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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311

August 2003
Volume 4, Issue No.8

August 13, 2003:
Our next meeting will be at the North Las Vegas Airport, Terminal Building
Beginning at 7:30PM.
Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the
Foothills Restaurant, 3377 N. Rancho Road. Everyone is "Welcome" to join us
for Dinner.

August Meeting Program:
The program for the August meeting will be a presentation by Chuck Bodeen.

We want to say "Thank You" to George Heaven for presenting his Rubber Bandit
(Rubber Band Powered Man flight) Project, in which is based at the Henderson
Executive Airport.

2003 Officers & Directors:
Walt Ayers, President
Mike Smith, Vice President
Stan Roeske, Treasurer
Herman Leong, Secretary
Steve Dahl, Henderson Director
Glen Smith, Boulder City Director
Paul Gerner, North Las Vegas Director
We lost one of our member in an aircraft accident in Blanding , UT on July
26, 2003. Wayne Connelly died when his aircraft crashed on take-off after a
fuel stop in Blanding, Utah. I am sure most of you remember Wayne for his
enthusiasm for flying Young Eagles. There will be a memorial service for
Wayne later this month. You will be notified by email once the service
arrangements have been finalized. GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!

Special Door Prize - August Meeting:
Aerowave Enterprises has donated a copy of their Homebuilder's Log Software
as a Door Prize at the August Chapter Meeting. The software title is "KITLOG
Pro" which is a complete builder's resource tool.. Create - Maintain -
Display - Archive the complete building process for any type of aircraft.
Contains; Aircraft Construction Logbook - Expense Logbook - Customizable
Categories - Weight and Balance Calculator - Printed Reports - Reference
Materials & Forms; Test Flight & Maintenance Log and Much More!
This will make a great prize for any homebuilder. Must be present to win...
The chapter wishes to "THANK" Aerowave for donating the builder's software
as a meeting door prize.

The President's Message for August:
No Report

Secretary's Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300
July 9, 2003 Minutes

President Walt Ayers convened the July meeting at 1940 hours at the
Henderson Executive Airport.  Ten(10) members and one(1) guest were present.
Our guest was Lynn Baker, a corporate pilot with a local firm.  Refreshments
were provided by Tom Donaldson.  A motion was made to dispense with the
reading of the previous month's minutes since the were published on the EAA
Chapter 1300 web site.  The motion was seconded and approved.  Because Stan
Roeske was unable to attend, a written Treasurer's report was read by
President Walt Ayers.  The total funds foward from the previous report was
$3,173.66. Income for June 2003 was $193.66.  Expenses were $566.47
resulting in a total balance ending June 30, 2003 of $2,800.85.  Subtracting
$223.25 for funds for the Aviation Educational Fund leaves $2,577.60 for the
total uncommitted fund balance ending June 30, 2003.

Tom Donaldson then introduced our guest speaker, George Heaven, a freelance
aeronautical engineer and movie stunt pilot. For the past 7 years George has
been involved in building and testing the world's first manned rubberband
powered airplane.  In a couple months he will be attempting to set some
records with this airplane here in Las Vegas. The airplane is located at
Henderson Executive airport in a hangar next to the terminal building.  It
has a wingspan of 71 ft., fuselage of 33 ft. and a prop that is 18 ft. in
diameter.  It's really something to see. More information and photos can be
seen at

The program was followed by a business meeting.  President Walt Ayers
reported that the county has offered a 3 year permit for Young Eagles
operations if a $5 million policy is obtained.  Walt Ayers felt this was
high and asked the Secretary to look into it.  The following quote comes
from the EAA Chapter Handbook.
"Young Eagles Excess Aircraft Coverage"

To address some of the concerns expressed by individual EAA members, EAA put
in place an excess general liability insurance policy.  This policy provides
excess passenger liability insurance liability for individual EAA members
who fly their own aircraft or rented aircraft in conjunction with the Young
Eagle Program.  The underlying requirement is that the primary owned
aircraft liability insurance or renters liability insurance have at least
$100,000 per passenger seat coverage.  If the underlying coverage is in
place, then the excess passenger liability insurance coverage will provide
an excess $1,000,000 per occurrence over and above the underlying limit of
coverage.  Of course, the restriction against charging Young Eagles for
their ride still applies.

Dave Roebke gave a progress report on the Centennial of Flight programs.
The next program is scheduled at W. Charleston Library and " Women in
Aviation" will be one of the topics.  Also a paper airplane flying contest
will take place.
Someone mentioned that there is an Oral History program sponsored by EAA and
that Mark Hall-Patton, the Clark County Museum curator is the local person
involved with it.
It was mentioned that Jim Bonelli was chosen to fly the Nevada State Flag to
Kitty Hawk and is now on his way.  The Pilot Assist program was brought up
briefly and Ken Wyatt suggested that participants keep notes on their short
flights and compare the when finalizing the program in the Fall.  The
meeting was adjourned at 2145 hours.

Respectfully Submitted,
Herman Leong

Welcome New Members:
No New Members the past 30days.

Chapter Meeting Schedule - 2003:
August 13, 2003  North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm
September 10, 2003 Boulder City - Glenn Smith's Hangar at 7:30 pm
October 8, 2003  North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm
November 12, 2003  Boulder City - Location TBA at 7:30 pm
December 10, 2003  North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:
Our chapter flying activities will resume in September as the weather begins
to cool down.
Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of
interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter's Webpage. Send
whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to
Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The 2003 Young Eagle Flight Rally Schedule:
 Saturday, September,__ Overton  (99s & Mardel Haskins sponsored)
 Saturday, October, __  (Open)
Saturday, November 1st Beatty

Refreshment Calendar:
If you would like to volunteer to bring the meeting refreshment to one of
our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at
349-7795 to sign up.

August 13, 2003 Mike Smith
September 10, 2003 Stan & Carol Roeske
October 8, 2003  Ken & Phyllis Wyatt
November 12, 2003
December 10, 2003

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation
items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail
mail or email.

FOR SALE: No Listings this month.

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the
November Meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Soon:
Big Bear, CA Presenta AIR FAIR 2003, August 16, 2003. Featured Aircraft:
B-25, P-51, SBD, DC-3, Replica of the Wright Flyer. Admission $1.00 -
Kiwanis Breakfast - *:00am - 3:00pm

FAA Safety Seminar, August 18, 2003, North Las Vegas Airport - Grand Canyon
Room 7:00pm. Topic: Fly the Grand Canyon Legally and Safely

CCAA Meeting on September 17 at 7:00 pm North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the
13th. Bring a friend...


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