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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  SEPTEMBER, 2006

                                           Volume 7, Issue No.9


SEPTEMBER 13th, Meeting Location:


Our next meeting will be held at the New Henderson EXECUTIVE Airport in the Conference Room at 7:30 PM.

The Group dinner before the meeting will be at the Last Call Bar and Grill just off I-15 and Lake Mead.

It’s part of the ARCO Truck Stop.  6:00 PM seating time as they get busy


September Meeting Program;

We will have an overview of Oshkosh from our other participant at AirVenture.

Also, plan on a quick look-around at the new Henderson Terminal building.



2006 Officers and Directors:


President:                         David Lerner

Vice President:                Dean Harrington

Secretary:                         Mike Perger              

Treasurer:                         Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner for September 2006


Well now that the summer is officially over with the Labor Day Holiday we can turn away from the heat to hopefully some cooler and kinder flying weather.  One event to mark on our calendars is the Chapter’s Annual Picnic coming up on September 30th at Jean Airport. 


An update on the New Discover Aviation 2007

The next few months are going to be critical for the Chapter, as we have committed ourselves to resurrect Discover Aviation as Discover Aviation presents Wings and Wheels 2007.  As many of you who participated in the last event remember it was certainly less than a success.  As a group it was decided to pass up the event for 2006 and concentrate our efforts on a well-structured and planned event for 2007 which is why we have started the planning so far in advance. The show is now set for April 21, 2007 at Jean. 


A great deal of time and effort has been put into the planning and development of this new version of Discover Aviation with format changes to include an automotive exhibit along with the Young Eagles Flight and Aerobatic Show.  Craig Teft has set up a really promising aerobatic show.  In addition Charlie Braun and Jim Bonelli have put together a group of seminars to include engines, aviation careers and construction featuring the construction of a rib as a take home souvenir of the show. Larry Berreth has volunteered to teach the basic engine seminar.  The newest feature, which is sure to add to our draw, is the work of Mike Perger in putting together an automobile and motorcycle exhibition of a goodly variety of unusual and beautiful examples of the wheels side of the day’s eye treats.  We are also working on having interesting audiovisual and simulator displays available to add some extra features to encourage interest in aviation. 


You can certainly help by volunteering to fly the Young Eagle part of the program as we are planning on flying 150 Young Eagles. Contact Mike Smith at .   The Young Eagle youngsters will be pre-registered to fly through a booking mechanism set up on the Discover Aviation web site. You can also bring your plane for static display just let Mike Perger know at .  We have some interesting aircraft lined up for display, but more is better.  Last, but hardly least if you have potential sponsors who may wish to contribute to our advertising campaign please let me know at or give me a “holler” at 702 804-2681. 


Your participation in Discover Aviation is welcomed.  Take a look at the new web site if you have not already done so at .


Our next Chapter meeting is at Henderson’s new terminal on September 13th at 7:30 PM. If you can make it we meet for dinner at the Last Call at 6:00 PM.


Safe flying and regards,


David Lerner, President 2006


Meeting Minutes of August 9th 2006

Call to Order by President David Lerner at 19:33 hrs.


Introduction of Cecil Johnson, Assistant Director for General Aviation who gave an updated progress report

on North Las Vegas airport as well as the Clark County Department of Airports plans for the future.


FLY-OUT to VALLE airport:

Saturday, Sept 2, 2006.  What a day to go flying.


Hurricane John was setting on the tip of Baja and decided to take the day off,  instead of traveling up the coast. 

The folks at VALLE airport, just south of the Grand Canyon, had been planning an exciting event called

Thunder in the Valle.  A North American P-51 and an old Ford tri-motor were the main attractions,

but a car show and chili cook-off were also part of the day’s events.


Chapter member Mark Dulaney thought this would be a good excuse to practice some formation flying. 

Craig Fordem, Glenn Smith, Mike Smith and Ken Wyatt all agreed.  The 5-ship gaggle was then

named “Mustang Flight” and departed Boulder City Airport at 08:15.  The flight to VALLE took less than

50 minutes and we were on site with a 5-ship V-formation across mid-field, smoke-on from the wingman positions. 

A quick re-figure to a Diamond with stinger and across mid-field again, however, the only ships with smoke

were the diamond slot and stinger.  Reminds you of the old song “Smoke gets in your eyes” 

Final turn-around and an Over-head break on the numbers, 3 seconds spacing and in-trail landing.


I’m not sure if we had the audience completely spell-bound but from the passenger seat of Mike Smith’s RV-7A,

I had the best seat in the house.


There were 2 other Chapter 1300 airplanes and one brave member who drove all the way there to enjoy the festivities.



Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster at

e-mail address:

The Chapter webpage URL is:

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Refreshment Calendar:


For your Information: FYI:


Safety:  Once again, we have a Tower Controller at the center of an ACCIDENT. 

We all know that most of the problem lies in the cockpit, however, just a small effort by the controller

and this fatal would have been nothing more than an incident.             


                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the September meeting.

                  Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

               we will see you On the 13th. Bring a friend……..


Contact: Webmaster