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                           The Monthly Newsletter of the

                      Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                           P.O. Box 570561

                            Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561



                                                  June, 2006

                                      Volume 7, Issue No.6


        June 14th Meeting Location: North Las Vegas Airport

             If you can make it Dinner starts at 18:00 at Town Center ll


2006 Officers and Directors:


President:                         David Lerner

Vice President:                  Dean Herrington

Secretary:                         Mike Perger             

Treasurer:                         Brian Prinzavalli             

Director VGT:                    Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                    Glenn Smith

Director HND:                   Glenn Carlson





By the time you read this the comment period for the proposed new rules and regulations for GA airports will be over. The question of the day is will the Department of Aviation (DOA) Management listen to the unanimous dissenting voices of the Users – US - and scrap the document in its entirety and start over?  Do they have the “Moxie” to admit this document is bad and a failure in every sense?  Their past performance does not bode well for the correct action to be taken, but I am an optimist and certainly hope that logic and reason will prevail.  If not there are other avenues open to overturn a poor course of action on their part, which will only create additional and unnecessary friction. It is very important to keep the pressure on at all levels particularly in this election cycle when politicians are so much more sensitive to forceful protest (cynicism prevails).  The DOA cannot afford more bad press given the existing land development issues that are still outstanding and under investigation.


Unfortunately our scheduled speaker for this month’s meeting, NHP Trooper Nick Sabin, had to cancel until our October meeting due to a revised training schedule.  I invited Cecil Johnson in Nick’s place to give him more exposure to our concerns over the rules document.  As of this writing he has not responded. What are the odds for his accepting the invitation? I will keep you posted via an email.


The Discover Aviation Steering Committee met last week and continues to move ahead with planning for next year’s event. There is no question that our Chapter is leading the way for the moment, but I am hopeful this will change as the project planning steps up and begins to attract back some of the “old timers” to participate. Dean Herrington has set up the Marketing Committee, Mike Perger has contacted most of the automobile clubs and has secured the Mustang Group, Vicki Paluzzi has begun the grant and funding process, Craig Teft has proposed a number of air show options which the committee accepted with some modification and Jim Bonelli is following up on a electronic method to pre register the 150 Young Eagles we will be flying.


Charlie Braun and Jim Bonelli have scheduled an all  Scouts/Young Eagle camp-out event for late September. 

Since this program will come close to when the chapter normally has its picnic it was thought that we would

combine the two events.  This certainly will attract more participation.  I hope to discuss this at this month’s

meeting to determine the level of interest.


Hope to see you at VGT on June 14th.  Until then best regards and safe flying.


David Lerner, Chapter President 2006







 EAA Chapter 1300

                                   Meeting Minutes  MAY 2006



Welcome and Introductions

14 members signed as being present

5 visitors signed as being present

Visitors/New members

Visitors present were:

Steve McEwen

David Fay

Wayne Bunt

Elizabeth and Shane Gerbert

Presentations (if any)

None at this time


Reading and Acceptance of Minutes – Secretary

Accepted as published on the website

Reading and Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer

Report given by Brian was accepted as read.


Program speaker for June will be Tony Sabina of the Nevada Highway Patrol. Tony flies a Cessna to keep track

of us on the highways. “Patrolled by Aircraft” will have a whole new meaning after this meeting.



None at this time


Chapter Committee Reports:


None at this time

Builders Support

Dave Skrock is doing well on his aircraft. He is presently gluing on the tail.

Terry Frazier will be moving his plane, from the garage, to his new hanger      

at HND as soon as it is ready. Terry was asking if anyone had a trailer (flatbed) to move his airplane.

Help Requests

None at this time

Young Eagles

Next YE program is scheduled for Nov 4, 2006.  Boulder City Airport Open House

Air Academy

Paul Gerner introduced us to Shane Gerbert who was recommended to attend the Air Academy

camp during Air Venture at Oshkosh this year. Shane is a Junior at Rancho HS. He is currently in

ground school working toward his license. He is very committed to aviation – “I will work anywhere

in the field, but I really want to fly”. Shane presented a letter to the group explaining his intentions in

the aviation industry. Derrin Phillips is the other student who was recommended, but could not attend

this evening’s meeting. It was voted and approved to accept these 2 students to attend the

Air Academy this year. Brian was asked to send a check to EAA registering Shane and Derrin to attend.

Both students will report back in person when they return and share what they experienced.

Flying Activities – Fly outs, etc.

Dean reported that he and Selina were the only ones to fly out to Seligman, AZ. They were greeted

by the same gentleman who loaned the group his truck last year to get into town for the “Route 66 Fun Run”,

only this year he had a car for them.


None at this time


None at this time

Future Programs

Discover Aviation 2007 was discussed. The event will be April 21, 2007 at the Jean airport.

Volunteers will be needed to assist on different committees, so be ready to volunteer because they

will be asking. The more people helping the easier it becomes as a whole.

Nomination Committee

The nomination committee plans to meet in Sept. to ready a list of nominees for the different

positions that will be available in 2007.


The annual club picnic is scheduled for Oct. 21, 2006 at the Jean airport starting at 1000 – til??


Home Builders and Restorers

50/50 Drawing

Dave Skrock won the 50/50 and gratiously donated the money back to the club.

Thanks Dave.


Mike Perger, Chapter 1300 Secretary


Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest, for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send material to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster,

Bookmark the Chapter’s Web Page


The 2006 Meeting schedule for the balance of the year:


            Jun        14      VGT


            Jul         12      BLD


            Aug         9      VGT


            Sep        13      HEN


            Oct        11      VGT


            Nov         8      BLD


            Dec        13      VGT


      Remember to wear your name badge at the meetings.


      Thanks for reading the Newsletter and bring a friend to


      our next meeting on June 14th.
















Contact: Webmaster