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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  OCTOBER, 2006

                                           Volume 7, Issue No.10


OCTOBER 11th, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at the North Las Vegas Airport  in the Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 PM.

The Group dinner before the meeting will be at the Towne Center II Bar and Grill at the corner of

Cheyenne and Simmons.  6:00 PM seating time as they get busy


October Meeting Program;

Nevada Highway Patrol Officer Sgt. Nick Sabino will discuss what it is he dose.



2006 Officers and Directors:

President:                              David Lerner

Vice President:                     Dean Harrington

Secretary:                              Mike Perger              

Treasurer:                              Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                        Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                        Glenn Smith

Director HND:                        Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner for October 2006

The Annual Picnic on Saturday, September 30th is a now a happy memory of good companions and hopefully lots of good food.  The Chapter at the same time played host to a contingent of nineteen Scouts for a new program developed by Charlie Braun and Jim Bonelli who did all of the behind the scenes preparation work.  It was a good run up for what has been planned for the Discover Aviation program scheduled for next April at Jean. 

The Air Scout Program featured several seminars covering engines, weather, aviation careers and a take home rib constructed on site by each scout.  A word of thanks to Larry Berreth, Mike Perger, Micah Braun for their skilled instruction of the youngsters.  Mike Smith had the flying segment under control as each scout flew one on one with Greg Rogers, Armin Tuma, Bob Doughty, Glen Carlson, Dewey Petersen, Fred Wilson, Roy Campbell and Mike Smith. The Scouts were treated to career stories from some real knowledgeable folks with enough career experience for a dozen sessions.  Thanks to Tom Donaldson, Mike Smith, Glen Carlson, Bill Tisdale, John Saylors and Larry Berreth.

The youngsters must have enjoyed the picnic judging by the franks and burgers they scoffed down.  All of us were treated to a flyby by Glen Smith and Co. and an aerobatic display by Mike Smith while digesting the goodies.  A note to next year’s picnic chair—make certain we have a tea bag for Roy Campbell. 

I had a brief conversation with Cecil Johnson last week and he mentioned that the hangar lease agreements were finished and awaiting some minor adjustments and approvals.  It would be nice if this is so after the many months of meetings and discussions.

Our next meeting will be at VGT and features Nevada Highway Patrol Pilot Sgt. Nick Sabino.  We will get up close and personal to the “eye in the sky” inner workings of the NHP including a view of one of their aircraft.  The meeting starts at 7:30PM with dinner for those who can make it starting at 6:00PM at the Town Center II on Cheyenne and Simmons.

Regards and safe flying,


David Lerner, President 2006


Meeting Minutes of September 13th 2006

Meeting was cancelled in favor of the Airport Managers Meeting

Held at North Las Vegas.


Scout Air Adventure at Jean airport:

Saturday, Sept 30, 2006.  What a day.


The 06:30 sunrise put a golden hue over the southern Nevada desert.  Already

Hard at work, Charlie Braun and Jim Bonelli were setting up the terminal building

With the four seminar locations for the Boy Scout Air Adventure program.


Orientation and forum assignments began promptly at 07:00.  All 19 participants

Were on time.


Pilots for the flight segment arrived and we were off and running.


This was a very successful event and we were asked to do it again.



Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster at

e-mail address:

The Chapter webpage URL is:

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Refreshment Calendar:

October          Unknown

November      Unknown

December      Ice Cream Social      Jim and Jan Bonelli


For your Information: FYI:

AOPA Expo 2006 at Palm Springs, Nov 9 to 11.  Parade of Planes on Nov. 8 through the streets of Palm Springs.

Bad news for Lycoming 360 and 540 crankshafts.  FAA proposes AD.

Red Bull Race in San Francisco Bay during Fleet Week, Oct 7

War Bird restriction lifted for Los Angeles area airports ( AvWeb 9/25 ). Could the restriction on North Las Vegas be next?


                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the October meeting.

                  Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

               we will see you On the 11th. Bring a friend……..


Contact: Webmaster