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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


                                                    JULY 2004

 Volume 5, issue No.7


July,14 2004

Our next Chapter meeting will be at Mike Smiths home at 900 Primrose Ln. in Henderson. Check out the President’s corner for all of the details.


July Meeting Program:

Mike Smith will be showing his RV -7A, and will demonstrate the installation of a wing.


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                              Mike Smith
Vice President:                     Paul Gerner
Secretary:                              Herman Leong
Treasurer:                              David Lerner
Director VGT:                       Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                       Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                       Glenn Carlson

President’s Corner:


    Not too much has happened since our June 9th meeting.  We didn’t get any response from the 6 local flight schools that I solicited for financial help to pay the airfare for our Air Academy attendees.  However, Jim Bonelli has found an anonymous donor to pay the afore-mentioned fares and Paul Gerner and Dave Lerner got the necessary “paper work” and checks sent to Oshkosh.  Our Academy attendees should have a good report for us at our August 11th meeting.

            I didn’t make the fly-out to Shoshone, so can’t report on that.  I had a dead battery (from leaving the master on) and when I “jumped” it, the starter switch “gave up the ghost” after 23 years.  The switch was easy to open and repair, so I can’t complain too much.

            I’m looking forward to our next meeting date, Wednesday, July 14th.  We should have a great time.  Gail and I will host a combo pot luck/hamburger fry and meeting at our home at 900 Primrose Lane in Henderson.  I plan to start the “BBQ” at 1730, so plan to get here about 1800 hours.  Please bring a chair or two and one of your favorite dishes if you wish.  We will have the basics, (I.e. Soft drinks, meat, buns, chips, beans & watermelon.) but a few more “dishes” will make for a greater variety.  You don’t need to bring a dish to come, so don’t be bashful.  Come anyway.  Also, feel free to bring your “significant other” if you wish.  They can do something else while we try to fit a wing on the RV-7A I’m building.

             For those who don’t have an internet “map” drawing program, just get to the Boulder Hwy-Lake Mead Drive (now called the Lake Mead Parkway) intersection in Henderson (not Lake Mead Blvd in North Las Vegas) however is best for you.  Then go 3 miles East toward Lake Las Vegas and Lake Mead on Lake Mead “Parkway”.  Just before you go over the hill, turn left on Calico Ridge Dr. (there is a small “upcoming intersection” sign) into the group of homes on the left.  Primrose Lane is the first left about a block inside the development.  Three blocks down the “slope” will take you into the driveway of our two story, pink house with a tall window on the front.  It sits on the outside “knuckle” of Primrose Lane and Hollyhock.  If you make the right turn onto Hollyhock Drive, you’ve gone too far unless your looking for a parking spot.  

            Though my garage is “cooled” we may not all fit, so wear shorts and you can jump in the pool to cool off if you get too hot.  Hope to see you all there.


Fly Safe,



 Secretary’s Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300

June, 2004 Minutes

   President Mike Smith convened the sixth meeting of the year at 1940 Hrs at the North Las Vegas airport(VGT). Twenty six members and six guests were present. Our guests were Cynthia and Analisa Kimball, Rachel and Arden Dahl, Brian Prinzavalli and our guest speaker Jack Lund Schofield. Analisa Kimball and Rachel Dahl are Chapter 1300's two candidates for the Air Academy at Air Venture this year. After the introduction of the guests, Walt Ayers introduced our guest speaker Jack Lund Schofield. Jack is currently a UNLV Regent for District 5. He has a long and illustrious career in many fields which include education(48 years), aviation, politics, and construction. He was a B-25 bomber pilot with the famous Flying Tigers and piloted one of the 1st B-25's to China, a distance of 15,000 miles. He shared many of his experiences in China during WW II. He also shared his philosophy on life and longevity.

Old Business

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion passed. The Treasurer's report was given by Dave Lerner. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer's report. It was seconded and passed. There are seven 2004 EAA calendars for sale now at $3.00 each. All the Chapter 1300 baseball caps have been sold.

New Business:

Committee Reports: Safety: There was a brief discussion on runway incursions and TFRs. With the political season coming up, we can expect the number of TFRs to increase. Be sure to call Flight Service before going on long cross country flights. Nomination: Jim Bonelli reported that a slate of new officers for 2005 will be due by July and would like input on potential nominees. Program: Tom Donaldson mentioned that Discover Aviation would take place at Jean Airport on Oct. 30-31, 2004 and anyone who would like to get involved with the activities to contact him. He also welcomes any suggestions for future Chapter 1300 meetings.

Builder's Support : If you move be sure to notify FAA within 30 days. It was reported that FAA are yanking license's if you don't comply. Armin Tum related his harrowing experience with bees covering his Glastar windscreen while on the ground after returning from a flight. Young Eagles: The last event was at Mesquite. Four pilots flew 25 Young Eagles. The next Young Eagles event will be at Beatty in September. Fly Out: Chapter 1300 will not have a fly out this month but Chapter 163 will fly out to Shoshone 6/13/04. Membership: Total membership is currently 78. Fifteen have re-newed since our last meeting. Future Program: The July 14th Chap 1300 meeting will be at Mike Smith's residence at 900 Primrose Lane, Henderson. Bring your own chair and a dish if you wish. Co-ordinate with Mike's wife on the dish if you are bringing one by e-mailing Mike. Come early if you want to have some hands-on experience at RV-7A home-building. The Aviation Nation airshow will take place on Nov 13-14. Our Chapter is looking into getting a booth again and some aircraft for static display. Ken Wyatt is working on new badges and a new roster for all members.

The 50/50 drawing was was won by Walt Ayers. The meeting adjourned at 2030 Hours.  

Respectfully submitted,  

Herman Leong, Secretary/ Chapter 1300


EAA Chapter 1300

Welcome New Members:



Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

 interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

 Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure

 to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

Nothing Scheduled


Refreshment Calendar:


Thanks go out to Dan Landry for the July refreshments.

Mike Smith is in charge of July’s meeting.


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 14th. Bring a friend….. 


Contact: Webmaster