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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


April 2004

 Volume 5, issue No.4



April 14, 2004

Our next Chapter meeting will be at the North Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 PM
Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the

Foothills Ranch,3377 N. Rancho Road.  Everyone is ?Welcome? to join us for Dinner.

APRIL Meeting Program:

The meeting program is to be announced. Once again Thanks to Dick McEwen and

 Doug Muller for their demonstrations of Aircraft Building Excellence.


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                     Mike Smith

Vice President:                          Paul Gerner
Secretary:                                  Herman Leong
Treasurer:                                   David Lerner
Director VGT:                             Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                             Glenn Smith
Director HND:                             Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:

"Mike W. Smith" <> 3/29/2004 9:29:48 PM
Hi Guys,

    I just talked to my son and he is not doing well. I am leaving for
Denver tomorrow.  I just found out I need to go to Denver tomorrow to
help out my son.  Sorry I won't be able to help with the rally on the
3rd.  I hope to be back on the
10th if all goes well, but this is a heads up that if his last two
treatment sessions don't go well, I may not make the next meeting.   The
last radiation and chemo session really hit him hard and he still has
two to go--one on Thursday and then the following Thursday, April 8th.
He has gotten bad enough he can't work right now and needs a little
"moral" support.
   For our "special program",  I ask Armin and Chet if we could go to Armin's hangar and look over Chet's project they are working on.  I
think it's a Zenith.  Thanks, got to run.
Later;  Mike.


----- Original Message -----
From: "EAA Member Services" <>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 3:29 PM
Subject: Attention Chapter Newsletter Editors

Dear EAA Chapter Newsletter Editor,

As you may have read, the Young Eagles program is pleased to announce our
new Chairman Mr. Harrison Ford.  I am hoping you can find space in your next
newsletter to feature this information.

Mr. Ford has been an EAA member since 1996, an active pilot and a Young
Eagles Flight Leader with over 90 Young Eagles to his credit and that of EAA
Chapter 1049.  He has a passion for aviation and sharing it with others,
especially young people.  We are looking forward to working with him as
Young Eagles continues to launch the dreams of young people worldwide.

An interview with Mr. Ford will also appear in the May issue of Sport
Aviation magazine.

In addition, we are also pleased to let you know that Gen. Chuck Yeager will
assume the new post of Chairman Emeritus.  We are grateful to the General
for his support, leadership and guidance through the years as we strived to
reach our initial goal of flying 1 million Young Eagles.  The General will
continue to be actively involved in the program, especially through his
activities at EAA Air Venture Oshkosh.

If you would like to obtain a complete text of the news release and photos
please visit the Young Eagles web site at
Please use the text and/or photos in your next newsletter.

Thanks again for your support of the EAA Young Eagles program,

Steve Buss
Executive Director
EAA Young Eagles

 Secretary?s Note Pad:

EAA Chapter 1300

Mar 10, 2004 Minutes

EAA Chapter 1300

President Mike Smith convened the third meeting of the year at 1940 Hrs in Glen Smith's hangar at Boulder City airport(61B). Twenty eight members and six guests were present. Our guests were Ivan McLay who fly's a restored 1947 Cessna 140, Gregory Marshall from Logandale, NV, Bob Sandirs who fly's a Commanchee, Mike Ranz who helped build a RV4, Mike Hearn, who attended a Sonnex workshop recently and Bob Murphy. After the introduction and welcoming of the guests, President Mike Smith passed around a sign up sheet seeking volunteers to provide refreshments for future meetings.

Old Business:

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion passed. The Treasurer's report was given by Jim Bonelli who was substituting for Dave Lerner. Total income for Feb. was $588.00. Total expenses were $552.64. Adding the previous month's balance of $3,133.88 to the income of $35.36 gave a new balance of $3,169.24. After total set asides the Total Uncommitted Funds Total is $2,974.49. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer's report. It was seconded and passed. Mike Smith announced that about 50 members have not paid their 2004 dues and this would be the last month to pay. Mike will be sending reminder letters to them. There are still available some 2004 calendars for sale at $7.50 and Chapter 1300 baseball caps for $20.

New Business:

The Rancho high school aviation program was discussed. There are 2 applicants for our Air Academy program. Both are female and 9th and 10th graders at Rancho H.S.. Mike Smith reminded the membership that we are a 501c.(3) c. tax exempt organization and that all contributions to Chapter 1300 are tax deductible.

Committee reports: Safety: A short discussion on recent accident involving a Marine helicopter pilot who had departed VGT for San Diego. Probably got caught in a severe downdraft. A show of hands poll showed 11 builders or restorers at the meeting. Someone said that he is having his airplane painted and was told by the paint shop that upon re-painting all general aviation airplanes, 12 inch numbers and letters are required and this info was confirmed by AOPA.

Young Eagles: Next event will be at VGT on Apr 3rd. Participation with Tuskeegee Airmen organization. Co-ordinator is looking for 10 airplanes and pilots. Tom Donaldson asked for program suggestions for future meetings. Mike Smith asked for a volunteer to head up a social committee. He is proposing to have the July meeting at his house in Boulder City.

Next meeting: April 14th at VGT, 7:30 P.M. The 50/50 drawing was cancelled because of the lack of tickets. The meeting adjourned at 2030Hours. After refreshments the group went first to Dick McEwen's hangar for a look at the second R6-A that he is building. Then the group went to Doug Mueller's hangar to see the Mazda rotary engine that he is developing for his RV. We were treated to a very interesting talk on how the engine works and how he is modifying it for aircraft use. For more info on Mazda engines for aircraft use, do a Google search on "mazda? rotary engine aviation"


Respectfully submitted,


Herman Leong


Chapter 1300

Welcome New Members:
The Chapter wishes to ?Welcome? the following New Members and we urge each of you to

 take an active roll in the chapter.

No new members last month.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to

chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage. Send whatever

 you have to

 Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to

 Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The 2004 Young Eagle Flight Rally (Partial) Schedule:

April 3rd Young Eagle Rally was canceled. The new tentative date will be

 April 17th - Tuskegee Air of Las Vegas. Please mark your calendar.

Contact Jim Bonelli at  for an update.


Refreshment Calendar:

April;  Richard Kegelmyer

May;  Tom Donaldson

June;  Dan Landry

July;  Mike Smith

August;  Walt Amers

September;  Brian Rossi

October;  Ken & Phillis Wyatt

November;  Brian Stoigs

December;  Jim Bonelli


Thanks for reading the April Newsletter. We?ll be looking forward to seeing you at

Grand Canyon Room at the North Las Vegas Airport on the 14?th. @ 7:30 PM.


Richard Kegelmyer, Editor

Contact: Webmaster