:

The reading of the minutes was waived on vote of the attendees as they were posted on the web page. Treasurer, Brian Prinzavalli,

submitted the Treasurers report with a balance of $2049.34. The report was duly moved and approved on a voice vote.


Old Business:

Secretary Dave Skrock resigned due to family illness.  Still looking for a replacement. Mesquite Fly-Out postponed due to

schedule conflicts.  Dean Herrington will reschedule.

ATC Tour at McCarran has been rescheduled to October 9th.  Dean Herrington point person.


Chapter Picnic scheduled for October 20th.  Pot luck dishes were assigned by last name as follows:


Last name A-G in the alphabet bring potato salad, fruit salad, or cole slaw  (or other kind of salad)

Last name H-M in the alphabet bring baked beans, or a casserole of some sort.

Last name N-Z in the alphabet bring a dessert of some sort (pie, cake, cookies, brownies, ice cream, etc.)


New Business:


EAA Speakers Bureau created.  Call for speakers to be included. 

Calendar Order for 2008 EAA Calendar was discussed.  A motion was discussed to order 25  calendars for resale to the membership. 

The motion was duly made and vote carried. 

The potential of partnering with Chapter 163 on a 2008 EAA B-17 Aluminum Overcast event was discussed.  Terry Frazier will contact

Chapter 163 to determine if they are interested on our support should they decide to have the event again in 2008. 


Discussion was had on the search for missing pilot Steve Fossett.


Pat Wilson won the 50-50 drawing


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM


Respectfully submitted, Terry Frazier, Acting Meeting Secretary




Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  

The Chapter webpage URL is’

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

We had a very successful season for 2007 by flying 350 missions.

Henderson, Jean, Pahrump and Overton.

Let’s hope 2008 will break a record.


THANKS; To all the volunteers,  Jim



Classified ads:

NOTE:  All classified ads will be deleted from the website on December 31, 2007


Refreshment Calendar:

Volunteers needed.


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of 

those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2007 Meeting schedule.

            Dec      14th               HENDERSON           

          Remember to wear your name badge to the December 14th meeting.

        Thanks for reading the Newsletter and we will see you on the 14th.

                                                              Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster