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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                              February 2007

                                         Volume 8, Issue No.2


February 14, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held in Glenn Smith’s hangar at Boulder City Airport.

Members wishing to have a quick bite to eat will meet at the golf course at 6:00 PM


February Meeting Program

The Boulder City Fire Department will give us an overview of their service for aircraft.



2007 Officers and Directors:

President:                        Terry Frazier

Vice President:                Mike Perger

Secretary:                        Charlie Braun              

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli               

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner February 2007:


               I trust you enjoyed the presentation at the January meeting.  I certainly did.  Captain Bly had 
                some great shots from the “Bone” and insider stories to go with.  
               This will be a hard act to follow, but count on some fun and informative speakers at upcoming meetings.  
               We just safely completed another Young Eagles event at Henderson in association with the 
                Courtney Children’s Foundation.  Thanks to Dave Lerner’s efforts, we had a great turnout.  
               The twelve or so pilots that contributed their time and resources gave the kids a great time. 
               Charlie, Micah and crew kept everything safe on the ramp.  And of course Mike and Jim ordered 
               some great Las Vegas weather and organized the fly-in in their usual professional manner.
               Next event: Discover Aviation – Wings and Wheels 2007 will be at the Jean Airport, April 21st..  
                Call Mike if you can fly. 
               Don’t forget the Chapter meeting Feb. 14 at Boulder City. I plan to discuss our 
               priorities for 2007.  We have a few ideas, but your 2007 officers really need 
               input from each of you as chapter members.  Hope to see everyone there. 
               Your Proud New Grandpa, 
               Terry Frazier 
               EAA Chapter 1300 President, 2007 


Meeting Minutes January 10, 2007:

Location: Henderson Airport, Henderson Nevada


Meeting was called to order by chapter President Terry Frazier at 7:30pm.


Introduction of guest and new members:


               Roger and Sue Hansen


               Nick Byrd.

 Nick and his wife are from Washington State and temper rarely living in Boulder City.

 Nick is also presently constructing a experimental aircraft and told everyone it’s basically

 an airplane “crotch rocket”


               Minutes from previous meeting:

Motion was made by Chapter 1300 President Terry Frazier to accept the minutes from last months meeting

as they stand on the Chapter 1300 web site. Motion was seconded by Mike Smith. Minutes

where accepted as they stand on the web site.


               Treasurer Report: Brain Prinzavalli.

                               Reported a total of $ 281.00 had come in to the chapter by way of membership dues and name badge

                               sales. Brian stated that the chapter bank account balance was presently $ 1,085.63 . It was stated that

                               there are still left over name badges that needed to be picked up instead of using chapter funds to mail

                               them out. It was also asked if anyone would like to pay their dues at this meeting. Dues are $ 24.00

                               for family membership and $ 18.00 for individual membership. Roster shows that only 20 members have

                               paid dues out of an approximate total of 75 members. Motion was presented by the chapter President to

                               accept the treasurer’s report. Motion was seconded and the report was accepted.


               Announcements: Mike Smith

                               Stated that he presently has 2 or 3 pilots and 2 or 3 ground people for the Young Eagles event at

                               Henderson Airport on Feb. 3, 2007 and he does not have as many now as he will need. A question was

                               brought fourth as to which hangar the Young Eagles will be working from on Feb.3. Tom Donaldson

                               explained that the event will use the room that this meeting was held in and just walk the kids out of the

                               room and on to the flight line. The event airplanes will possibly be parked on the new ramp.


               Special Guest: Announced by Dean Harrington

                               Guest speaker was Captain “Bly” of the United States Air Force.

                               Capt. Bly is presently a Predator flyer and instructor at Nellis Air Force Base. He is a graduate of the

                               Air Force Academy with a Aeronautical Engineers Degree, Has flown out of Diego Garcia on combat

                               missions to Iraq in the B-1 bomber, a private pilot, glider instructor, pilot and fly’s the tow plane. Out

                               of all this, he was born and raised in Alberta, Canada.


                               Capt Bly gave a very informative and interesting presentation on the B-1 bomber along with a slide

                               presentation showing his crew, the bomber cockpit, views of Iraq, and breath taking photos of  clouds

                               and the sun rise from 30,000 feet. Presentation lasted approximately 90 minutes.


               Old Business:

                               Discover Aviation: David Learner

                               Reminded all the Discover Aviation committee members of the meeting at North Las Vegas Airport

                               On Friday, Jan. 12. Discover Aviation received a grant of $ 1,250.00 that will be matched by the Red

                               Rock Casino.


               New Check: Glen Bullock had sent a check for $ 100.00 to be used a the chapter needs. This check was

                               matched with $ 100.00 from a chapter member.


               Air Academy: Paul Gerner

                               Paul brought up the possibility of going out side the normal means of selecting a youth candidate to

                               attend the Oshkosh Air Academy this year. Chapter members felt this would be a good idea. It was

                               also mention that the Air Explorer Post youth members should be considered.


               50/50 Drawing

                               There was not a 50/50 drawing because the new secretary (me) forgot the tickets for the drawing.


               Meeting Adjournment

                               Members where reminded that the next Chapter 1300 monthly meeting will be held at the Boulder City

                               Airport on February 14, 2007 (Valentines Day)

                               Meeting was adjourned by President Frazer at 9:00pm.


               Minutes where taken by Charlie Braun on January 10, 2007 and transcribed by same on January 15, 2007.



               Charlie Braun


               Nevada Chapter 1300, EAA


Welcome new Members:



Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  

The Chapter webpage URL is’

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

Keep your thinking caps on for a candidate for the Air academy



Classified ads:

Classified ads are a service to members and posted on the Web site.  The posting will remain until the

Item offered is sold or 1 year, which ever comes first.


Refreshment Calendar:

Volunteers needed.


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of 

those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2007 Meeting schedule.

           March    14  HEN

            Apr       11  VGT

            May      9    HEN

            Jun        13  VGT

             July      11  BLD

            Aug        8  VGT

            Sep      12   HEN

            Oct      10   VGT

            Nov   ( tba )  BLD   Usually combined with Open House

            Dec      12  VGT           

                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the February meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 14th. Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster