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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
March 2002     __________________Volume 3, Issue No. 3

March 13, 2002:
Our next meeting will be at a Special Meeting Place for this meeting and begins at 5:00PM in Craig Fordem’s Hangar at the Boulder City Airport, Taxiway 1 (Faces the road into the airport). We will be serving Hamburgers & Hot Dogs starting at 5:00PM. So, plan on coming early for the Food and a lot of Hangar Flying. In addition all EAA Members that live in the Boulder City aera have been invited to attend. There will be someone available at the gate to let you on to the airport. The regular meeting will start at 7:00PM.

March Meeting Program:
Craig Fordem is a dealer for the EXTRA Series of Aerobatic Aircraft. Craig will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the EXTRA Aerobatic Airplane and answer all of your questions. This is going to be a very interesting and educational program. Plan on attending and bring a friend. Please bring a  chair or two.

President’s Message:
Congratulations to Dr. & Mrs. Jim Abraham II on the birth of their baby girl on February 28th.
With 2 months of the New Year already gone and looking for the summer heat to return, now is the best time to do some serious flying.  Our Winter Flight Festival on February 2 was another wonderful event. 11 pilots flew 86 children from the “AT RISK” community around Las Vegas.  For most of them, this will be a once in a lifetime experience.
Your Chapter 1300 hat is now available.  They will be at the March meeting.
The March 13 meeting at Boulder City Airport is gaining interest.  I have had several phone calls from potential new members.
See you at Boulder City Airport on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 19:00 hours.  Come early and have a Hamburger of Hotdog.  BBQ will start at 17:00 hours. Be sure to bring a chair to sit in.

Secretary’s Note Pad:
Mike was out of town in February
Minutes for the February 13, 2002 Meeting by Walt Ayers.
     No new members
     2 guests
            Dave Salvador from 163
            Jim Carrigan
Minutes for the January meeting were  approved as published.
Treasurers report was read and approved as read.
Logo hats have been purchased for $11.25 ea and will sell for 20.00 ea
We have 46 members 94% renewal rate
Old  Business:
Alternative  meeting locations  at Boulder City  two times per year was approved.
Chapter logo hats  are available for sale and the white hats signed by Jim
Abrahams will be auctioned with the proceeds  to Dr. Jim's US Aerobatic Championship effort.
Young Eagles next flights will be at Perkins Field  on Saturday March 23, 2002—Young Eagle Flights from 9-11:30 am with waivered airspace and airshow until 3:00PM.
The meeting program was presented at Medallion Engines by Larry Berreth.  It was most
informative.  Particular attention was paid to the nose (tail) art on Jim
Bonelli's project.
Meeting was adjourned  at 9:00 PM.

Newsletter Articles:
Everyone is encouraged to submit articles or information of interest to the chapter members for publication in the WingTips. The deadline for articles
is the 1st Monday of each Month. Please email your articles to:

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send what ever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is:  Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The next Young Eagle Flight Rally will be on March 23, 2002 - Overton Air Fair - Sponsored by the LV 99's - Perkins Field. Let Jim Bonelli know if you plan on flying or will volunteer for ground support. Jim’s email address is

Meeting Refreshment Volunteers:
We are looking for volunteers to bring the cookies or other refreshments to our monthly meetings. If you can volunteer to bring refreshments for one month, please contact Jan Bonelli at 242-5002 or email:
Refreshment Schedule for 2002:
April 10, 2002 - North Las Vegas – Jan Bonelli
May 8, 2002 – Henderson Executive Airport – Volunteer Needed
June 12, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Volunteer Needed
July 10, 2002 – Henderson Executive Airport – Volunteer Needed
August 14, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Volunteer Needed
September 11, 2002 – Henderson Executive Airport – Volunteer Needed
October 9, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Volunteer Needed
November 13, 2002 – Henderson Executive Airport – Volunteer Needed
December 11, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Volunteer Needed

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.

FOR SALE: Brand New Electronic Toilet in Original Factory Sealed Carton. Idea for your hangar, Operates on 110VAC, requires a Dryer Type Vent and you are in business to do business. Original cost over $1300.00, will sell for $750.00 complete with supplies. Contact Ken Wyatt   email:

WANTED TO BUY: Aeronca 7-AC or L-16. Low time engine and a recent restoration. Contact Ken Wyatt  email:

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

Future Meeting Programs:
April 10, 2002 - North Las Vegas--Joe Rehm the A-10 driver from the USAF will tell us about the A10--should be some good hanger flying

May 8, 2002 - Henderson--Dave Roebke will bring his ultralight and tell us about his experiences with the ultra light.

New Members:
No New Members in past 30 days
Maybe, we can sign up a few new members at the Boulder Meeting.

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the March Meeting.

Also, we have as a raiser for Jim Abraham’ s (Member of the US Aerobatic Team) trip to the International Aerobatic Championship this summer, we have the white Chapter 1300 hats signed by Dr. Jim Abraham that will be sold/or auctioned at upcoming meetings and events.

Other Aviation Events for March:
March 9, 2002 (Saturday) - Breakfast at Chiriaco Springs, CA (L77) - Arrive 9:00AM PST - We will eat at the Chiriaco Summit Truck Stop. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.
March 17, 2002 (Sunday) - Lunch at Stovepipe Wells, CA (L09) - Arrive 12:00PM PST - Short walk to the Restaurant - The flight is in support of CCAA's effort to save the pavement at Stovepipe Wells Airport. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.
March 24, 2002 (Sunday) - BBQ at Mesquite, NV (67L) - Arrive by 11:00AM PST - There will be a Fly-in BBQ Sunday, March 24, 2002 from 11am-2pm (it may last longer). We have invited the Rods & Relics Car Club & The High Rollers Motorcycle Club to show off their vehicles too. Come and join in on the fun! And PLEASE, spread the word (please post the attached flyer at your airport) Fuel vouchers
to all pilot participants. RSVP by e-mail: or 702-346-2841 appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you all here.  Larry Lemieux, Airport Manager
Note: The New Management of the Mesquite Airport is sponsoring this event. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.
April 6, 2002 (Saturday) - Breakfast at the Palm Springs, CA (PSP) - Arrive 9:00AM PST - Park at Million Air (FBO on Eastside) and a Short walk to Cactus Jacks Cafe - After Breakfast is a visit to the Palm Springs Air Museum. The Museum will be hosting "The Gathering of the Mentors". The T-34 Group will be flying Formation Flights several times during the day from the Air Museum including Low Passes with Smoke and Lights On. This could be and overnighter if the group would like to spend the night. Email me, if you would like an overnighter and if enough wish to remain over night, I will work on motel arrangements and advise; otherwise this will be a day flight. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

For more details check the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Website for the latest details, as schedules subject to change without notice:

March 20, 2002 (Wednesday) - Clark County Aviation Association, General Membership Meeting, 7:00PM at NLVA (VGT), Grand Canyon Room. Check website for details:

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 13th.

Contact: Webmaster