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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


MARCH 2005

Volume 6, issue No,3


March 2005 Meeting Location

Our next Chapter meeting will be held at Glenn Smith?s Hanger at the

 Boulder City Airport The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. For entry to the

 To the ramp, drive past the gate to the end of the road,  HONK your horn.

  Someone will come to open the gate.


 For those who would like to have a bite to eat before the Meeting, come to the

Copper Creak Golf Club at 1501 Veterans Memorial, Boulder City Nv.

At 6 PM

.February  Meeting Program:


2005 Officers and Directors:
President:                         David Lerner
Vice President:               Paul Gerner
Secretary:                         Herman Leong

Ass?t Secretary:              Bill Lawbaugh
Treasurer:                         Ken Wyatt

Ass?t Treas.                    Justn Kelly
Director VGT:                 Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                 Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:


February proved to be an eventful month.  Jeff Ashby?s presentation on his experiences as an Astronaut proved to be not only interesting, but gave those of us attending new insights into what is really involved in the space program up close and very personal.  Jeff?s videos were the actual ?home movies? that he and his fellow Astronauts took and were certainly not the edited stuff seen on the eleven o?clock news.  Thanks to Dean Herrington for his efforts in putting on one of the best programs the Chapter has had.


The Young Eagles Program at VGT hosted 85 children for one of the highest turnouts since the beginning of the program.  We are off to a good start for the New Year.  To often we forget the Ladies behind the scenes who make these programs move so smoothly so a big thank you to Jan Bonelli and her crew of dedicated folks.  Thanks to Roy Campbell for getting the Red Horse Squadron to participate and the Courtney Children?s Foundation for their sponsorship and bringing out a large number of inner city children to the event.


Our next meeting at Boulder tentatively will have Larry Brown from the FSDO meeting with us to discuss the recent ruling on operating limitations on experimental aircraft specifically as this relates to North Town operations.  Representatives of Chapter 163, CCAA and us will be meeting to form a mutual approach towards dealing with this problem.  More on this at the Boulder meeting.


Coming up at our future meetings: a presentation on electrical wiring by Mike Perger, Plane and Pilot?s Editor Lyn Freeman and Cecil Johnson from Clark County?s Aviation Department.  Please watch the Web Site for further information. 


Again a reminder for each of us to start looking for possible candidates for the Chapter to send to the EAA Air Academy this summer.


In the meantime -Safe Flying and Regards.


David Lerner


Chapter 1300

Feb. 9, 2005 Minutes

EAA Chapter 1300

 President Dave Lerner convened the second meeting of the year at 1930 Hrs at the Starbright Theater in Summerlin. About 55 members and guests were present.

Charlie Braun, advisor to the "747th Air Venture Crew", gave a short talk on his Ventue Scout program. For more information on this program go to

Jim Bonelli then reported on Chapter 1300's accomplishments in the Young Eagles program and our sponsorship of candidates to the Air Academy program.

Dean Herrington then introduced our special guest speaker for the evening, Jeffrey S. Ashby (Captain, USN, Ret.) In 1999 Jeff Ashby served as Pilot on STS-93 on Space Shuttle Columbia and in 2001 he was also the Pilot on STS-100 on Space Shuttle Endeavour. He then returned to space in 2002 as Mission Commander of STS-112 on Space Shuttle Atlantis. His presentation included slides and a video of his mission STS-112. A question and answer session followed.

Dean Herrington conducted a lucky number drawing for NASA pins, mission patches and autographed photos of Jeff Ashby. These were all provided by Jeff Ashby. There were 2 winners of the 50/50 drawing. They were Jan Bonelli and Mike Cook.

The meeting was adjourned about 2130 Hrs.

Respectfully submitted,


Herman Leong


Chapter 1300



Welcome New Members:

Our newest Member comes from Henderson Nv. Don Conrad,

Welcome aboard Sir.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

 interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

 Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure

 to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

Thanks to the ground crews and Aviators Who gave at last months

Vary successful Young Eagle Event.


Hi All;

  Our planning committee for the Boulder City Airport Day has set the date for the event as Saturday, April 2, 2005.   We have tried to deconflict it with most of the other local flying events.  I have made the input that the Chapter would like to fly "Young Eagles" again,  just as we did last November when the other events got cancelled.  At this time, the event will be like a mini-Discover Aviation Days with sky-diving, formation flying, helicopter/plane rides and "maybe" aerobatics.   Mark April 2nd on your calendar and start passing the word around.  Does anyone know of conflicts we may have overlooked or have comments we should consider? 


Fly Safe,





 EAA is sending this e-Notice to you as a means to provide better service to you, your Chapter members and EAA members at-large.

The EAA Government Relations department is updating the amateur-built DAR (AB DAR) web page and we need your Chapter members assistance with the update.  Within this web site we have listed all of the individuals the FAA has currently authorized to inspect and certify amateur-built aircraft.  There is one column called "EAA Member Recommended AB DAR" that directly reflects your member feelings about the AB DAR's who have inspected and certified their aircraft. 

What I need is for your Chapter members to tell me if they would recommend the AB DAR who inspected and certified their aircraft to other EAA members.  If they would, then what is the name of that inspector - once I get that name, I'll then add a "yes" under the recommended column next to that AB DAR's name.

I would like to thank you and your Chapter members in advance for helping to provide this information to all members of our EAA Family.

The current EAA AB DAR web page is at:  Please take a look at it...the list of recommended AB DAR's is a living list that can be updated any time. 

Randy Hansen
Government Relations Director
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
PO Box 3086
Oshkosh, WI 54903

888-322-4636, 1 then ext. 6522
(f) 920-426-4885 or 6560
Mark your 2005 calendar for the World's Greatest Aviation Celebration ... EAA AirVenture Oshkosh ... Monday, July 25th through Sunday, July 31st. 



Classified Ads:


New Hanger-Sandy Valley, Nv.-Sky Ranch Estates. 

60 X 60 Nu-Cor-Insulatted Bldg.  50 ft. x 13ft. 6in. clear Schweiss Auto-Lock Door w/2 remote actuators.  Two(2) 10 thousand CFM Evaporative Coolers.  Roof Vents.  400 AMP Panel with ample GFI and standard outlets.  For more information, contact Richard Kegelmyer at (702)349-5999 or (702)878-1368.


Refreshment Calendar:


Mike Smith will be your refreshment host for the March Meeting at

Glenn Smith?s hanger



 Remember to wear your name badge to the meeting on March 9

And all meetings in the future.






Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 9th. Bring a friend?.. 



Contact: Webmaster