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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  March 2006

                                          Volume 7, Issue No.3


March 8th, Meeting Location:


Our next meeting will be held at Henderson Executive Airport

Dinner starts at 18:00 at Last Chance restaurant.               


March Meeting Program;


Will be presented by Dean Harrington.  Wednesday's  Guest speaker

will be Lance Atchison, a local Aerial Photographer. He will show

photos and equipment used in his profession. The 1st 30 will receive

a Photo CD.



2006 Officers and Directors:


President:                         David Lerner

Vice President:                 Dean Harrington

Secretary:                         Mike Perger              

Treasurer:                         Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                    Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                    Glenn Smith

Director HND:                   Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner March 2006:


This month we may begin to see, hopefully, the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel for the elimination of FSDO’s first flight restriction at VGT.  While there has not as yet been confirmation as to this becoming a reality there has been considerable movement from FAA Headquarters in Washington, DC to the Western Regional office to do so.  AOPA so far has played a leading role in this effort.  The EAA weighed-in recently as well and in a recent letter to the members of our ad hoc committee stated in part “…that FAA Headquarters is committed to sending a letter to the Regional Flight Standard’s manager indicating their desire to allow Phase I flight testing out of the North Las Vegas Airport.  Much credit from our local side goes to Dave Edwards, as our CCAA, Chapter 163 and Chapter 1300 point-person, who has been untiring in his effort to bring this change about. 


I believe that this first flight issue while important is only a small part of what our Chapter is all about.  We are more than just a group of folks building, restoring and flying airplanes.  We are, I believe, a group that finds it worthwhile to promote aviation as a major part of the fabric of our society for its spirit of innovation and advancement.  It is worthwhile to remind ourselves from time to time of this and that we are privileged to enjoy this passion of ours for aviation while recognizing at the same time our ongoing responsibility and requirement to protect this privilege in order to pass it on to the next generation.  By way of example the Young Eagles and EAA Air Academy Programs which the Chapter heavily helps to support ensures this future and our support of these programs is a credit to all who participate in them. 


Dean Herrington has arranged another outstanding program for this month’s chapter meeting at HND. The program this month features Lance Atchison an aerial photographer. He'll be bringing one of the machines he uses for his aerial photography and a powered parachute, which will be set up as a static display.  CD’s will be given away to thirty lucky members containing his aerial shots of Las Vegas over the years. This program should prove to be both interesting and highly informative to all of us who have tried to take a picture from an aircraft.  We certainly are not talking about your Father’s old Brownie camera.

David Lerner: President, EAA Chapter 1300



Meeting Minutes of February 8 2005



Welcome and Introductions

The business meeting was called to order at 1930 hrs by Vice President,

Dean Herrington.

Visitors/New members

Don Ames of Sun City Anthem was a visiting/member.

Don flew many of the Young Eagles on Feb 4th


The business meeting was called to order at 1930 hrs by Vice President,

 Dean Herrington.

Reading and Acceptance of Minutes – Secretary

Minutes accepted as posted on the website

Reading and Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer

Treasurer’s report was read, moved and seconded to be accepted


A question was asked about how the ILS at VGT was working out pertaining to traffic and the training area. Jim Bonelli said that it can and has gotten congested and urged that caution be taken when flying in the area of the ILS. Other members voiced similar opinions.

Dean introduced Patrick Panzera of “Contact” magazine. Patrick is presenting a program at the Jean airport, last week of Apr first part of May, a “Demonstration of Alternative Aircraft Engines”. Patrick said that he was going to bring in some aircraft and have some vendors there to show the products they are involved in. This should be very interesting. Exact dates will be announced as soon as they are available.



No old business at this time


No new business at this time

Chapter Committee Reports:


Builders Support

Help Requests

Young Eagles

Our YE program at Henderson Executive on Feb 4th was very, very successful. Our pilots flew 146 kids. Special thanks to ALL the pilots, ground crew personnel and the registration ladies. Many things were learned about what went right and where improvements in the system could be made to handle such a large number of YE’s.

Flying Activities – Fly outs, etc.

Dean announced that the “Flagstone Slugs”, from Flagstone, AZ, are doing a fly out to Monument Valley on Feb 16th. If you would like to join them and have questions you should contact Dean Herrington.

There is also a possible fly-out scheduled on March 11th, to Temple Bar.

Questions,  please call Dean, @ 492-6962


Home Builders and Restorers

To update the website with current pictures of the aircraft in our “fleet”, Mike Perger passed a sheet around for everyone to sign up for pictures of their aircraft. We would like to post pictures of all our planes and their owners.

50/50 Drawing

No 50/50 at this meeting


Adjourned 2000 hrs



Special guest speaker – Mike Perger presented the last part of the electrical class. Members had good questions and shared some very interesting experiences concerning problems they have had with electrical situations.


Welcome new Members:

We have no new Members to report at this time.


Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  The Chapter webpage URL is Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Refreshment Calendar:

Glenn Smith & Mike Hope were the refreshment hosts for the

January meeting. Thanks Guys.


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate

the generosity of  those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2006 Meeting schedule.

Below is the meeting dates and places, if you would like to help out, “E” mail

me at Leave a Telephone #.  I will get back with you, and let

you know what to do. My Tel # is 702-349-5999.


            March    8       HEN

            Apr       12      VGT

            May      10      HEN

            Jun        14      VGT

             Jul        12      BLD

            Aug         9      VGT

            Sep       13      HEN

            Oct        11      VGT

            Nov         8      BLD

            Dec       13      VGT



                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the March meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 8th. Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster