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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


                                                  NOVEMBER 2004 

 Volume 5, issue No,11

NOVEMBER 10, 2004

Our next Chapter meeting will be held at Boulder City Airport, Glenn Smith?s Hanger

(TW1-16) at 7:30PM.


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                              Mike Smith
Vice President:                     Paul Gerner
Secretary:                              Herman Leong
Treasurer:                              David Lerner
Director VGT:                       Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                       Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                       Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:


Hi All.  As most of you now know, EAA Chapter 1300 ?co-sponsored? Discover Aviation this past weekend.  (Primarily because we could get insurance coverage for the event through EAA National cheaper than it could be obtained from the previous DA insurer.)  Vicki and Doris did their usual great job of orchestrating the involvement of the various participants.  The ?terminal? was full of displays like Civil Air Patrol, EAA Young Eagles, FAA, etc. and the ramp had many great aircraft on display.  Ron Kodimer and Bob Mearns even brought their Stearmans down from VGT.  We had many homebuilts on display as well.  At least three were projects in work that gave the spectators a ?rough? idea of the relative simplicity in making an airplane.  Loren Frogge?s Sonerai was in ?skeleton? tube, fabric, & sheet aluminum form, and Bob Doughty?s RV-8A, and Herman Leong?s Glastar were in the unpainted, test flight stage.  Dean Herrington brought his ?folding wing? model of the Glastar down and displayed it with one wing folded back and sitting next to Herman?s for a ?contrast? comparison.  Lt Col Jim Grahn?s beautifully pained Thorpe T-18 was on hand as were Roy Engelke?s pretty Zenith Zodiac and Matt Cooper?s ?Rainbow? Extra 300.  Matt also made his debut in the aerobatic airshow arena with a great performance.  Congratulations Matt!  Glenn Kruggel didn?t get his RV-4 out as anticipated, nor did Bill Lawbaugh get his Steen Skybolt there.  But Bill and Maria Elena did make it out to give support.    Prior commitments are the culprits we hope.   

            The Young Eagle pilots: Dewey Peterson, Armin Tuma, Ken Wyatt, Dick McEwen, Glenn Carlson, Roy Campbell, Chet Kruleski, C.A. Smith, Glenn Smith, George Younghans, Mike Smith, Jim Bonelli, and Matt Cooper, flew approximately 80 kids during the weekend.  We had some great ground support from Charlie Braun?s Air Explorer Scouts on Saturday and several member volunteers, including Stan Roeske, Tom Cooper, Brian Prinzavalli, Mike Preger, and others I?m sure I didn?t get a chance to see.  Jan Bonelli, Phyllis Wyatt, Gail Smith, Renie Younghans, Mavis Rangan, and Jean Carter did another super job of registering, weighing and assigning kids to planes.  You can see we had a lot of member participation in this event.  If I didn?t list your name, it was purely my ?senior moment memory? with no slight intended.  Beat me over the head with a newspaper at our next meeting, and you can bet I won?t do it again. 

            On to upcoming events.  The first annual Boulder City Airport Day will be next Saturday, November 6th.  We will be flying Young Eagles again, and can again use the great support we had at Jean.  The ?program? starts at 0800.  Our YE pilots briefing will need to be at 0745, so get there by 0730 to tie-down, help set up, and get a cup of coffee.  Anyone who wants to do formation flying needs to sit in on a formation briefing at 0815.  Finally, the ?Airshow  & Showcase Parade? flight briefing will be at 0930.  I have enclosed a schedule below. Mike Hope will be our Ramp coordinator all day and Air Boss during the aerobatics.  Mark DuLaney will be the formation flight coordinator and operations officer.  Craig Fordem is the overall coordinator and will be one of the Aerobatic performers.  We also hope to see Richard Brand and Matt Cooper perform again.

            Remember to mark your calendar to attend the Nellis AFB ?Open House? on Sat. and Sun., Nov 13-14.  I am coordinating an EAA homebuilt display area with Lt Jim Grahn again and would like to have a few relievers to man the EAA info table, like we had last year.  If you can stand-in for a couple of hours, please let me know.  If you have misplaced my number, it is 565-4010, e-mail is  

            See you on Saturday, Nov. 6th or at our next meeting on the 10th in Glenn Smith?s hangar (Taxiway 1, #16) at Boulder City.  Come join those of us who will be gathering for dinner at the Boulder Creek Golf Club (next to the airport) at 1800. 


