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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                              May 2007

                                         Volume 8, Issue No.5


May 9th, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at Henderson Executive Airport in HANGAR E-2 at 6:30 PM

This will be an open house hangar warming picnic event.  Bring a chair and something to eat.

Hangar owners Bonelli and Carlson will provide the drinks. 


May Meeting Program

As the party winds down, we will have a short business meeting and preparations for the

Young Eagles rally at Pahrump on May 19th.


2007 Officers and Directors:

President:                        Terry Frazier

Vice President:                Mike Perger

Secretary:                        Charlie Braun              

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner March 2007:


We had a great Young Eagles turnout at Discover Aviation April 21st at Jean.  Hope you had the good fortune to attend.

As usual, the Discover Aviation committee hosted another fun event with an airshow, static displays, and lots for everyone to do. 

Our pilots flew 107 Young eagles in Chamber of Commerce perfect weather. Many thanks to Mike Smith and his crew for the

safe and fun flying, and to Jim Bonelli and team for the smooth running of the administrative duties.  Once again, Charlie Braun

and his squad made sure everything stayed safe and organized on the ramp, and as usual, Gail Smith kept our bellies full with

excellent vittles. I still think Mike Perger’s Jag beat the Pitts, but it was close in any event.  Thanks again to all. 


Our April 10th meeting included a visit to the Staggerwing project.  Dave, Mike, Jim and Larry gave us a status update on the

project along with some very interesting Staggerwing history.  Though they have a long ways to go, it’s easy to see that the beauty

in this aircraft is more than skin deep.  Anyone want to sand some bulkheads?


We’ve planned a spring picnic for our May 9th meeting at Jim Bonelli and Glen Carlson’s new Hangar (#E-2) at Henderson. 

Jim will provide the details in our next newsletter.


See you there,


Terry Frazier


Meeting Minutes: April 11, 2007:

Not available at posting time.  I will be out of town until May 1 and wanted to get the newsletter out earily.



Welcome new Members:




Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  

The Chapter webpage URL is’

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

The PAHRUMP Young Eagles rally on Saturday, May 19th is just over 20 days away

Please contact Mike Smith if you plan to fly Young Eagles.



Classified ads:

Classified ads are a service to members and posted on the Web site.  The posting will remain until the

Item offered is sold or 1 year, which ever comes first.


Refreshment Calendar:

Volunteers needed.


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of 

those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2007 Meeting schedule.

            May      9    HEN

            Jun        13  VGT

             July      11  BLD

            Aug        8  VGT

            Sep      12   HEN

            Oct      10   VGT

            Nov   ( tba )  BLD   Usually combined with Open House

            Dec      12  VGT           

                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the May meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you on the 9th. Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster