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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  DECEMBER, 2006

                                           Volume 7, Issue No.12


DECEMBER 13th, Meeting Location:


Our last meeting of 2006 will be held at the North Las Vegas Airport in the

Grand Canyon Room.  Opening bell at 19:30 hours, ( 7:30 PM ).


December Meeting Program;

Root Beer Floats, Banana Splits, Strawberry Sundaes

Hot Chocolate or Hot Apple Cider, and various Cookies.



2007 Officers and Directors:


President:                         Terry Frazier

Vice President:                Mike Perger

Secretary:                         Micah Braun              

Treasurer:                         Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner for December 2006


As I write this there is some uncertainty whether I will be in Las Vegas for our last meeting of the year as I await the birth of a new Grandson back east. So I want to take this opportunity, should I miss the holidays here, to wish you all the Happiest and Healthiest of Holidays and a wonderful New Year.  My deepest thanks to the members of Chapter 1300 for the opportunity and support you have afforded me over the past two years it has been my privilege to serve as the Chapter’s President. Terry Frazier, Mike Perger, Micah Braun and Brian Prinzavalli are your Chapter officers for the New Year and I know they will do very well and have your continued support. 


Chapter 1300 has every reason to feel good about it.  A summary of the most recent past shows the Chapter has flown several hundred Young Eagles over the past few years many from the inner city area of our Valley community. Our members created and taught an outstanding seminar program for the Air Scouts.  The Chapter is now in the process of overhauling the Discover Aviation program with Discover Aviation Wings and Wheels 2007.  The membership of the Chapter have stood firm in support of first flights from VGT as well as working to develop a more useful Rules and Regulations document covering General Aviation Airports in Clark County.  Our Chapter meetings over the past two years have had talks ranging from Astronaut Jeff Ashby, Plane and Pilot’s Editor Lyn Freeman, FSDO’s Larry Brown, DOA Assistant Director Cecil Johnson, Mike Perger’s outstanding series on electrical systems, Chuck Bodeen’s X-Plane simulator, Scott Brooksby’s accident prevention and most recently CHP Sgt. Nick Sabino on traffic from the air.


There are a number of folks who deserve recognition for their individual efforts in making our chapter what it has become.  Among them are: Dean Herrington for his work on our programs and fly outs; Paul Gerner for spreading the word about the EAA Air Academy and finding the outstanding youngsters who took part in that program; Rich Kegelmeyer for his work on our newsletter, Brian Prinzavalli for “juggling” the books to ensure we had the money available for our projects, Jan Bonelli for her tireless effort at the Young Eagle events along with the ladies of the “registration squad”, Gail Smith, Mavis Rangan, Linda Frazier, Suzanne Kuhn, Desiree Kuhn, Jill Sengel, Jean Carter and Helen Carlson; the ground crew headed up by Charlie Braun and his crew of Scouts led by Micah Braun; Mike Perger who handled ground movement safety and juggled the Chapter’s minutes so well; Jim Bonelli, our Webmaster, for being wherever and whenever needed; Mike Smith who headed organizing the Young Eagle pilots for each Y/E event and flew them along with Don Ames, Ron Palmer, Dewey Petersen, Lonnie Roy, Bob Rose, Kevin Stall, CA Smith, George Younghans. Roy Campbell, Armin Tuma, Roy Engleke, Terry Frazier, Glenn Carlson, Gene Lamski, Ken Wyatt and Bob Doughty. The Chapter has been well represented in dealing with the County on the Rules, Regulations and Lease issues through the untiring effort of Ken Wyatt, Norm Ivans and Walt Ayers. One could not ask for better folks to work with.


I did not want to make this sound like an Academy Award acceptance speech, but rather an expression of thanks to our members who have made a difference to the Chapter.  It was an honor and a pleasure to be associated with all of you.


Thank you all again for your support over the past two years.


Safe flying and best regards,


David Lerner, President 2005-06




Meeting Minutes of November 4th 2006

November’s meeting was held in conjunction with the Boulder City Airport Open House. 

Since most members were pre-occupied with the air show, the meeting was post-poned to

December where the sleight of officers will be voted on.


FLY-OUT to ?????????


Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster at

e-mail address:

The Chapter webpage URL is:

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Refreshment Calendar:

Please consider volunteering for the refreshments at one of our Chapter meetings.


For your Information: FYI:


SAFETY:  One of the greatest mysteries in aviation is “Why are there so many

aircraft accidents at North Las Vegas?  We even got to the top of the “Runway Incursions” list. 

These are NOT accomplishments, they are signs of trouble.              


                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the December meeting.

                  Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

               we will see you On the 13th. Bring a friend……..


Contact: Webmaster