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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                              February 2006

                                         Volume 7, Issue No.2


February 8th, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at Glenn Smith’s Hangar [TW1-16] at 7:30

There is a new walk in access east of the main gate where you can park and it’s right in front of Glenn’s hangar.

The group dinner will be at the Boulder Creek Golf Club at 6:pm 1501 Veterans Memorial Pkwy.                


February Meeting Program

Our Guest Speaker for Wednesday’s Meeting will be Mike Perger, Better Known as the Eagle. He will complete part # 2 of Aircraft Electrical  Systems.


2006 Officers and Directors:

President:                        David Lerner

Vice President:                Dean Harrington

Secretary:                        Mike Perger              

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner January 2006:

I am happily tired as I write this having just returned home from one of the larges Young Eagle Flights the chapter has seen for quite some time. 146 Youngsters were flown at Henderson this day and I can not overstate how proud and delighted I am personally with the effort that was put forth by our chapter officers and volunteer men and women.  The youngsters were loud and noisy as only a happy bunch of kids can be and I am certain that many good memories were stashed away in their young minds and hearts.


The chapter owes a vote of thanks first for our ground crew headed up by the “Big Ground Boss” Charlie Braun and his crew of Scouts along with Mike Perger and Rich Kegelmeyer who made certain we had ground movement safety.  Jan Bonelli, after a big sigh at the crowd, dug in with her Ladies: Selina Herrington, Mavis Rangan, Linda Frazier, Suzanne Kuhn, Desiree Kuhn, Jill Sengel, Jean Carter, Helen Carlson and Gail Smith to handle registration and certificate processing.  Jim Bonelli was there to make sure order reigned and confusion did not turn into chaos.  Mike Smith headed up the Chapter’s volunteer pilots of Armin Tuma, Roy Engleke, Dewey Peterson, Terry Frazier, Glenn Carlson, Don Ames, Lonnie Roy, Ron Palmer, Gene Lamski, Bob Doughty and Chapter 163’s Mark Ott and Greg Rogers.  I cannot say enough in praise of all of their individual dedication and hard work during the six plus hours of elapsed time for the event.  Check the web site in the near future for Helen Carlson’s shots, a few of the over 100 photos that Desiree Kuhn took of the kids and Mike Perger’s photos of the various aircraft.


Leading up to this day we were fortunate to generate some good publicity throughout the Valley and along the way made excellent contacts with some outstanding community service groups including the Courtney Children’s Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of Henderson, the Central Christian Church, Clark County Social Services and the Frontier Girl Scout Organization who helped to bring out the youngsters to the airport. I think we have clearly established that we have the will and capability to bring out a young audience to this type of event.  But we can do better. We need to coordinate and communicate a lot better with the Tower Controllers at Henderson in order to maintain a steady flow to our traffic so that the youngsters’ first experience is done without an inordinate delay.  They will experience enough delays when older and traveling commercially. We also need to encourage more pilots to help, which also means that each of us should try to recruit a new member(s).  We had thirteen pilots manning twelve operational aircraft, which over the course of the day was reduced to seven.  And that makes for a tough day for everyone.

 Our next meeting will be at Glenn Smith’s hangar at Boulder Wednesday, February 8th chaired by our Vice President, Dean Herrington. This month the presentation will feature Mike Perger continuing his series on electricity.  For those of you who attended the first lecture please remember to bring your books.

 Safe flying and regards, 

David Lerner, President 2006

 Meeting Minutes of January 11th 2005: 



Welcome and Introductions:

Meeting called to order at 1930 by President David Lerner. David welcomed all in attendance, especially those attending for the special presentation by our guest speaker.


Members/Visitors/New members:  27 members were presen12 visitors were present

Presentations (if any): None at this time



Secretary Report: Reading and Acceptance of Minutes

Accepted as posted on website

Treasurers Report: Reading and Acceptance

No report at this time

Jim Bonelli made the announcement that the ILS at VGT is now active. The “…old practice area by the water tower is now part of the ILS”. Extreme caution should be used in that area. Jim also mentioned that Nellis controls the approach on the ILS. You will not hear this ILS approach until the aircraft is handed off to the VGT tower.



     David Lerner introduced our speaker for the evening. He is Dennis Menshaw, “Clark County Airport Planning Manager for the Ivanpah Airport Project”. Dennis made his presentation on the plans, construction and opening of the new Ivanpah Airport. The airport will be located between Jean and Primm on the east side of I-15 and west of the railroad right of way. Dimensions of the proposed airport are 6 miles long and 1 mile wide.

    The need for the airport is based on the projected growth of Las Vegas area. In 2004 McCarran moved 41.44 million passengers through the airport. In the next 10 years, 2014, that number is expected to increase to 53.57 million. That is a net increase of 12.13 million passengers. As an aside, based on that increase there will be a need for an estimated 37,000 more hotel rooms that will need to be available for those passengers. This increase does not include the increase that Ivanpah will bring into the area.

    McCarran is currently the 5th busiest airport in the United States and 10th in the world. McCarran’s current revenue impact to the city is approximately $28,000,000,000 (that’s billion).

            It is expected that by 2014 McCarran, even with the new gates, will reach its operational capacity. Ivanpah is expected to open in 2017.

            How to get there from here? Plans currently call for a highway, independent from I-15, to go from Ivanpah to Las Vegas, “…straight shot, no stops, no California traffic”. Private cars, cabs, mini-vans and coaches will transport passengers to and from the airport. Plans in the future also consider a “light rail” to transport passengers to “The Strip”.

            One of the interesting statistics that Dennis brought up was the subject of fuel (Jet A and other fuels). Currently there is one 8” line that brings in Jet A fuel at the rate of 30,000,000 gallons per day. The current consumption at McCarran   is about 27 million gallons daily. On weekends that increases to about 31-33 million gallons per day. As the numbers show the line is being used a capacity now. What is going to be the fuel situation at Ivanpah? Plans are to lay another line to take care of both airports. The options being considered are to bring a line in from the Albuquerque, NM or Phoenix, AZ. No dates as of yet for that line.

            It was also mentioned that a 14” line brings in all other fuels (i.e. gas, diesel, etc.) to the valley. Both of these lines currently come out of the San Bernardino, California area.

            A Q&A followed the presentation. Most questions were about clarifying information already given. One question asked was, “What about the future of the Jean airport with Ivanpah so close? A definitive answer could not be given at this time. The FAA is currently working on the flight path corridors for Ivanpah.

David thanked Dennis for his presentation and everyone for attending the meeting Air Academy:


Paul Gerner and Mike Smith will be setting up a meeting at Rancho H.S. to talk

to students about the EAA Air Academy program for this year. This process will start our selection for a candidate to send to the Academy.



Home Builders and Restorers:

Jim Bonelli and David Lerner are interested in bringing the website up to date as far as pictures of our club is concerned. They are asking you to contact Mike Perger (897.2739 or email at: to set up a time to photograph your “work in progress” or your completed aircraft. They would like ALL members and aircraft to appear on the website. “We have a great selection of aircraft and people visiting our website should see them”.


50/50 Drawing:  No drawing at this meeting


ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 2130

Welcome new Members:

We have no new Members to report at this time.


Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:   

The Chapter webpage URL is:

 Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

What a wonderful time the kids, and staff had at

The Henderson  Executive Airport on Saturday.

Thanks to all that helped put this together.


Refreshment Calendar:

Glenn Smith & Mike Hope are going to bring goodies to

Boulder city, So be there


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate

the generosity of  those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2006 Meeting schedule.

Below is the meeting dates and places, if you would like to help out, “E” mail

me at Leave a Telephone #.  I will get back with you, and let

you know what to do.



            Feb        8       BLD  Glenn Smith Will be Our Refreshment Host for the February Meeting.

           March    8        HEN

            Apr       12      VGT

            May      10      HEN

            Jun        14      VGT

             Jul        12      BLD

            Aug         9      VGT

            Sep       13      HEN

            Oct        11      VGT

            Nov         8      BLD

            Dec       13      VGT



                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the Feburary meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 8th. Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster