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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


                                                  September 2004  

 Volume 5, issue No.9

September 8, 2004

Our next Chapter meeting will be at the Henderson Executive Airport , Terminal Building at 7:30PM.

The group dinner before the meeting is at  6:00 P.M. at : Seven Hills Bar & Grill

3051 St. Rose Parkway, Henderson


July Meeting Program:

Thanks again to Jess Meyers for his presentation with his Belted air Powered RV-6A.

There is nothing scheduled for Septembers Meeting Program.

If you would like to, or know someone who would be interested in presenting a topic for any up

coming meetings, please contact Tom Donaldson: at

This would be greatly appreciated.


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                              Mike Smith
Vice President:                     Paul Gerner
Secretary:                              Herman Leong
Treasurer:                              David Lerner
Director VGT:                       Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                       Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                       Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:


            At our August meeting, we had a pretty good turnout for the middle of a hot summer.  Not as good as it would be nice to see, but a very active one with lots of questions for our guest speaker Jess Meyers of ?Belted Air?.  Jess gave a very good presentation of the belted drive development work he has done over the last 20+ years.  First using a V-8 engine in his old Swift and more recently with a Chevy 4.3L V-6 in his RV-6A.  He has about 450 hours on the set-up in his RV-6A and thinks the high time ?Belted Air? drive in use has about 1200 hours.  Jess said he has sold about 100 of his units.  He handed out a cost comparison sheet that showed an approximately $10,000 Belted Air set-up (including engine) versus $28,000 for a conventional Lycoming set-up.  That should be a big enough cost difference to catch a few eyes.  He had his airplane out on the flight line and we all went out to take a look.  His firewall forward installation looked very impressive and generated quite a few questions.  I was enough interested to get a short ride around the pattern with Jess the following weekend. I need a few more data points before I make a decision to try it and hope to get them soon.  How does it compare head-to-head in formation and will it go to 18,000 feet.  Thank you Jess for bringing out your plane and answering our questions.

            My project has entered the slow phase of designing and laying out the electrical component locations and wiring.  The flap and trim motors are in and functional (except switches) but the rest involves more ?cogitating? than anything else.  

            Jim Bonelli has the Young Eagle rally at Beatty set up for Saturday, September 11th.  We have 6 flyers and planes  committed. (Jim Bonelli, Roy Campbell, Clyde Fancher,  Armin Tuma, Lonnie Roy, and me, in Dave Lerner?s plane).  Of course George Younghans may fly if pressed into service.  But he normally stays on the ground to preserve his hangar.  Glenn Carlson and Glenn Smith are still maybes, depending on flying schedules and vacation return respectively.  Charlie Braun and some of his Scouts have committed to come and marshal for us.  Though the ramp is a little small, we can find you a parking spot off pavement (if the ramp fills up) if you want to fly (or drive) up and join us.  The Younghans are always quite hospitable so expect a warm welcome.  A couple of us plan to fly up the evening before to help setup and then spend the night.  If you fly up, remember there is NO aviation fuel for sale at Beatty, so fill your tanks before you leave home.  Hope to see you at our meeting on September 8th.  That?s all for now folks!


Fly Safe,

Mike Smith, 2004 President

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300


 Secretary?s Note Pad:

EAA Chapter 1300

Aug 11, 2004 Minutes

President Mike Smith convened the 8th meeting of the year at 1935 Hrs at the VGT terminal meeting room. Sixteen members and 4 guests were present. Our guests were DeEsta Cook, wife of member Mike Cook, Louis Battaglia, Analisa Kimball and her mother Cynthia Kimball. After the introduction of the guests, Mike Smith introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Jess Meyers owner of Belted Air Power in Las Vegas. Jess has 22 years of experience developing a belted power unit (PSRU) for Buick and Chevy engines used in experimental aircraft. His RV6 was on display in front of the terminal. Jess Meyer and a couple of his associates were featured in Kitplanes in the August 2004 issue.

There was no Treasurer's report because Dave Lerner thought that there was no meeting in August. At any rate there are no changes from the previous Treasurer's report which was given in July.

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion was seconded and passed.

Mike Smith announced the TFR for Aug. 12th from 1005 lcl to 1250 lcl due to President Bush's visit. It affects nearly all the airports in the Las Vegas valley. Jim Bonelli mentioned that the new Sport Pilot ruling will go into effect on Sep. 1, 2004. Mike Smith and Brian Rossi are on the nominating committe. They will be putting together a list of candidates for the election of officers for next year.

Young Eagles: Next event is at Beatty on Sep. 11th. More planes and ground support help is needed. No fuel at Beatty so fill up before you go. However, there is a 110 gal. tank available in an emergency.

Tom Donaldson asked if anyone had connections with warbird pilots to let him know. He would like to organize a warbird fly-by for Discovery Aviation Day, Oct 30-31.

Analisa Randall gave a lively account of her experiences at the Air Academy at Air Venture this year. She said she learned a lot and really enjoyed herself and thanked the Chapter for sending her.

There will not be a fly-out this month. The next Chapter 1300 meeting will be at the Henderson Executive airport on Sep.8th. Refreshments will be provided by Brian Rossi.

Paul Gerner mentioned a Runway Incursion inter-active training course on the AOPA web site. He recommends it highly especially for those who fly at VGT and McCarren. You can get credits for it on the Wings program.

No one sold 50/50 tickets so there was no drawing. The meeting was adjourned at 2105 hrs.


Respectfully submitted,


Herman Leong


Chapter 1300



Welcome New Members:

No new Members Reported.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

 interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

 Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure

 to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The next Young eagle event will be in Beatty  Nv. September 11Th.


Refreshment Calendar:

Brian Rossi  will be your refreshment host for the September 8th meeting


Thanks go out to Walt Amers for his contribution in August.



Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 8th. Bring a friend?..  


Contact: Webmaster