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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311
Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311
November 2002    _________________Volume 3, Issue No. 11

November 13, 2002:
Our next meeting will be at the North Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room beginning at 7:30PM.
Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the Foothills Restaurant, 3377 N. Rancho Road. You are Welcome to join us for Dinner.
We wish to “Thank” Glenn Smith for hosting the October meeting in his hangar at Boulder City.

November Meeting guest Speaker:
The program for the November meeting will be David Brown giving us a RED FLAG exercise program.  As most of you know, Dave is involved with RED FLAG so this first hand briefing should be very interesting.  Bring a friend for this one.

We want to say “Thank You” to Dr. Andrea Anderson for an excellent presentation on the Aviation Programs at the Community Colleges.

Election Night:
The November meeting is our election night and we want to urge everyone to attend, as we will be making important plans for 2003 and need your input.

Special Recognition
The Chapter wishes to congratulate Glenn Smith on his Beautiful RV-8 being awarded Reserve Grand Champion at the Copper State Fly-in last month. “Congratulations Glenn” you surely have a beautiful RV-8 and deserve the award for all of your hard work and detail put into your fine bird. If you have not seen Glenn’s RV-8, check the Builder’s Corner on the chapter webpage.
The President’s Message for November:
Now that it is winter and we have moved the clocks back to Pacific Standard Time (PST). We must remember to adjust for Universal Coordinated Time (UCT) by adding 8 hours when filing flight plans.

The slate of officers for 2003 needs your approval.  Please give your approval by voting for the member of your choice.

Both November and December meetings will be at the North Las Vegas Airport Grand Canyon Room.  Same format as always.  A pre-meeting dinner gathering will be at the Foothills Ranch at 18:00 hrs and business meeting with guest speaker at 19:30 at VGT.

We have some very important issues to discuss this month, so please make every effort to attend the November 13 meeting.

Finally, thanks to everyone who helped make the Beatty Young Eagles Rally a major success.  You gave 61 Young Eagle flights, you who flew a wonderful formation of RV-8’s plus a KR-2, you who flew a T-34 formation complete with smoke and those did a show-stopper of an aerobatic demonstration.

The whole event was just like the old Barnstormer days.  Congratulations on a job well done.

Jim Bonelli, President

Secretary’s Note Pad:

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300, Inc
October 9, 2002
For those of you who didn’t make it to our fried chicken dinner meeting in Glenn Smith’s hangar at Boulder City airport, you really missed a great gathering.  Folks started gathering at 1730 and kept coming until after President Bonelli convened our formal meeting about 1915.  We had a great time eating and “hangar flying”.  Due to Stan Roeske’s work schedule we were without our records “box” with sign in forms and 50/50 tickets, but, we passed around a sign in sheet and got 39 signatures.  I’m certain we missed a few, but we had 16 member and 23 guests sign in.   Renie Younghan’s quick thinking and work making 50/50 “tickets” kept Keith in the 50/50 ticket selling business.  Thanks Renie!
 Jim called the formal meeting to order at 1920 hours and properly welcomed all, especially our guest, to the meeting.   The first order of business was a surprise presentation by our guest Karla Burton to her husband Rob.  It was a beautifully finished and mounted warbird prop blade to decorate their hangar.
  Since our last meetings minutes were posted on the Chapter internet web site and in the Newsletter which is sent to all members with e-mail addresses, a motion was made and seconded to dispense with the verbal reading of the minutes.  Keith Hopkey gave his treasurer’s report.  As of the end of September, we had a total of $2238. 79 in our account with $646.25 designated for the Education fund and the remaining $1592.54 uncommitted in the general fund.

 Nominations Committee: Jim then covered our slate of officers for next year.  Tom Donaldson, our nomination committee of one, has put together the following slate:

  President:   Walt Ayers
  Vice-President:  Mike Smith
  Secretary:   Herman Leong
  Treasurer:   Stan Roeske
  Henderson Director:  Steve Dahl
  Boulder City Director:   Glenn Smith
  North Las Vegas Director: (Open for Nominations)

We will be “opening the floor” for other nominees (if there are any), voting, and counting absentee ballots at our November 13th meeting in the terminal at North Las Vegas to elect our leaders for next year.  Please come and make your voice and vote heard.
 Flyouts:  A couple of Chapter 1300 members made Chapter 163’s recent flyout to
Kingman for breakfast..  We still haven’t set up a firm date for a joint flyout with the Apple Valley Chapter, but it is in work.  However, it is still suggested that we attend Chapter 163’s planned breakfast fly-out each month.  They are usually the first weekend of the month.  Anyone in the Chapter who hears of a fly-out should put it out in the Yahoo Group e-mail.
 Activities:  Last weekend’s Nellis and Kingmans open houses/Airshows featured at least three of our member’s airplanes, Ken Wyatt’s T-34 and Glenn Smith’s RV 8 on display at Nellis and Mike Smith’s KR-2 at Kingman.  (Note: Glenn Smith’s RV 8 took Reserve Grand Champ at Copperstate.  Our congratulations to him.)  The Air Force Fire Power Demo is this Friday, Oct 11th.  CCAA has a bus scheduled to leave VGT at 1030.  Our annual picnic is Saturday, Oct 19th.   The Boulder Group of RVs will do a formation flyby before they land and Craig Fordem will do some aerobatics in the “box” to the west of Jean for us.
 Web Page:  Roland Fraga, our webmaster is doing a great job of putting our pictures and good info on our web page. If you haven’t visited it lately, do so at:
 Young Eagles:  Our next rally is at Beatty, NV.  Fly in Friday to spend the night or early (before 0815) Saturday. Pilots briefing will be at 0830. November 16th at Jean is still tentative.   Current schedule:
November 2 ------ Beatty (“Younghans sponsored”) Aerobatics by Dr. Jim Abraham, Fordem & Walters, Flybys by T-34s and RV 8s and KR-2
   February ?? ------- North Las Vegas (Chapter 1300)
   March ?? --------- Overton  (“American Legion”)
   April ?? ----------- Jean  (Discover Aviation)

 Project Reports:  No reports were given tonight, but the following are projects our members or guests have in work that I know about.
  Tom Cooper  Zenair
  Doug Mueller  RV6 (Rotary powered)
  Armin Tuma  Glastar
  Heman Leong  Glastar
  Jim Bonelli  Air Force T-41
  Glen Smith  RV-8 (“finished”)
  Dick McEwen             RV-8 (“finished”)
  Tim Hemp (guest) Lancair Legacy
  John Andrzejewski Berkut
  Bruce & Brian Banks Kitfox
  Roland Fraga  Glasair TD (finished)
  Hugh Mattern  Lancair (finished)
  Keith Courson  Rebuild Stinson Voyager
If I have not included your name and project, please give the secretary a call and he will add it to the list. Also, our web site manager, Roland Fraga, wants project pictures to put on the web page. His addresses are 1540 Mancha Drive, Boulder City, NV 89005 and
  Airport Improvement Projects:  No update tonight. Henderson’s new runway is now under construction. Watch for the temporarily shorten runway due to displaced threshold during construction if you fly into Henderson Exec

NEW BUSINESS:  No new business brought up.

 Program:  We heard a great presentation from Dr. