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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
May 2002     __________________Volume 3, Issue No. 5

May 8, 2002:
Our next meeting will be at Henderson Executive Airport, Terminal Building beginning at 7:30PM, come early and bring a friend for some great hangar flying. Do not forget that a group of members will be having dinner at 6:00PM at the Tailspin Bar & Grill on 6295 S. Pecos on the west side.

May Meeting Guest Speaker:
We will have our own chapter member David Roebke. Dave will present a program about flying ultralights. I think there maybe an ultralight to touch and feel. Be sure to ask all of your questions.

We want to say “Thank You” to Lt. Col. Joe Rehm, USAF for Excellent Presentation on flying the Warthog A-10 Thunderbolt II. For more information on the Warthog, go to the following website:

Also, we want to “Thank” Walt Ayers, Programs Chairman for coming up with some very interesting and educational programs.

President’s Message for April:

Just a quick note of THANKS to all the hard work that helped make DISCOVER AVIATION a success.

We did have some afternoon wind, but the expert pilots who donate their time and aircraft to the Young Eagles event did a magnificent job.  The final count was 198 Young Eagle missions for both days.

Our EAA Chapter friends in Kingman are again having a Young Eagles rally on Saturday, May 4.  If you want to help them out, just fly over and drop in.

Roy Campbell tells me that the Tuskegee Airmen / Young Eagles rally needs to be moved to June 1.  This may cause some scheduling problems, as that is the Memorial Day weekend.  More info as soon as I get it.

Don’t forget the Board of Directors meeting scheduled for 09:00 on Saturday, May 4, at North Las Vegas Airport in the small conference room.  If you have some suggestions please bring them to the Board meeting

See you all in Henderson on Wednesday
Jim Bonelli, President

Secretary’s Note Pad:

Our Chapter President, Jim Bonelli, convened the membership meeting 7:33 P.M  All current Officers and Directors were present except Director, Dave Morrow.  Jim welcomed our eight member and our guest speaker, Lt Col Joe Rehm.  He also introduced Wayne Connelly as a guest and thanked him again for his many Young Eagle flights in his Mooney at Beatty, NV last November.

Jim mentioned the Discover Aviation event at Jean, NV on April 20-21 and pointed out we will be flying Young Eagles in the morning from 0900-1130 and in the afternoon from 1400-1700. Pilots briefing will be at 0830 each day.  The airspace will be closed from 1200 to 1400 for Aerobatic demonstrations and warbird flybys.  Jean will have a temporary tower in effect from 0700 to 1800 each day.

Jim called for a reading of last meeting minutes.  Mike Smith moved to forego the reading since the minutes are in the Newsletter and at the Web site,, being maintained by Roland Fraga.  the motion was seconded and passed.

Keith Hopkey gave the Treasurer’s report.  The meeting at Boulder City was a good one for the Association.  Keith took in $529 from new member sign ups, renewals, cap sales, the 50/50 raffle and 501c donations.  This raise our balance to $2307.09--$498.50 are “ear-marked” for Jim Abraham and our “Aerobatic Education”, $135.50 for Youth Air Academy, with the remaining $1439.09 uncommitted.

Jim mentioned that he had sold one more of Jim Abraham’s autographed hats for $50 to “Mark the Mechanic”.  He plans to try to auction the remainder at “Discover Aviation”

Mike Smith has coordinated 10 parking spaces at Eagle Airpark’s events this weekend, April 13th, and proposes participation by members as a chapter flyout.   Jim mentioned that an Apple Valley contact would like to coordinate a joint fly-out with them sometime.

Jim’s and Keith’s briefing at Fay Herron School was not productive in getting any nominees for this summer’s Air Academy.  We still do not have any nominees, but have reserved two spaces.  Jim plans to visit Rancho High next week to encourage nominations.

Ken Wyatt showed us the advertising posters for the Discover Aviation event and suggested getting them posted in area school.  Mike Smith to several to post in Henderson.


Mike said he had the propeller copying bench set up in his garage and was finishing the set up to copy propellers.  This may be a good future meeting topic when he is ready.

Armin Tuma is drafting some discussion ideas for the “Builders Round Table” meeting on June 12th.


YOUNG EAGLES:  Young Eagle Rally schedule for the rest of 2002 is:
 June 1st at Jean, sponsored by the “Tuskegee Airman”,
 Oct ?? at Pahrump, sponsored by Chapter 1160
 Nov 2nd at Beatty, sponsored by George & Rene Younghans

PROGRAMS: Walt Ayers has David Roebke set up to brief us on ultalight flying and to show his ultralight at our next meeting (May 8th at Henderson Exec).  June 12th at North La Vegas Terminal will feature a “Builders Round Table” to explain and discuss the considerations to be made when building your own airplane.   Remainder of Year meetings:
  July 10th, Henderson Exec.-      ???????
  August 14th, North Las Vages - ??????
  September 11th, Henderson -    ???????
  October 9th, maybe Bldr City - ??????
  November 13th, Henderson -     ?????
  December 11th, North Las Vegas - ??????
SOCIAL:  No report-- Dave Morrow is in Malaysia

SAFETY COORDINATOR:  Dave Austin, our Safety Coordinator, mentioned that insurance rates are going up.  Mostly driven by 9-11-01 events.   “High Performance” (whatever that means) aircraft flyers are likely going to have to attend some type of recurrency/safety training to get insurance on their aircraft.

Committee NEEDS:  Contact Jim Bonelli if you would like to serve on a specific committee. We still need active Coordinators/Leaders for some of the committees

We held our customary 50/50 drawing and the Walt, the winner, donated the proceeds to the Jim Abraham “Aerobatic Education” fund.  We then accepted a motion for adjournment and adjourned the business meeting.

Walt Ayers, our program coordinator, introduced our guest speaker, Lt Col Joe Rehm, a current A-10 ground attack fighter pilot.   Joe gave us a GREAT  briefing on his career and the current A-10 flight activities.  Thanks a WHOLE lot Joe!!  It was enjoyed by all!

Respectfully submitted,

Mike Smith, Secretary
EAA Chapter 1300

EAA Youth Air Academy:
The chapter voted to sponsor two (2) students to the EAA Air Academy in Oshkosh during the EAA fly-in (July, 2002). We need everyone’s support for this program with a donation of what ever you feel you can contribute. Remember you donation to our education fund is Tax Deductibles.
Last year, we sponsored three (3) students from Rancho high School’s Aviation program. These three (3) students learned a lot about General Aviation at Oshkosh and gain an experience of life time.
Your support for this worthwhile program will be appreciated.
Newsletter Articles:
Everyone is encouraged to submit articles or information of interest to the chapter members for publication in the Wing-Tips. The deadline for articles
is the 1st Monday of each Month. Please email your articles to:

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send what ever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is:  Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The next Young Eagle Flight Rally will be on May 18, 2002 – Jean Airport - Sponsored by Tuskegee Airmen - Let Jim Bonelli know if you plan on flying or will volunteer for ground support. Jim’s email address is or phone number is 242-5002.

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.

FOR SALE: Brand New INCINOLET Electric Toilet in Original Factory Sealed Carton. Idea for your hangar, Operates on 110VAC, requires a Dryer Type Vent and you are in business to do business. Original cost over $1400.00, will sell for $750.00 complete with extra supplies. For more details check webpage:
Contact Ken Wyatt at 702-631-0018 or email:
WANTED TO BUY: Aeronca 7-AC or L-16. Low time engine and a recent restoration. Contact Ken Wyatt at 702-631-0018 or email:

FOR SALE: Pazmany PL-2 project (due to physical limitations). All ribs, spar extrusions (machined & bent), elevon & rudder spars, landing gear complete, windshield & canopy frame and Plexiglas, engine mounts and many formed or machined parts. Also, some radio, Norco, Motorola and 28volt Collins Call John Osburn (702) 456-4123 or email:
FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray.  14 to 28 volts.  New from Aircraft Spruce $795.00
Make offer.  e-mail

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator  0-300 MPH  Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50      e-mail

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

Future Meeting Programs:

Welcome New Members:
We want to “Welcome” our New Members Glenn, Jerry and CA.

No New Members This Month

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the April Meeting.

Also, we have as a raiser for Jim Abraham’ s (Member of the US Aerobatic Team) trip to the International Aerobatic Championship this summer, we have the white Chapter 1300 hats signed by Dr. Jim Abraham that will be sold/or auctioned at upcoming meetings and events.
Other Aviation Events for April:

For more details check the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Website for the latest details, as schedules subject to change without notice:

May 4, 2002 (Saturday) - Breakfast at Seligman, AZ (P23) - Arrive 9:00AM PST - Short walk to the Restaurant.  Be sure to check Density Altitude. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

May 11, 2002 (Saturday) - Breakfast at Big Bear, CA (L35) - Arrive 9:00AM PST - Short walk to the Barnstormer Cafe.  Be sure to check Density Altitude. If the WX is not VFR, then the flight is cancelled.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 8th.

Contact: Webmaster