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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311



November  2003            ________   _                           __________________Volume 4, Issue No.11


November 12th:

Our next meeting will be in Glenn Smith’s Hangar at the Boulder City Airport beginning at 7:30PM.

Flash your headlights at the gate and someone will let you in. Be sure to bring a chair or two.


Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting and this time Glenn has made ‘Special Arrangements’ for us to have dinner at the Boulder Creek Golf Course Restaurant. This is the new golf course next to the Boulder Airport on Veterans Memorial Drive next to the new airport road. Come in the main building, which is the clubhouse and restaurant. Everyone is “Welcome” to join us for Dinner.


November Meeting Program:

The meeting guest speaker will be our own Tom Donaldson giving us an overview of what the new Henderson Airport will look like when completed with a new tower and terminal building.

Following Tom’s presentation, we hold our annual election of officers & directors.


2004 Nominations for Office:
The chapter will hold elections for officers & directors during the November meeting. The nominees are presented below:

President:        Mike Smith
Vice President:   Paul Gerner
Secretary:        Herman Leong
Treasurer:        David Lerner
Director VGT:     Armin Tuma
Director BLD:     Glenn Smith
Director HND:     Glenn Carlson

Nominations will be taken from the floor at the meeting prior to casting of the ballots.

If you can not make the meeting and wish to cast your ballot in the election by snail mail or email, please contact Jim Bonelli at 242-5002 or email: for an absentee ballot.

Thanks to our October Meeting Guest Speaker:
We wish to say “Thank You” to Fran Tanassy for a very nice presentation on the WASP’s activities during World War II. 

Boulder Airport Appreciation Days:
Glenn Smith and Mark DuLaney are working on plans to hold a Boulder Airport Appreciation Days on November 22-23, 2003. They are hoping to offer the following activities: Formation Clinic, Young Eagle Flights, Acrobatic Rides, BBQ and more… More information and details will be discussed at the meeting.

Nellis Airshow November 15-16:
The chapter is planning to have a table at the Nellis Airshow on 15-16th of this month. Mike Smith is looking for volunteers to man the table to talk about EAA, Young Eagles, Home Building and etc. If we have a lot of volunteers, then no one will be needed for more than an hour or two at the booth. If you are going to Nellis, please let Mike know if you can help. Mike’s email is:  More discussion on this at the meeting on the 12th.

President’s Message:
No Report

Secretarys Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300 October Minutes
October 8, 2003

Vice President Mike Smith convened the meeting at 1934 Hrs at the meeting room at North Las Vegas airport.  22 members were present and VP Mike Smith welcomed 4 guests. The guests were Sherman Butler, Woody Blesdfeld, Cal Spangler, and Fran Tanassy.  Fran was also our guest speaker for the evening. Armin Tuma introduced guest speaker Fran Tanassy a WW II WASP pilot.  Fran Tanassy talked about the history of the WASPs.  She said that of the 25,000 applicants only 1,074 received their wings. They ferried nearly all the aircraft in the inventory at the time and 38 were killed in the line of duty and in training accidents.  She passed around some photos which included a photo of a P-63 that she flew.


Old Business:
Reading of the minutes:  A motion was made and seconded by the Secretary to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site.  The motion passed.


Treasurer's report:  Treasurer Stan Roeske reported a total income for September $78.23.  There were no expenses.  Subtracting the expenses from Aug. 31, 2003 balance of $2,750.03 resulted in a Total Funds balance Ending Sep 30,2003 of  $2,828.26 less funds designated for the Aviation Education Fund left a Total Uncommitted Funds for the Chapter Use as of Sep 30, 2003 $2,647.51. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer's report. The motion passed.

Mike Smith said that he has started his RV-7 kit.  Safety:  The recent Cherokee/Malibu accident was discussed.  Dave, one of our members who had just completed a CFI refresher course said that since the ATC strike many years ago the percentage of controllers who are pilots are significantly less which affects the quality of this service. Pilots should be aware that controllers are not infallible and remember that they are in command and responsible for the safety of the aircraft and it's occupants. 

Home Builder tips: Mike Smith talked about deburring all sheet metal parts.

Committee Reports:  Jim Bonelli reported that the Oct 18th picnic has been replaced by a Young Eagles Fly-out at Beatty on Nov 1, 2003.  The Lions Club will be providing breakfast.  Dave Roebke reported that the past month's Centennial of Flight presentation at the Clark County library was very successful.


New Business:
Jim Bonelli announced the slate of officers for 2004.  They are President, Mike Smith,  Vice President, Paul Gurner, Secretary, Herman Leong, Treasurer, David Lerner, Directors, Glenn Smith (Boulder City)and Glenn Carlson (Henderson).  Ken Wyatt and Roland Fraga are looking for volunteers to take over their positions as Newsletter Publisher and Web Page manager.  This month's fly-out will be to Apple Valley. A Chapter member who is a maintenance supervisor for the Thunderbirds made some brief comments on their accident.  They were grounded for only 3 days and are now back to flying their regular air shows.  The November Chapter 1300 regular meeting will be at Glenn Smith's hangar in Boulder City.  Bring your own chair.  There was no 50/50 drawing because the Secretary forgot to bring the tickets.  The meeting was adjourned at 2030 Hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Herman Leong


EAA Chapter 1300 


Welcome New Members:
The Chapter wishes to “Welcome” the following New Members and we urge each of you to take an active roll in the chapter.
Matthew Cooper - Las Vegas

Brian & Jen Stokes – Boulder City


Centennial of Flight Programs:

The Chapter wishes to recognize David Roebke for his outstanding effort put forth in bringing recognition to the 100th Anniversary of Powered Flight through his Centennial of Flight programs at the various Clark County Libraries during 2003. “Great Job David”, the chapter truly appreciates dedication to this program and making it a success. The chapter wishes to say “Thanks” to all members and non-members that assisted David with the Centennial of Flight Program each month. Great Job Guys and Gals…..

Wanted Newsletter Editor:

The chapter is looking for a volunteer newsletter editor to take over the newsletter. Ken Wyatt has served as editor for over three years and he would like to be replaced by a member willing to try his/her hand as editor of the production the “WING TIP”. If you would like to volunteer as editor, please contact Walt Ayers (702-795-8288 or

or Ken Wyatt (702-349-7795 or


Flying Activities – November 2003:

The November flying activity will be a breakfast flight to Furnace Creek (L06) on November 9th. Arrive by 9:00 A.M. If the weather is not VFR, then the breakfast flight is cancelled.

Do it Safely and Enjoy Your Flight.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:

            No additional Young Eagle Fights are planned for this year. Check the website calendar for next year’s schedule.


Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to provide refreshments for one of our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to sign up.


November 12, 2003                 Ken & Phyllis Wyatt            

December 10, 2003                 Jim & Jan Bonelli            


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 12th. Bring a friend….. 
Contact: Webmaster