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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
Decmber  2003
Volume 4, Issue No.12

December 10th:
Our next meeting will be in Grand Canyon Room, North Las Vegas Airport
beginning at 7:30PM on December 10th.

Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the
Foothills Bar and Grill, 3377 N. Rancho Road. Everyone is "Welcome" to join
us for Dinner.

December Meeting Program:
The December meeting will be our Annual Ice Cream Social. Therefore, we will
not have a guest speaker. The Ice Cream Social is a great way to end the
year by socializing with other members to catch up on what they are
building, restoring and doing to further their goals in Aviation. We want to
"Thank" Jim & Jan Bonelli for furnishing the Ice Cream and Cookies.
2004 Officers and Directors:
The chapter held elections for 2004 officers & directors during the November
meeting and elected the following:
President:                    Mike Smith
Vice President:               Paul Gerner
Secretary:                    Herman Leong
Treasurer:                    David Lerner
Director VGT:                 Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                 Glenn Smith
Director HND:                 Glenn Carlson

Thanks to our November Meeting Guest Speaker:
We wish to say "Thank You" to Tom Donaldson for a very nice presentation on
the Future Henderson Executive Airport.
Membership Renewal Time:
Below is the renewal email Stan Roeske sent to all Chapter Members regarding
membership renewal for 2004:
 Happy Holidays to All Members of EAA Chapter 1300 and their Families!

Attached is the latest Chapter Roster. (Only to those with email service)
Please check your name, address, etc. If you find errors please send them to
me at before January 1st.

It's the Holiday Season, and time to renew your EAA Chapter 1300 membership.
Dues are $18 for individuals and $24 for families. If in doubt, check the
All family members have both members listed, together.

You can save postage by bringing cash or check to the Chapter meeting on
Wed., 12/10. Otherwise please mail checks payable to "Southern Nevada EAA
Chapter 1300" to either of the addresses below: (Note: the PO Box is 22
miles, across town, from my home - I don't go there very often.)
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
POB 34311
Las Vegas, NV
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
c/o Stan Roeske
2225 Armacost Dr.
Henderson NV

Again, Happy Holidays,
Stan Roeske
Treasurer - 2003
So. Nev. EAA Ch. 1300

Boulder Airport Appreciation Days:
Glenn Smith and Mark DuLaney are working on plans to hold a Boulder Airport
Appreciation Days in January of 2004. They are hoping to offer the following
activities: Formation Clinic, Young Eagle Flights, Acrobatic Rides, BBQ and
more. More information and details will be discussed at the meeting.
Nellis Airshow Booth Volunteers:
We want to "Thank" all of the chapter members that volunteered to work our
display table at the Nellis Airshow. We had a lot of interest in our Young
Eagle Program and future YE Flight Rallies in the Vegas area. Thanks guys &
gals for a "Great Job".
President's Message:
No Report

Secretary's Note Pad:
INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS:  Eighteen of our members, including several Board
Members had dinner together at the Boulder Creek Golf Course restaurant
before the meeting.  This was one of best attendance's so far at our "before
meeting dinners".  Remember, all members are welcome at these Board Member
"dinner meetings".
                Our President, Walt Ayers, convened the general meeting at
1945 hours in Glenn Smith's Hangar on taxiway 1 at Boulder City Airport.
(We found out later that at least one family of our members was late due to
traffic and couldn't get through the gate to attend the meeting.  We
apologize profusely to them and will post a gate attendant to check for late
arrivals next time.)  Herman Leong was missing, so we didn't have a sign-in
log or our 50/50 tickets.  Therefore, we didn't get an accurate count of
those present or have a 50/50 drawing.
                Walt welcomed all and got right to our business meeting.  It
was great to see a few folks we hadn't seen for a few meetings (maybe
because our meeting was at Boulder City).  As your VP,  I would encourage
all members to introduce themselves to those you don't recognize and
exchange your interests.  Hopefully some new friendships will flourish and
strengthen our meeting attendance.
                OLD BUSINESS:
                Mtg Minutes:  Walt called for reading of last meetings
minutes and it was motioned to forego the reading since they were posted on
the Web site and in the distributed newsletter.  The motioned was passed.
                Treasurer's Report:  Stan Roeske presented  his Treasurer's
Report.  Our current Chapter balance is $2828.50 (if my notes are correct).
See Stan's report for details.  Stan said he will be updating our roster and
sending it out to the group.  (Editor's note:  Please keep our membership
list confidential to protect the personal information it contains.  We don't
need any more spam in our e-mail.  Also, if anyone knows a member who isn't
getting our e-mails, please let one of the officers know.)  Stan also said
he will be prepared to accept next years local Chapter dues at our December
meeting.  Pay your dues early at the meeting and save us some postage.
                Nellis "Aviation Nation" Open House:  Glenn Smith and Mark
DuLaney will take their planes to Nellis on Friday to put our members
homebuilts on static display.  Mike Smith is setting up an EAA information
table near their planes to pass out info on the EAA and Young Eagles
Programs.  He has several volunteers who have signed up to help "man the
table:" and answer questions.  Mike showed the info sheets he had prepared
and was encouraged to get pictures of Glenn's construction process to put on
the table.
                Boulder City Airport Appreciation Day:  Glenn said there
were some unresolved issues that will cause the "Appreciation Day" to be
moved to a later date (from November 22nd).  He thinks he will get it
arranged for later January or early February.  Glenn added that the Golf
Club Restaurant will set up a pay as you go BBQ for us when we have the Bldr
Cty Appreciation Day.
                Young Eagles:  Jim Bonelli mentioned that the first Saturday
in February, (Feb 7th) is currently planned as a Young Eagle Rally day, so
we need to "deconflict" it with other activity.  Jim also mentioned that the
Beatty YE Rally on November 1st was canceled due to weather and that we all
need to be aware that when we ask the local FAA office for an airspace
waiver for aerobatics that we must have the "Airport owner's/manager's "
approval.  He also volunteered to check on getting the B-17 to stop at North
Las Vegas this year to give walk throughs and rides.  In connection with YE
Rallies, Walt pointed out that he had been working with the Clark County
Aviation Authority to get them to accept the EAA National Insurance policy
as sufficient for our Young Eagle Rally activities.  They are willing at
this time and Walt ask for member approval to sign a 3 year contract to
agree to this.  A motion was made and passed for him to proceed.
                When I filled in for Walt at our October meeting, I
neglected to mention our last YE Rally and get it recorded into the minutes
so I'll do it now.  We had a great Rally at Overton on Saturday, September
27th.  Mardell Haskins did a great job of orchestrating the whole thing.  As
I remember, We had ten pilots bring their planes and fly over 100 kids and
we had Charlie Braun bring 4 of his Eagle Scouts to marshal the planes.
Several other volunteers helped with kid and crowd control.  Clyde Fancher
and Mike Overson opened their hangars for our use.  Richard Brand flew up
and gave us a 1500 foot aerobatic performance during our lunch break.  We
also had several airplanes on display.  Hugh brought his beautiful Lancair,
Matt Cooper brought his Extra 300, and the pretty blue L-39 jet was also
there.  Each gave a quick flyby as they left and headed for home.  It was
another great day coordinated by Jim and Jan Bonelli, our State YE leaders.
                EAA "Air Academy:  We need to start thinking about finding
nominees to send to next years EAA Air Academy at Oshkosh.  If any of you
know of a young deserving person genuinely interested in aviation that we
can sponsor to the Academy next summer, let us hear from you.  Paul Gerner
volunteered to check with the local CAP Flight to see if they might have a
                Centennial of Flight Presentations:  Dave Roebke gave an
update on the Presentations he is coordinating at the Clark County and now
Henderson Libraries.  He said we have had some good effort so far but can
use more.  He only has one more scheduled before Kitty Hawk + 100 years,
December 17th, gets here.  It will be at the Henderson Palla Verde Library
on November 22, where Julia Peoples of the Las Vegas 99s and Mark Culpepper,
the aviation museum curator will speak.  Dave and his volunteers have done a
great job this year of making the general public in our area more aware of
this "Centennial of Powered Flight Year".  Dave should get a good
"pat-on-the-back" from each of us for his effort.  Our Chapter got some
great publicity through Dave's excellent article in the November Sport
Aviation.  Our member, Patrick Schneider in his neat Thunderbird flight
suit, was nicely pictured also.
                Monthly Fly-out:  Mike Smith was the only plane to get to
Furnace Creek for the November fly-out, although there was a French couple
touring the USA in a Bonanza, that rode to the restaurant with Ken and
Phyllis.  (Editor's Note:  Our Chapter fly-outs are usually on the weekend
after the monthly chapter meetings and we usually don't get the minutes to
Roland Fraga, our Web site manager, until after that, so please call a
chapter officer if you don't get to the meeting and would like to know where
we are going.)
                Projects:  No reports this meeting.
                Committee Leaders are still needed--Jim Bonelli volunteered
to give Roland Fraga a break on maintaining the Chapter web site.  Roland
has done a terrific job at upgrading and maintaining our web site.  Much
thanks from all of us to you Roland.  Our thanks also to Jim for stepping up
once again to keep a vital activity "in business".   Ken is still looking
for a volunteer to give him a break at getting our Monthly Newsletter out to
the Yahoo Group.  If you know anything about computers and would volunteer,
I know Ken will help you get started with what it takes to get our
Newsletter out.  Tom Donaldson agreed to continue looking for interesting
programs to bring to our members.  We really need a Chapter YE coordinator
to relieve Mike Smith also.
                ELECTION:  Ballot were passed out to all who did not bring
the ones Jim put on the internet.  Walt asked for any nominations from the
floor, and getting none, called for the election.  Ballots were marked,
turned in, and counted  The nomination slate was elected as presented.  Your
officers for the coming year are:
                President--                            Mike Smith
                Vice President--                    Paul Gerner
                Secretary--                            Herman Leong
                Treasurer--                            Dave Lerner
                VGT Director--                     Armin Tuma
                HDN Director--                    Glen Carlson
                61B (Bld Cty) Director--       Glenn Smith
As usual, your officers and directors need both your idea input for
improvements and your volunteer help on activities.
                NEW BUSINESS:  No new business was introduced.

