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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311


February 2003
Volume 4, Issue No.2


February 12, 2003:

Our next meeting will be at the North Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room beginning at 7:30PM.

Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the Foothills Ranch Restaurant. 3377 N. Rancho Road. You are Welcome to join us for Dinner.

February Meeting Program:

The meeting program will be a presentation by Rick Schramek on his Reno Racer (Legacy/IO550) with his Special Super Charger and the “Run for the Gold” at Reno 2002.

We want to say “Thank You” to David Smith of CCSN for an excellent demo and presentation on TIG Welding.

2003 Chapter Dues:

If you have not paid your 2003 dues, then this will be your last newsletter as your name will be dropped from the chapter roster on February 28, 2003. Mail your dues to:

P. O. Box 34311, Las Vegas, NV 89133-4311 or pay at the February meeting.

2003 Officers & Directors:

Walt Ayers, President

Mike Smith, Vice President

Stan Roeske, Treasurer

Herman Leong, Secretary

Steve Dahl, Henderson Director

Glenn Smith, Boulder City Director

Paul Gerner, North Las Vegas Director


The President’s Message for February:

At the January meeting in Henderson we had a great turn out!    I was pleasantly surprised by the attendance, the new chapter members and the chapter visit from Pahrump.  I look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.   We had two great programs.    One on welding and one on the practical aspects of homebuilding and an excellent flight safety tip.

            We have an excellent program for February at North Las Vegas and it will follow the same format, Flight Safety, Home building and the General program.   Dave Roebke is making excellent progress on the Centennial of Flight Program for the Local Libraries.  We will have a sign up sheet at the meeting but if you can’t make it and would like to help out you can contact Dave by e-mail at

            The committee on the pilot assistance course met and we made excellent progress.  We will discuss it at the meeting.

            We also discussed the potential of starting an introduction to flight course similar to the one on the EAA website. Is this something we may want to add?

 Young Eagles is moving right along.  If you can arrange the time your help at a rally would be greatly appreciated

            We are always looking for new ideas for programs and ways to promote aviation, safety and homebuilding.  The best ideas for programs come from you.  If you have seen a program somewhere else and liked it, or if you are just curious about a subject, it is something that we should consider for a future program.  If you have a  skill that can benefit one other member of the chapter, it could be a valuable program.  If you have given a demonstration to the chapter in the past, you may want to repeat it so our new members can benefit from it as well.

            The meetings are a great way to communicate and we all learn from each other.  If only one member leaves a meeting having learned one new idea or skill, then the meeting is worth while for all.

            Be sure to check the website for new information and links.

            Don’t forget if you want to have dinner before the meeting at North Las Vegas, (and some more hanger flying) we meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Foothills Ranch Restaurant, 3377 N. Rancho

Blue Skies and Tailwinds,


Secretary’s Note Pad:
President Walt Ayers called the first EAA Chapter 1300 meeting to order Jan 8, 2003 at 1945 Hrs. Due to a 500 piece mail-out by Ken Wyatt, President Walt Ayers was able to welcome 23 guests

and 16 members. The guests were Stan Davis, Russ Wilson, and Jimmie Legg from Pahrump, Curtis Barber, Pamela Barber, Travis Marshall, Erlene Marshall, and Ron Marshall from Logandale,

Dean Herrington, David Lerner, Rick Schramek, and David Skrock from Las Vegas, Mike Perger, Roy Engelke, Patrick Schnieder, Robert Riegel and David Smith from Henderson, John Gibson,

Ivan McLay, and Rich Moynihan from Boulder City, Mike Cook from Overton, George Nash from Sandy Valley, and Cal Spangler from Seattle. Cal later gave a builder’s tip talk on pitfalls and

considerations in completing a kit plane. Rick Schramek will be the guest speaker for our Feb. 12th meeting. His topic will be about his 3rd place finish in the “Chasing the Gold” event in which his

Lancair Legacy flew at 346 MPH.

A motion was made and seconded to waive reading of the Dec. 2002 minutes because they were published in the newsletter and posted on the web site. Stan Roeske presented the Treasurer’s report, which was accepted as presented. Total funds balance Ending December 2002 was $2,486.85 less $727.25 (funds designated for Aviation Education Fund) leaving $1,759.60 (Total uncommitted funds for chapter use as of Dec. 31, 2002)

For the safety item of the month, Jim Bonelli discussed his emergency landing on the Red Rock highway leading to Pahrump. His T-41B experienced fuel starvation and the landing was successful except for a damaged wing tip light. Homebuilders tip of the month was presented by Cal Spangler, formerly with Stoddard Hamilton and very knowledgeable on the Glasair and Glastar kit planes.

One of the guests from Pahrump reported that the Young Eagles for Pahrump in Mar. 2003 has been cancelled. President Walt Ayers reminded the membership that the meetings are rotated among North Las Vegas, Henderson, and Boulder city. Three of the meetings will be dinner meetings, one each at each location. He also discussed the pilot assist program and wants to encourage input from the wives at the next Boulder City meeting in March.

Fly out: Next monthly fly-out will be to Marble Canyon Sunday, Jan. 12th. Plan to be there 1130 Hrs Nevada time.

Young Eagles: Jim Bonelli handed out the Young Eagles Flight Rally schedule for 2003. Next one is at North Las Vegas on Saturday, Feb. 1st.

Programs: Tom Donaldson asked the membership for ideas for future meetings and also is looking for volunteers to present programs.

Dave Roebke discussed a program which Chapter 1300 in association with the Las Vegas Library District will host a series of presentations and displays at various libraries throughout the year to commemorate the Centennial of Flight. Ken Wyatt reported that EAA is taking applications for sponsorship of the “Aluminum Overcast” for the year 2004. A motion was made and seconded to look into this as a project for Chapter 1300. A motion was made and seconded to reserve 2 spaces for candidates to the Air Academy.

50/50 Drawing: Won by Ron Marshall.

Our special program for the evening was a welding class by David Smith, a professor at CCSN. It was very informative and briefly covered TIG and gas-oxygen welding. Thanks for the great class Dave!

Respectfully submitted,

Herman Leong
Secretary, Chapter 1300

Welcome New Members:

Glenn Armstrong – Las Vegas

George Caldwell - Henderson

Glenn & Helen Carlson – Las Vegas

Wayne & Pat Connolly – Las Vegas

Michael Cook – Overton

Mark & Patricia Dulaney – Las Vegas

Ronald & Aurore Duren – Henderson

David Dyer – Boulder City

Roy Engelke – Henderson

John & Janice Gibson – Boulder City

Mardell Haskins – Overton

Dean Herrington – Las Vegas

Richard Johnson – Beatty

Jim Jorden – Las Vegas

Kegelmyer – Las Vegas

Glenn Kruggel – Las Vegas

William & Maria Lawbaugh - Las Vegas

David Lerner – Las Vegas

Ron & Erlene Marshall – Logandale

Travis & Dawn Marshall – Logandale

David Moore – Henderson

James Napier – Las Vegas

Michael Perger – Henderson

Dewey Peterson – Las Vegas

Robert Riegel – Henderson

Norman Rowland – Las Vegas

Patrick Schnieder – Henderson

Rick Schramek – Las Vegas

David Skrock – Las Vegas

David Smith – Henderson

Louie Yanez – Las Vegas

Membership Drive:

The chapter opened our membership drive at the November meeting and it will run through February 12, 2003. All new members signing up during the membership drive will have a chance for one of the

two (2) prizes to be given away at the February meeting. Also, any chapter member that brings in a new member during the membership drive will be entered in the same drawing.

The membership dive has been a great success as we have enrolled 43 new members since November 13, 2002 and still counting. I expect that there will be several new members signing up at the

February meeting.

The drawing prizes were donated by:

Craig Fordem, Aerobatic Experience, Boulder City – ½ hour Aerobatic Ride (Extra 300).

Bill Walthers, North Las Vegas Airport – ½ hour Aerobatic Ride (Pitt S-2B).

Safety Corner:

Keyword: Complacency
Definition: Self satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual danger or deficiencies

Examples: It always happens to the other guy.

                   In the past, it always does or works this way.

To avoid: Always yourself this question. “AM I DOING THIS SAFELY”?

Members Homebuilts & Restoration Projects:
Jack Anderson RV6-A ( finished),

John Andrzejewski - Berkut

Jim Bonelli - Air Force T-41(“Finished”)

Dick McEwen - RV-8 (“Finished”)
Michael Cook – Quicksilver (“Finished”) & Ridgerunner

Tom Cooper - Zenair
Keith Courson - Stinson Voyager

Jim Cullen – Zenith Zodiac CH601 XL

Lee Dillingham – Cozy Mk IV

Mark & Pat Dulaney – RV-6A (“Finished”)

David Dyer – Starduster (“Finished”)

Ron Engelke – Zenith Zodia CH601 (“Finished”)

Roland Fraga - Glasair TD (“Finished”)

John Gibson – T-28

Fred Harvey – Challenger II  (“Finished”)

Michael Hope – RV-8

Glenn Kruggel – RV-4 (“Finished”)

William Lawbaugh – Steen Skybolt (“Finished”)

Herman Leong - Glastar

Ron Marshall – Ridge Runner/Murphy Elite

Travis Marshall – Ridge Runner (“Finished”) & Navion

Hugh Mattern - Lancair (“Finished”)

David Moore – RV-7

Doug Mueller - RV6
Robert Riegel – Adventure Model 333

Norman Rowland – Zenith STOL CH701

Patrick Schnieder – DR-107

Rick Schramek – Legacy (“Finished”)

David Skrock – Lancair 360 MK II

Glen Smith - RV-8 (“Finished”)
Armin Tuma – Glastar (“First Flight January 30, 2003”) Congratulations Armin!

