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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
April 2009
Volume 10, Issue 4

Next Meeting Location:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 8th, in Glenn Smith's hangar at Boulder City Airport at 7:30pm.

2009 Officers and Directors:
President:Roger Hansen
Vice President:Terry Frazier
Secretary:Rachael Holland
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director HND:Glenn Carlson
Director BVU:Glenn Smith

Presidents Corner:
March's meeting at VGT, while small in attendance, gave us an opportunity to discuss matters in a “round table” environment. When we reviewed old business, one item discussed was Chapter Awards for last year and yours truly forgot to bring the Awards. Definitely on for Bolder City (BVU).

We had three visitors, Bill Turnbull, Corbet Campbell, and Dave Howe. Dave is currently stationed at Creech AFB and asked the question, “Would the chapter be interested in visiting Creech on a Saturday” to which there was a unanimous “YES”. While there, we would have the opportunity to fly the “Predator” simulator and maybe even the latest UAV, the “Reaper” which is bigger and “badder”! Dave was going to work on the scheduling, so stay tuned.

Young Eagles was on the agenda again, and first of all, we had a very good turn out at Henderson for both kids and pilots. The exact number of kids totaled 52, if I remember correctly. Thanks to all for the ground support. It was efficient and smooth in handling the kids. This year's agenda continues with a tentative Tonopah date of May 23rd, and a firm date for Pahrump of October 3rd. Overton was discussed too, but no decision was made.

Jim Bonelli stepped down from coordinating Young Eagles with the various communities due to his business requirements. In his place, Ralph Millard agreed to take on the responsibility of preliminary communications. Thanks for your involvement, Ralph!

In January’s Presidents Corner, I asked for what you would like to see or do at our meetings and I received exactly “0” responses. Come guys and gals, lets get involved in your chapter. Along that note, Jim Bonelli hosted a visit to his Stagger Wing Beech project. If you have never seen one of these apart, you missed a great opportunity to see what 30’s technology was all about! An enormous project undertaking. Good luck, Jim!

April’s meeting will be at BVU, dinner before hand will be at the Railroad Casino, and our guest speaker will be Joe Norris, Homebuilders Community Manager from EAA’s national headquarters.

See you on the 8th at BVU.

Roger Hansen

Joe Norris, EAA Homebuilders Community Manager, longtime EAA member, and an amateur-built/light-sport aircraft DAR, will be the featured speaker at both Las Vegas Chapter 163 and Chapter 1300 meetings in April. He'll highlight the many ways EAA supports the homebuilt movement and promotes safety in homebuilt aircraft, including the EAA SportAir Workshops "Test Flying Your Project" course, the EAA Flight Advisor and Technical Counselor programs, and much more. Joe will also take time out to answer your questions. If you have questions for Joe, feel free to e-mail them directly to, or just ask at the meeting.

Meeting Minutes:


Minutes of Meeting
March 11, 2009
North Las Vegas (VGT)

Meeting was called to order by Chapter President, Roger Hansen at 7:35 pm. Due to a scheduling conflict, meeting was held in the Conference Room instead of the Grand Canyon room.

New members:
  • None noted
  • Bill Turnbull from Colorado (flies a SeaRay).
  • Corbet Campbell (Building an RV7) Flies an AirBus 320 for US Airways
  • Dave Howe owns a 172, thinking of building soon
  • Young Eagles February 21st, 2009, 53 kids participated
  • Larry Jackson, 602-321-4174, Southwest pilot, Works with Tuskegee kids, interested in Young Eagles event for them
  • Thanks to Gail Smith for making a fine breakfast for Young Eagles
  • Next meeting is scheduled for Boulder City, on Wednesday April 8th
  • Golden West airshow needs volunteers. Marysville. June 12-14.
  • Ken Wyatt provided a summary of meeting at Montrose, CO airport, meeting set up by TSA. TSA proposes that all with access to airport to get a security check and photo ID, for each airport. Therefore, if flying into an airport, must have security badge or get a $10,000 fine. May only apply to larger aircraft based on some peoples reading of the proposed regulations.
  • Go see Jim's Staggerwing project.
Business Meeting:
  • M/S/P to accept March 11, 2009 minutes as posted on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report:
  • Presented by Brian Prinzavalli. Balance as of February 28, 2009 was $1,920.79. M/S/P to accept report as presented, with one dissenting vote from Dan Eikleberry.
Old Business:
  • Donation to Flabob $100 from Chapter and $120 from members.
  • Jim Butler Days over Memorial Day in Tonopah, May 23, 2009. Would like committment. Will provide hotel rooms for participants. Looking to see if we can get discounted fuel from Tonopah. Ralph has agreed to take over the young Eagles coordination from Jim. Agreed to committ to event.
  • Glenda in Pahrump EAA Chapter has requested Young Eagles in Pahrump on October 3, 2009. Jim reports that usually Overton Young Eagles is in late September or early October.
  • Pahrump chapter is having a pancake breakfast on April 3, 2009.
New Business:
  • Roger would like to make the newsletter an e-mail attachment so more people likely to read it, in addition to posting on website.
  • Roger suggested that we have some sort of method for donating old equipment to the chapter for raffles as a way to raise extra money. Another suggestion was for offering items for sale on the website. Send pictures and information to Randy so others will know what is available at the next meeting.
  • Roger suggests inviting tower personnel to come and talk to meeting or maybe get a tour of new tower.
  • EAA reports that B-17 is not coming to Las Vegas this year. Good fund raiser for chapter.
  • Jim bought WestAir aviation flight school at VGT. "We have great instructors, so come on in for BFR!"
Chapter Committee Reports:
  • Safety/accidents: Twin Engine turbo prop almost had a mid air collison over Lake Mojave. Was not in contact with controllers while picking up water. Be cautious.
  • Builders Support: No discussion
  • Help Requests: No discussion
  • Young Eagles: No discussion, other then what was noted above.
  • Air Academy: No discussion
  • Flying Activities: No discussion
  • Social: Hangar visits continue to take place at HND Saturday mornings. There is a Henderson Hangar Group breakfast on Saturdays at 8:00 AM at the HND terminal restaurant.
Status Reports:
  • Terry is getting more progress done, ready to put the wings on and the last pieces, maybe 4 to 6 weeks before being ready to fly. Talked to Larry Green at Henderson and got name of FAA Inspector Ron Williams for final inspection
  • Randy got an e-mail from the Sporty's webmaster on the website. He is building a Miranda
  • Corbet Campbell won the 50/50 drawing and paid his dues, with $5 left over for himself.
M/S/P to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 pm.

Submitted by Rachael Holland, Secretary

Website Announcements:
There is now a Pay Now button on the Membership Application page!

This will allow new members to sign up via PayPal. It will also allow existing members to renew their membership, order replacement name badges, etc. Payments can be made via the user's own PayPal account, or via any standard credit card. Payments will be processed securely by PayPal's own secure servers, and the funds will be automatically deposited into the Chapter's bank account.

Be sure to give it a try when renewing your Membership for the upcoming year!

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate.

We will see you at the next meeting on April 8th.

Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

Contact: Webmaster