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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 34311

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89133-4311


                                               SEPTEMBER 2005

                                             Volume 6, Issue No.9  


SEPTEMBER14, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at The Henderson Executive Airport, Terminal Building at 7:30 PM. 600PM. At :Seven Hills Bar & Grill, 3051 St. Rose Parkway, Henderson.


September meeting Program:

We?re honored to present Mike Perger

to be our Guest Speaker for the evening.

Aircraft Electrical Systems.


2005 Officers and Directors:

President:                        David Lerner

Vice President:                Paul Gerner

Secretary:                        Herman Leong

Ass?t Secretary:               Bill Lawbaugh

Treasurer:                        Ken Wyatt

Ass?t Treasurer:               Justin Kelly

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents corner September 2005

The month started off at our regular Chapter meeting with a highly professional and informative presentation on the basics of electricity given by Mike Perger. The good news is that Mike will be back again in the early part of next year with the remaining segment, Part 2 of Electricity Basics, to complete his program. We also hope to arrange for additional programs relating to topics specific to project needs and skill building as well as non-member guest speakers from the world of General Aviation in the coming year. Please let me know the areas and topics you are interested in.


In the ?Heads up category?, Jim Bonelli and I went up to Reno to participate in the initial meeting of the Aviation Trust Fund Advisory Committee.  The group was set up when this year?s State Legislature finally decided to fund the Aviation Trust Fund with $500,000. The Governor originally approved the Aviation Trust Fund, four years ago, on May 31, 2001. The Legislature also placed a restrictive provision on the Aviation Department in granting these funds that requires finding permanent sources of funds without the need to resort to any future funding from the state treasury.  In short the Legislature said if you want to maintain and improve rural airports within the state self fund the effort from any available number of tax methods. We were reminded that initially this was only seed money for a study to determine where the best renewable tax sources could be found for this purpose.  Excluded from the airport improvement program are: Reno, Elko and airports under Clark County jurisdiction. I?ll certainly keep you posted, as the consultant?s progress reports are made available.


Still in the ?Heads up category?, the GAO released a report that commercialized ATC was not good for General Aviation.  I am inserting the blurb in case you missed it:


GAO REPORT: A "commercialized" air traffic control system would be a disaster for    general aviation. That's the inescapable conclusion to be drawn from a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released last week. "The GAO's look at other countries' experience with privatizing air traffic control confirms much of what AOPA has been saying for years," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "General aviation would be hurt and user fees are not the panacea for financing ATC." The GAO looked at five commercialized air traffic control systems?Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom?and concluded that the air navigation service providers (ANSPs), as the GAO calls them, "?have instituted or increased fees for general aviation operators, and some ANSPs have increased or plan to increase the costs of service to small or remote locations." And there isn't much of a comparison between the systems when it comes to handling traffic. Combined, the five systems studied handle less traffic than just five of the FAA's 22 air route traffic control centers. 


With regard to VGT Phase One test flights, Dave Edwards indicated that AOPA was about to release their letter to the LA Region.  I will send it on via Yahoo mail and the Web site as soon as received.


Dean Herrington sent a thought provoking email (given the recent devastating events in the Gulf area), which shared with you and edited - he wrote:

?With 14 refineries off-line, gas is not only going to be more expensive, but is

already in short supply.  I heard a govt. request on the news yesterday that we

curtail all non-essential travel so that the limited supply of fuel can be redirected and consumed by more essential vehicles in more needy parts of the country. So, we have canceled a driving vacation trip to San Diego, will cancel all discretionary flying activity (and what flying do I do that's not discretionary?) for the near future, and will consolidate our local driving more aggressively until some more refineries come up, and the supply is closer to normal. I think the chapter should consider making the small gesture of canceling all out-of-town fly-outs for the next 3-6 months  ?.. We should [still] proceed with our Discover Aviation plans, and the October picnic.  Something to think about??


And last, a reminder that we meet this month at Henderson on the 14th at 7:30pm; and that it?s not too early to mark your calendar and start salivating over the Chapter?s Annual Picnic.  Dean Herrington has planned a real good cookout, free and open to all our members and their families on October 22 at Jean.


Regards and safe flying,


David Lerner, President 2005


Meeting Minutes, August:

President Dave Lerner called the meeting to order at VGT at 1930 Hrs.  15 members and 2 guests were present.  The guests were Bob Rose and Eddie Kopf.  Bob flys a Cessna Skyhawk and is an Angel Flight co-ordinator.  Eddie is refurbishing a Cessna 195. The July minutes were approved as published on the web site.  Ken Wyatt gave the Treasurer's report and it was approved.  Our cash balance on July 31, 2005 was $2,752.94.  Total income for July was $37.50 and Total Expenses were $763.39.   Old Business:  Young Eagles next event is on Nov. 5th at 61B in conjuction with a Boulder City air show featuring acrobatic flights and formation flying.  New Business:  Dave Lerner will be attending a conference in Reno next week regarding an aviation trust fund that the Nevada State legislature recently set up to refurbish out-lying airports in Nevada.  Our guest speaker was Chapter 1300 member, Mike Perger. Mike gave an interesting and informative seminar on basic electricity.  Armin Tuma showed an 11 minute video on a flight of 3 aircraft  to the Arlington 2005 Fly-In.  Participants included  Jim and Jan Bonelli (T-41),  Herman Leong and Ivan McLay (Glastar), Armin Tuma and Jean (Glastar).  The 50/50 winner was Dan Landry.  Refreshments for the evening  provided by Brian Prinzavalli included freshly baked cookies by Brian.  They were delicious. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2100 Hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,

Herman Leong
Chapter 1300



Welcome new Members:

No new Members to report at this time.


Webpage Material

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  The Chapter webpage URL is? Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:


Classified ads:

No Classified ads to mention at this time.



Refreshment Calendar:

Tom Donaldson is going to provide the refreshment for the

September Meeting. Thanks go out to Brian Prinzaivalli

for last month?s Meeting


EAA Chapter 1300 Fly Out Schedule:

Your Events committee has tentatively scheduled our first
Autum fly-out for Saturday, September 17,2005 to the Air
Museum at Palm Springs, Calif. It is 160nm from KVGT and
should take most of us 1.5 hours to get there.

Some members have mentioned a possible conflict on the
proposed date. It is our intention to schedule the flying
events to accomodate the greatest number of participants.


FYI: For Your Information 


                     Remember to wear your name badge

                                to the August meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 10th. Bring a friend??..



Contact: Webmaster