Fly Safe,

Mike Smith, 2004 President

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300




Saturday November, 6 2004


0745-0800     EAA Young Eagle pilot brief, Gates open

0830-1030     EAA Young Eagle Flights begin

0815   Formation flight pilots briefs

0845   Formation Flights Takeoff

0900   GROB- 109 takeoff

0915   Formation flights lands

0915-0930     Eugene in Grob-109 glider demonstration

0930   Airshow/Showcase pilot brief, for ALL who want to fly the pattern in ?Parade?.

1030   Showcase launch

1100   Showcase land and park/Opening Ceremony w/Boulder City High School Band

1115   All 3 Aerobatic performers and Skydive takeoff

1130   Start National Anthem and release Skydive

1135   Skydivers land

1135-1143     Matt ?The Knife? Cooper inaugural performance in Extra 300L

1145-1153     Craig ?Brute? Teft Pitts S-2C performance

1155               Launch Skydive

1155-1205     Craig ?Yoda? Fordem Extra 300L Performance

1210   Skydive Performance

1230   L-39 start and Launch

1245   Launch 2 Extra 300L (Matt and Bruce)

1300   Flybys with L-39 and Extra?s

1330   L-39 and Extra?s land, EAA Young Eagle flights begin again


1335   GROB- 109 takeoff


1350-1405     GROB-109 Glider demonstration


1415   Formation demonstration takeoff


1500                                          GATES CLOSE



Secretary?s Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300

October, 2004 Minutes

President Mike Smith convened the 10th meeting of the year at 1935 Hrs at the VGT terminal meeting room. Sixteen members and 2 guests were present. Our guests were Loren and Christecn Froge and Dwayne Busch. After the introduction of the guests, Mike Smith introduced Ron Kodamer, one of our guest speakers for the evening. Ron talked about the 3,000 mile air tour of Queensland, Australia that he had organized. There were 6 couples in the "safari" among them Ken Wyatt, Hugh Mattern, Dick Martin, Norm Mayer and their spouses. The trip lasted 14 days and they flew Cessna 172's. The talk was acompanied by a comprehensive slide show with 7 versions of Waltzing Matilda as background music. The second guest speaker for the evening was Rachel Dahl, daughter of Col. Dahl. She talked about her experience at Air Academy this past July.

Treasurer's Report: The report was sent to Mike Smith by email. The end of the month balance was $2,628.00. Miscellaneous Announcements: Members may now sign up for the 2005 EAA calendar. Nellis open house will be on Nov. 13 and 14. The TFR on Friday , Oct. 15th from 9-12 for President Bush's visit was announced. John Andrzejewski is the social chairman for next year. Old Business: Mike Smith read the Chapter 1300 slate of officers for 2005 and asked for nominations from the floor. There were none. Safety: Jim Bonelli mentioned that a C-182 drove of the taxiway at VGT into a ditch at night. Young Eagles: Next Young Eagles will be at Jean airport in conjuction with Discover Aviation on Oct. 30th and 31st. Jim Bonelli asked for volunteers to help on the ground and for anyone wishing to display his homebuilt in the static display. New Business: Dave Roebke talked about the Aviation Career day library presentation being given on Oct. 23rd from 1-4 PM. Southwest Airlines and several flying schools will be represented. Dean Herrington knows of a Kitfox 4 with trailer for sale. If anyone is interested please contact Dean.

Hugh Mattern won the 50/50 drawing. Mike Smith also won a T-shirt(Countdown to Kitty Hawk) which was donated by Dave Roebke. Refresheshment for the evening were provided by Ken and Phyllis Wyatt. The meeting was adjourned at 2115 hrs.


Respectfully submitted,


Herman Leong


Chapter 1300




Welcome New Members:

There are two new members reported I regret loosing that information.

 I will correct this in the next Newsletter.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

 interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

 Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure

 to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The next Young Eagles event will be Sat. Nov. 6th 2004 at the

 Boulder City Airport Days Event


Classified Ads:

Several US Terminal Procedures plastic 4 ring holders (Sporty?s Pilot Shop)

1 kix 100 portable gps/com (Bendix/King) with 110V power cord (2) cigarette lighter plug in cord, computer update connection and internal antenna

2 gasoline tester tube type

1 Ohms tester

7 David Clark headsets

1 David Clark ANR (first generation) headset

1 Light Speed 20K headset

Anyone interested contact Milt Meyers (702) 889-6862 or


Whitman Tailwind re-build project

New M-10 wing

Continental C-85

Needs recovering and includes fabric


Soneri II

Less wings and firewall forward

Flight proven

Anyone interested contact Ivan McLay (702) 293-4644 or


Refreshment Calendar:

Brian Stoges will be our refreshment host for the November


Thanks go out to Phyllis and Ken Wyatt for their hospitality

at the October meeting.


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 10th. Bring a friend?.. 


Contact: Webmaster