                50/50 Drawing:  No tickets to sell, so no drawing.

Walt adjourned our business meeting at 2034 hours so we could listen to Tom
Donaldson's update briefing on the progress of events at the Henderson
Executive Airport.
                Both of the new parallel runways are now open.
                Dirt is being moved for the 89 new hangar slabs, etc.  Move
in date is November 2004.
                Plans are ready for the new terminal to be built Northwest
of the old one.
                The new tower will be built South of the new hangars.
Thanks for a good update Tom!

Respectfully submitted,
        M. W. Smith
                Mike W. Smith
                Chapter 1300 VP

Welcome New Members:
The Chapter wishes to "Welcome" the following New Members and we urge each
of you to take an active roll in the chapter.
No new members last month

Centennial of Flight Programs:
The Chapter gained national recognigition with the publishing of David
Roebke article on the Centinential of Flight presentations at the various
Clark County Libraries on page 87 of the November EAA Sport Pilot magazine.
"Thanks", David for coordinating this program during the year of the 100th
anniversary of Powered Flight.

Wanted Newsletter Editor:
The chapter is looking for a volunteer newsletter editor to take over the
newsletter. Ken Wyatt has served as editor for over three years and he would
like to be replaced by a member willing to try his/her hand as editor of the
production the "WING TIP". If you would like to volunteer as editor, please
contact Walt Ayers (702-795-8288 or
or Ken Wyatt (702-349-7795 or

Flying Activities - December 2003:
The December flying activity will be a breakfast flight to Hesperia, CA
(L26) on December 14th. Arrive by 9:00 A.M. If the weather is not VFR, then
the breakfast flight is cancelled.
Do it Safely and Enjoy Your Flight.

Webpage Material:
Jim Bonelli will be assuming the WebMasters duties beginning in 2004. We
wish to "Thank" Roland Fraga for an outstanding job in keeping our webpage
update during the past several years.
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of
interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter's Webpage. Send
whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:
The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to
Bookmark this URL.
Jim Bonelli is taking over as Webmaster after the first of the year. We wish
to "Thank" Roland Fraga for his outstanding job as webmaster for the last
several years. Great Job Roland.

Young Eagles:
The 2004 Young Eagle Flight Rally (Partial) Schedule:
            February 7, 2004 - North Las Vegas Airport - International Young
Eagle Rally

Refreshment Calendar:
If you would like to volunteer to provide refreshments for one of our
monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at
349-7795 to sign up.
December 10, 2003                 Jim & Jan Bonelli

Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the
10th. Bring a friend...

Contact: Webmaster