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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
June 2002     __________________Volume 3, Issue No. 6

June 12, 2002:
Our next meeting will be at North Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room beginning at 7:30PM, come early and bring a friend for some great hangar flying. Do not forget that a group of members will be having dinner at 6:00PM at the Foothills Ranch, 3377 N. Rancho Drive on the west side.

June Meeting Program:
We will have a Home Builders & Restoration of Aircraft Round Table, Be sure to ask all of your questions.

We want to say “Thank You” to David Roebke for the Excellent Presentation on flying an Ultra-Light Aircraft. Thanks, Dave a Great Job.

President’s Message for June:
The Prez is on a cruise enjoying his vacation. No report this month.

Secretary’s Note Pad:
Our secretary is out of town on vacartion, look for the minutes of the May meeting on the webpage when Mike returns.

Inportant Message from Dr. Jim Abraham:
Dear Sirs
Attached is a message from the US Aerobatic Team Foundation
President. Unfortunately, we will not be competing in the World contest for
reasons stated in the message. The disappointment is shared by all, but we must
remain unified as a team. I wish to express my thanks to all of those that
supported me and went out of their way to do what they could to show their
support. I was really shocked and pleased to see this support and only wish
their was a way to pay it back. I will always be a proud representative of CCAA
and EAA Chapter1300, as I continue to participate in regional contests throughout the
country. Once again, a very sincere thanks to all of you.
Jim Abraham-Team USA 2002
P. S. Please pass this on to all members?

To: Rob Dorsey, IAC President
From: Stephen Cunningham, President
 U.S. Aerobatic Foundation
Re: AWAC 2002 - Slovenia
Date: May 13, 2002
CC: Advanced Team, Board of Trustees, CIVA Delegation & Lisa Popp

On Tuesday night, a telephonic team meeting was held with all the members of the 2002 AWAC team. During lengthy discussions, it was determined that there were several major issues that would preclude the team from participating in this year's event. Some of the major concerns included impossible insurance requirements, unavailability of airplanes in the US and the continued unavailability of airplanes in Europe, shrinking national economy, individual and group finances. These concerns, among others have led to the 2002 Advanced Team, in conference, to elect to forgo participation in the AWAC this year.

At conclusion of these discussions, only 2 pilots indicated a desire to continue to participate. Since the US Aerobatic Foundation is charged with funding and managing a "Team" (CIVA rules designates 3 pilots as a National Team) it is the Foundation’s policy not send registrations or make payment for entry of any pilots for the AWAC 2002 in Slovenia. The protection of the individual team member's decision is paramount and the circumstances surrounding that decision must remain confidential and dignified.

Editors Note: We need to decide what to do with the funds raised to assist Jim in his trip to compete in the World Aerobatic Championship in Slovenia this August, which has been cancelled for 2002.

EAA Youth Air Academy:
The chapter voted to sponsor two (2) students to the EAA Air Academy in Oshkosh during the EAA fly-in (July, 2002). We need everyone’s support for this program with a donation of what ever you feel you can contribute. Remember you donation to our education fund is Tax Deductibles.
Last year, we sponsored three (3) students from Rancho high School’s Aviation program. These three (3) students learned a lot about General Aviation at Oshkosh and they have an experience of lifetime.
Your support for this worthwhile program will be appreciated.
Newsletter Articles:
Everyone is encouraged to submit articles or information of interest to the chapter members for publication in the Wing-Tips. The deadline for articles
is the 1st Monday of each Month. Please email your articles to:

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send what ever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is:  Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The next Young Eagle Flight Rally will be on September 21, 2002 – North Las Vegas Airport - Sponsored by Tuskegee Airmen - Let Jim Bonelli know if you plan on flying or will volunteer for ground support. Jim’s email address is .

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.
FOR SALE: Pazmany PL-2 project (due to physical limitations). All ribs, spar extrusions (machined & bent), elevon & rudder spars, landing gear complete, windshield & canopy frame and Plexiglas, engine mounts and many formed or machined parts. Also, some radio, Norco, Motorola and 28volt Collins Call John Osburn email:
FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray.  14 to 28 volts.  New from Aircraft Spruce $795.00
Make offer.  e-mail

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator  0-300 MPH  Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50      e-mail

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

Future Meeting Programs:

Welcome New Members:
We want to “Welcome” our New Members:

No New Members This Month

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the April Meeting.

Other Aviation Events for June:

For more details check the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Website for the latest details, as schedules subject to change without notice:

June 8, 2002 (Saturday) - Brunch at Flagstaff, AZ (FLG) - Arrive 9:00AM PDT - Brunch will be at airport Galley Restaurant - Be sure to check Density Altitude. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled. Note: A group from Scottsdale will there for Brunch at the same time.

June 15, 2002 (Saturday) - Breakfast at Echo Bay, NV (0L9) - Arrive 8:00AM PST - Call Marina for transportation If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 12th.

Contact: Webmaster