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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
March 2008
Volume 9, Issue 3

March 12th Meeting Location:
Our next meeting will be held in the Conference Room located in the main terminal at Henderson Executive Airport at 7:30 pm.

2008 Officers and Directors:
President:Terry Frazier
Vice President:Mike Perger
Secretary:Keith Hopkey
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director BLD:Glenn Smith
Director HND:Glenn Carlson

Presidents Corner, March 2008:
EAA Chapter 1300
Presidents Corner March 2008

For our February meeting, Boulder City treated us to one of her famous wind & sandstorms. Glenn’s hangar held up, though and except for the banging and clanging, we had a comfortable meeting. Thanks to Glenn S. and Mike S. for the hospitality. The great member turnout was treated to an update and an Oshkosh video presented by Chuck Parnall from the EAA. If you paid attention, both Glenn and Mike’s RVs made the Video! Chuck is working with headquarters to renovate an existing building. They will be adding a museum with some great artifacts from the early days of the EAA. The museum will include a members only area for some really special items.

I just received some good news yesterday. Don Ames is out of the hospital and mending well. Let’s all wish him a speedy and complete recovery.

We also had a better that usual turnout at the Mesquite fly-out on Feb. 16th. Roughly twenty showed up for breakfast at the golf course restaurant. At least five planes made the trip in perfect weather, and a few more drove in (Mike P. always looking for an excuse to race airplanes with his Jag). The food and service were good considering the size of the group and by all accounts the whole event was a success. Thanks big time to Dean Herrington for all the arrangements he made to pull this off.

Our Young Eagles schedule is firming up. Though not cast in stone yet, it now looks like this:

May 24 Tonopah
September ? Henderson
October 4 Overton
November 1 Pahrump

Our March 12th meeting will be at the Henderson Terminal 7:30 as usual. We will get a chance to look over Larry O’Hearn’s Sport Cruiser LSA. Dinner as usual at 6:00pm at the Kopper Keg (just east of the Chevron station near Seven Hills Drive (Spencer) and St. Rose Parkway).

See you there!

Terry Frazier

Meeting Minutes, February 2008:

Minutes of Meeting
February 13, 2008

Meeting called to order by Chapter President, Terry Frazier at 19:55 hours.

New members: None

Guests: Robert and Kathleen Jones beginning RV project; Hal and Sandy Posovsky (friends of (Terry/Linda); Glenn Miller

Announcements: Don Ames, a 1300 member, is suffering from a broken back. He is in the St. Rose Acute Care, De Lima Campus, at the corner of Lake Mead and Old Boulder Highway, in Old Henderson. The phone number is 564-2622 and his room number is #4117. Phone calls and visits are welcomed.

Mesquite Fly-out Saturday February 16. Arrival 8:45-9:00AM

March 12 meeting at Henderson (HND) Terminal, 1930 hours

Randy Holland, web master, spoke on the new web site “look”. All liked its new look. Randy said if members use the “log-on” feature, after they input the requested information, they will be able to bring up a member’s only page which includes a Chapter roster. Log-on is not necessary to merely browse the site.
Randy said he is getting ready to begin building a “wooden” Piper Vagabond replica.
Randy would like to update project pictures on the site. He requested members send updated photos of their projects to him.

Chuck Barnell, contract worker for EAA HQ (also son-in-law of Paul Poberenzy), showed a video recap of Oshkosh 2007 and presented a slide presentation of the “Founder’s Wing Project” at the EAA Museum. The Founder’s Wing will house personal items of Paul and Audrey Poberenzy and give detail on EAA’s history. Copies of the video recap will soon be available to Chapters for their use in “telling the story” of the EAA and Oshkosh.

Terry presented certificates to Mike Perger for his service as 2007 Chapter Vice President and to Mike Smith for his service as 2007 Chapter Young Eagle Coordinator.
Terry presented plaques for Jackie Hopkey and Gail Smith for their 2006/2007 Young Eagles ground support work.

Business Meeting:
January minutes as posted on the web site were approved.

February 2008 balance $1,515.47. Report approved as presented.

Old Business:
EAA 2008 calendars for sale at $10.00 each. See Brian or Terry.
Terry reported that Vans RV believes it will be a year or two before any action is taken on change proposals to the 51% home builders rule.

New Business:
Young Eagles 2008 schedule was discussed with probably future revisions:
• Pahrump sometime in April. If nothing materializes for Pahrump, there is another alternative at Jean for April 25/27 when the “Alternative Engine” fly-in takes place.
• Possible at Tonopah for May 24 tied in with the B-24 visit.
• Overton for September 27
• Henderson possible for October 18 or 25. This would tie in with McCarran’s 60th anniversary celebration. They would like to highlight general aviation at HND with Young Eagles and static displays. Tom Donaldson is working on this.
• Courtney Childrens at HND for February 7 or 14, 2009, depending on Super Bowl Sunday timing.

No other new business from the floor.

Chapter Committee Reports:
Air Academy
Terry reported we will have at least one candidate as referred by Charlie Braun. The young man is Brad Kasperek who was introduced at the January meeting.
Terry also reported the Discover Aviation Corporation has funds they would like to apply to an Air Academy candidate, so with the addition of their funds, Chapter 1300 could send two people to 2008 Oshkosh.

Future Programs:
Terry reported he has lined up Larry O’Hearn to talk about the Sport Cruiser for our March 12 meeting at HND.

50/50 drawing won by Roger Hansen.

Meeting adjourned at 20:55 hours with a reminder of our next meeting at Henderson Airport, Terminal Building, March 12, 2008, 1930 hours.

Submitted by Keith Hopkey, Secretary

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information, or pictures of interest for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Randy Holland, webmaster ( The NEW chapter webpage URL is Be sure to bookmark this URL.

Refreshment Calendar:
Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2008 Meeting schedule.

Remember to wear your name badge to the March meeting.

Thanks for reading this Newsletter and we will see you on the 12th.

Be sure to bring a friend.

Contact: Webmaster