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Due to various demands on everyone, the JULY Wing-Tips will be kept

Very short and simple.




June saw a great deal of positive movement towards a satisfactory resolution of the Rules and Regulation

issue that has lingered for the past several months.  The Committee working on this has created a new draft,

which can be reviewed by logging onto  Remember this is a draft only and is very

much a work in progress.  Comments can still be made by contacting Cecil Johnson by email at: 

Cecil will be the Chapter’s guest speaker at our next meeting scheduled for August 9th at VGT.


Please remember that the July meeting has been cancelled.


If you have any topics you wish to have Cecil address at the August meeting please forward them to me

before the end of this month in order for me to give him time to do whatever research he may need to

respond effectively.  I am hoping to have him discuss the overall planning for General Aviation Airports in the

Valley for the next five to ten years.  Another issue I am hopeful of discussing is the state of the leasing

arrangements for those hangar owners who as of this writing are in limbo without leases. 

Email me at: 


Those of you who wish to participate in the next Young Eagle event in conjunction with the Scout Program

as pilots need to contact Mike Smith at: .  We have scheduled the Annual Chapter Picnic

to coincide with the Air Explorer Post / Young Eagle Flights on Saturday September 30th. 

The picnic starts at 11:30 when the coals should be hot and appetites up to handling the burgers etc. 

Contact Jim Bonelli at: or Charlie Braun at: for information on the Scout Program.


Our work with Discover Aviation continues to be relatively on track for next year’s date of April 21, 2007. 

The ground and air events have been flushed out and now basically await confirmation of participants.

The Chapter continues to take the lead in the overall development of this program although as I mentioned

previously it is hoped that some of the previous participants would eventually add their individual assistance

to make it a success.


Dave Edwards continues to work on the FSDO issue of First Flights from VGT with some movement on the

part of FAA Washington HQ. 


Until next month, safe flying and regards,


David Lerner

President 2006



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