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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
July 2009
Volume 10, Issue 7

Next Meeting Location:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 8th at Robert Jones's house at 7:30pm.
(See President's Message for directions.)

2009 Officers and Directors:
President:Roger Hansen
Vice President:Terry Frazier
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director HND:Glenn Carlson
Director BVU:Glenn Smith

Presidents Corner:
The business meeting was conducted and the primary concern (at least from my perspective) was announcing the need for a secretary. Our previous one resigned due to time issues and her schedule. It is now time to use a slightly rephrased version of John Kennedy’s phrase “Ask not what your Chapter can do for you, but what can you do for your Chapter”. We are looking for a Chapter Secretary. . . who is ready to answer the call to duty?

June’s meeting was held at the terminal so our Web Master, Randy Holland would have a chance to demo our web site and fielded questions on “How things work” and “can we do this” items. I think this turned out to be quite informative for both the users and for Randy. Having been in Randy’s shoes as a web master, we tend to forget that there are significant differences between users knowledge levels and it’s a good thing to review their understanding along with their wants.

We are firming up a Young Eagles event at Overton for late September. Currently, the tentative date is set for Saturday, September 18th. Ralph Millard is working with Mardell Haskins in Overton. We will let you know on the web site when the date has been firmed up. Pahrump is scheduled for October 3rd. If you have any questions regarding either location, you can email or call Ralph at or 702-804-0441.

After the business meeting and web site discussion, we adjourned to Bob Rogers hangar (F-7) at HND to view his newly arrived Waiex (pronounced “Y-X”) kit. Bob chose the Jabiru 3300 which is a six cylinder horizontally opposed engine that develops 120 HP. The Jabiru engine series is a thing of beauty, nearly all of the engine parts are CNC’d (computer numerical controlled) from billets (solid blocks of material). Stop by Bob’s hanger and see the progress. Give him a call at 702-241-7352 (cell) and he’ll be glad to let you in the gate and have you look at the project.

July’s meeting will be held at Robert Jones home to view his progress on his RV-10, time 7:30 PM. Robert’s house is located at 7628 Noche Oscura Circle in Las Vegas. Here are Robert's directions for those who do not have an automotive GPS. "We are located at Robindale and Arville. You can either go down Warm Springs or Blue Diamond Rd. till you get to Arville. Turn West on Robindale and our development is on the North (right) side of the street and is called La Morada. Gate code to get in is #7536." If you are interested, a “bunch” of us will meet for dinner at 6:00 pm at Cane’s Chicken located at 7550 S Las Vegas Blvd.

Roger Hansen
President EAA 1300

Meeting Minutes:
EAA Chapter 1300 Minutes
6/10/2009 Henderson Executive Terminal

President Roger Hansen convened the meeting at 7:30 pm

New Members / Guests:
New Member Glenn Miller was introduced. Glenn flys a Commmander out of Henderson

Project Updates:
Randy Holland updated progress on his project. The skin is on the tail

Terry Frazier announced that his first flight was on 5/11/09 and that phase I testing was progressing with 30 hours on the Hobbs meter

Bob Rogers updated his Waiex project. Most of the kit has been delivered, expecting the engine soon.

President Hansen announced that our Secretary had resigned. Seeking volunteers to fill the rest of the term.

President Hansen announced that Oshkosh tickets were available at the EAA website for a discount

The membership discussed new border crossing requirements and the impacts on their flying and plans to fly cross border.

Officer Reports:
President Hansen requested approval of the Chapter Minutes posted on the website. The motion was seconded and approved.

Treasurer Brian Prinzavelli reported that the Chapter balance was $2250.61, a decrease of $9.64 from the prior month. The motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was seconded and approved.

Old Business:
Young Eagles
Terry Frazier reported that the Chapter flew over 60 young eagles at the Tonapah Rally on May 25th.

Young Eagles Coordinator Ralph Millard reported that plans were in the works for a rally at Pahrump on October 3rd, and that discussions were underway for a rally at Overton in the early fall. He also discussed the small rally (about 12 young eagles) at North Las Vegas scheduled for 6/20.

Roger Hansen discussed the potential for a rally coordinated with a Tuskegee Airman group in the future

New Business:
Discussion on SPOT performance versus APRS

Web Editor Randy Holland demonstrated several new features he added to the Chapter web site. In the Members Only section, they include e-mail function to Chapter Members, Editing and updating of Member Profiles including competencies and interests.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm

Submitted by Terry Frazier,
Vice President

We are still in need of a Chapter Secretary! The work should not take more than 1 hour per month. If you are interested (or know of anyone who might be), please contact Roger Hansen at 702-966-7640 or 925-348-0076 (cell).

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate.

We will see you at the next meeting on July 8th.

Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

Contact: Webmaster