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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  August 2007

                                         Volume 8, Issue No.8


August 8th, Meeting Location:




AUGUST Meeting Program



2007 Officers and Directors:

President:                        Terry Frazier

Vice President:                Mike Perger

Secretary:                        Charlie Braun              

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner August 2007:

Just a quick post Oshkosh note this month. We had a great time at AirVenture, especially visiting with the Chapter 1300 contingent.

We were represented well by Mike Smith, Glenn Smith, Dean Herrington, Jim and Jan Bonelli, Micah Braun, Roger and Sue Hansen, Brian and Bruce Banks and Linda and I. I’m sure there were others, but OSH is too big to catch everyone.


Glenn and Mike did a great job along with 33 others in the RV Formation flights each of thefirst three days. Lots of new gizmos being drooled over by lots of old (mature) pilots. VLJs were big along with several new light sport aircraft announcements.


Brian and Bruce Banks had a nice booth, but their new plane didn't make it due to import snafus. They should have it in Las Vegas
late September for some certification work. Hope to schedule a viewing at an upcoming meeting. Their updated web site is: .

Remember no August meeting. I hope to be back for the September 12 (Henderson) meeting but we will have the meeting either way.

See you in September,

Terry Frazier

Ps: Found this at AOPA. Sounds like there is a new ATIS Freq.

When Nellis Air Force base contacted AOPA about recent pilot incursions of
the Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), AOPA immediately suggested
implementing an ATIS frequency that will alert pilots to which ranges are
hot and which are cold. In the meantime, VFR pilots, both local and
transient, should be aware of the NTTR area and understand the hazards
associated with inadvertent violations of the restricted airspace. They may
be unintentional violations, but passing through impacts military operations
and weapons deliveries and may cause accidents as many high-speed military
aircraft operate on the range daily. There can be severe penalties for
careless mistakes, so be sure to visit the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's
Safety Hot Spot: Critical Airspace to learn how to identify and avoid
prohibited and restricted airspace.



Meeting Minutes: July 11, 2007:


President Terry Frazier called the meeting at Boulder City Airport to order at 7:30 PM.


Bob Buckthal and Randy Holland were introduced and welcomed as guests.


The August meeting has been cancelled with the next regular meeting scheduled

for Henderson on September 12, 2007.  Terry had a supply of AirVenture NOTAMS

available.  He reminded everyone of the date for the annual chapter picnic on

October 20th at the Jean Sport Aviation Airport. 


Our guest speaker for the evening, Rich Jones, was then introduced.


Rich gave a presentation on the development plans for the 37-acre Searchlight Airpark

consisting of 31 half-acre home sites with access to the existing Searchlight Airport. 

Additional details of this development can be obtained at


Business Meeting:


The reading of the minutes was waived, as they were not submitted in time for the meeting.

Dave Skrock resigned as Secretary due to a family illness, which will take him out of town for

a period of time.  We wish Dave and his family only the best at this time.


Treasurer, Brian Prinzavalli, submitted the Treasurers report with a balance of $2049.34. 

The report was duly moved and approved on a voice vote.


Old Business:


Young Eagles Ground Support Recognition awards are to be ordered and awarded at the annual picnic.


Chapter 1300 formally nominated Jim Bonelli for the EAA Major Achievement Award last month.

Each year ten such awards are given.  Notification was received from the EAA that Jim would be this year’s recipient of one of these awards at AirVenture on July 28th.  A well deserved honor and recognition for Jim.


Glen Smith reported on the loss of Rich Kegelmeyer’s Comanche in a gear collapse and subsequent fire. Fortunately no one was injured although the aircraft was totaled. The major problem was the inability of the Fire Department to enter the airport as they were held up at the gate for some ten minutes waiting for access. Gate opening devices have been purchased for the emergency agencies to make certain a gate delay will not occur again.


Mike Smith noted that the date for the Overton and Boulder City Young Eagle events are

October 6th and November 3rd respectively.


Dean Herrington has scheduled a fly out to Mesquite, Sunday, September 23rd with lunch at the Oasis Golf Club restaurant.  Dean also scheduled a visit to LAS ATC for October 8th at 4:30 PM. The tour will last for 90 minutes with a maximum of 20 attendees.  Four spots are held for

Charlie Braun’s ground crew.  Contact Dean at for a reservation.


There were brief discussions on a proficiency flight event to be developed in the future and the sponsorship of a Young Eagle flight at VGT if the Tower and airport management will cooperate in dedicating a runway for the exclusive use of the Young Eagles during the event.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM


Respectfully submitted,


David Lerner, Acting Meeting Secretary



Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  

The Chapter webpage URL is’

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

The next rally is scheduled for October 6th at Overton.  If there are any conflicts, we need to work them out

During the summer break.



Classified ads:

Classified ads are a service to members and posted on the Web site.  The posting will remain until the

Item offered is sold or 1 year, which ever comes first.


Refreshment Calendar:

Volunteers needed.


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of 

those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2007 Meeting schedule.

            Aug        8  VGT  CANCELLED

            Sep      12   HEN

            Oct      10   VGT

            Nov      3  BLD   Saturday noon.  At Young Eagles Rally

            Dec      12  VGT           

          Remember to wear your name badge to the September 12th meeting.

        Thanks for reading the Newsletter and we will see you on the 12th.

                                                              Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster