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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,



Volume 6, issue No,2


February 2005 Meeting Location

Our next Chapter meeting will be held at the Star Bright Theatre, Sun City, Summerlin, on  Grand Cypress. 

Take Lake Mead heading WEST to end, turn left onto Thomas Ryan which runs into Grand Cypress.

 Look for the Star Bright Theater.

 The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m.  There is no pre-meeting dinner this month.


.February  Meeting Program:

Guest Speaker- Jeff Ashby, USN Ret. Astronaut Pilot & Commander


2005 Officers and Directors:
President:                         David Lerner
Vice President:                Paul Gerner
Secretary:                         Herman Leong

Ass?t Secretary:              Bill Lawbaugh
Treasurer:                         Ken Wyatt

Ass?t Treas.                    Justn Kelly
Director VGT:                  Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                  Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                 Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:

January proved to be a busy month as the Social Committee worked to complete the arrangements

for the Chapter?s first major speaker of the year.  Captain Jeff Ashby, USN retired and Astronaut Pilot

and Commander will be our guest speaker on February 9th.  Please remember that because of the

expected crowd our meeting location has been changed to the Star Bright Theater in Summerlin?s Sun City. 

The program will start at 7:30 as usual.  You can check the web site or call Dean Herrington, Jim Bonelli

or myself for more details.  This is one program that literally will take us out of this world.


The first fly out of the year to Sedona enjoyed the most unbelievable weather which made the sightseeing

aspect of the flight that much more enjoyable.  The formation flight made for some interesting photos taken by

Charlie Braun also available on the web. Palm Springs is our next fly out destination on February 19th. 

You can find all the details and sign up on our web site.


Another reminder is the Young Eagles event at VGT on Saturday, February 5th. We expect one of the largest

turnouts of kids for the day.  More on the Young Eagle day as well as the Astronaut presentation in our next newsletter.


I would appreciate your feedback, comments and suggestions on the proposed programs and fly out schedules. 

Please email me at


Look forward to seeing you at the Star Bright Theater special program.


Regards and Safe Flying.


David Lerner


Secretary?s Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300

Jan 12, 2005 Minutes

President Dave Lerner convened the first meeting of the year at 1930 Hrs at the Henderson Executive

terminal meeting room. Seventeen members and 3 guests were present.

Our guests were Thomas Buck, Stuart Telsey, and Hal Posovsky. Tom Buck is in the process of

acquiring a 1937 Staggerwing Beechcraft and will be restoring it along with Jim Bonelli and Dave Lerner.

Stuart Telsey is doing a Stits Playmate with a Corvair engine. Hal Posovsky was visiting from Michigan.


Awards were presented to Ken Wyatt for work on membership and the newsletter in 2004.

Richard Kegelmeyer received an award for being newsletter editor for 2004 and Mike Smith

received a beer mug in appreciation of his work as president during 2004.


Treasurer's report by Dave Lerner: The Chapter had $3,381.38 in the bank account at the end of 2004.

Total Income for 2004 was $3839.50 less Total Expenses of $3356.00, resulting in a net gain of $537.50.

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they

are published on the Chapter web site. The motion was seconded and passed.


Next Young Eagles will be on Feb 5, 2005. A large turnout of 200+ kids is expected.

Jim Bonelli made an appeal for pilots and planes for this event.

Dean Herrington discussed some of the programs and events he is planning for the coming year.


Fly-Outs: Next fly-out is to Sedona on Jan 15, 2005. Meet there at 11:00 MST.

Future fly-outs are: Palm Springs Feb. 19, Kanab, UT on Mar 12, Seligman, AZ on Apr 30,

and Oceano, CA on Jun 11/12.


The February Chapter 1300 meeting will be at Star Bright theatre in Sun City Summerlin.

The guest speaker will be a former NASA astronaut. President Dave Lerner asked for a

motion to approve $500 for a deposit to secure this theatre for our March guest speaker.

President Dave Lerner would like to revive the idea of a "Pinch Hitter" course for the spouses.

Glenn Smith reported that the ultra-light runway at Boulder City airport (61B) has been closed indefinitely.

170 new hangars are planned at 61B and commercial operations are in the plans as well.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Jim Bonelli. Richard Kegelmeyer had pictures of his new

hangar at Sandy Valley. It's a beautiful 60X60 steel hangar. The meeting was adjourned at

2025 Hrs and followed by refreshments and videos shown by Mike Smith.


Respectfully submitted,


Herman Leong, Secretary

Chapter 1300


Welcome New Members:

We have four new Members to report. Johan & Donna Tilman and

Uday & Geeta Saraiy; good to have you on board.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is:

Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

Feb 5, 2005-Pilots should show up at 8:00a.m. in the Grand Canyon Room at the North Las Vegas Airport. 

Young Eagles to show up at 9:00 a.m.


Classified Ads:

New Hanger-Sandy Valley, Nv.-Sky Ranch Estates. 

60 X 60 Nu-Cor-Insulatted Bldg.  50 ft. x 13ft. 6in. clear Schweiss Auto-Lock Door w/2 remote actuators. 

Two(2) 10 thousand CFM Evaporative Coolers.  Roof Vents.  400 AMP Panel with ample GFI and standard outlets. 

For more information, contact Richard Kegelmyer at (702)349-5999 or (702)878-1368.


Refreshment Calendar:

Richard Kegelmyer provided the refreshments for the January meeting.

There will be no Refreshments served at the February meeting.

Volunteers are needed for Mar. Apr. May, July, Aug. Sep. & Nov. Meetings.

Contact Rich Kegelmyer at



 Remember to wear your name badge to the meeting on February 9

And all meetings in the future.




Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 9th. Bring a friend?.. 


Contact: Webmaster