If your project is not listed, please give me a call or email and I will add it to the list.  Also, our web site master, Roland Fraga, wants project pictures to put on the web page.  His  email:

Chapter Meeting Schedule - 2003:
February 12, 2003       North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

March 12, 2003             Boulder City – Location TBA at 7:30 pm

April 9, 2003                North Las Vegas – Dinner Meeting – Ken Wyatt’s Hgr #4 Skid Row – 6:00 pm

May 14, 2003             Henderson Executive – Terminal Building at 7:30 p

June 11, 2003              North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

July 9, 2003                 Boulder City – Location TBA at 7:30 pm

August 13, 2003           North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

September 10, 2003            Henderson Executive – Terminal Building at 7:30 p

October 8, 2003          North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

November 12, 2003             Boulder City – Location TBA at 7:30 pm

December 10, 2003     North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:

The February chapter fly-out is to Hisperia, CA (L26) California on February 16, 2003. Lunch will be at the Café, on the airport. Arrived by 11:30PM PST. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is


Also, check the LV $100.00 Hamburger Flyers:
The Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers has been re-activated with a much simpler format.

* No webpage pictures

* No webpage flight postings
* Only an email link to the LVHDHF Group to post a flight
It is everyone's responsibility to post Breakfast or Lunch flights whenever you are going somewhere and would like to have other flyers join you. Remember sometime you will dine alone, while other

times you will dine with a room full. That is the way it works. So, please do not be bashful, post a flight soon.

The link to the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers webpage is shown below. Remember to save the site in your "Favorites", so you can go there to post your future flights.

Fly Safely and Enjoy Your Flights.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

Our local EAA pilots flew 76 Young Eagles from North Las Vegas Airport on February 1, 2003 which was designated “International Young Eagle Rally Day”. The following pilots participated in the
Young Eagle Rally:

Roy Campbell                          Dick Clark

Dr. Jim Cullen                           Wayne Connolly

Rick Graves                             Chet Kruleski

Bud Puckett                             Glenn Smith

Ken Wyatt

A “Big Thank You” to the all of pilots,support and ground crew members that work hard to make this YE Rally a great success. A Special “Thanks” to the Air Scout Squadron for handling the
Eagle Aircraft ground marshalling.

Now, we are preparing for the Tuskegee Airmen on March 15th

The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:

            Saturday, March 15th               North Las Vegas (Tuskegee Airman sponsored)

            Sat. & Sun. Apr 26-27        Jean (Discover Aviation)

            Saturday, May___                   (Open)

            Saturday, September,__            Overton  (99s & Mardell Haskins sponsored)

            Saturday, October, __              (Open)

Saturday, November 1st        Beatty

Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to bring the meeting refreshment to one of our monthly meetings, please email

February 12, 2003                   Walt Ayers

March 12, 2003                       Glenn Smith

April 9, 2003                            Mike Smith

May 14, 2003                          Jim & Jan Bonelli

June 11, 2003

July 9, 2003

September 10, 2003

October 8, 2003

November 12, 2003

December 10, 2003

Classified Ads:

This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.

FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray (Used) 14 to 28 volts. New Cost from Aircraft Spruce is $795.00 Make offer:  e-mail:

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator 0-300 MPH Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50 e-mail:

Chapter Hats:

The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. You can purchase yours at the next meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Up:
Clark County Aviation Association (CCAA) Annual Meeting and Family Picnic on April 19th. from 4:00-8:00 pm, Skid Row Hangar # 4, North Las Vegas Airport.

CCAA is currently recruiting members to strengthen the voice of General Aviation in Southern Nevada. If you are not a member, please check out their website for additional information.

United States Air Force - Firepower Demonstration, Friday, February 7, 2003 – Near Indian Springs, NV

International Comanche Society Fly-in – February 7-9,2003 - Bullhead City Airport - Laughlin, NV.

MCAS Yuma Airshow – February 22, 2003 – Yuma, AZ – Contact Don Mitchell 926-269-5590

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 12th. Bring a friend…..  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY……

Contact: Webmaster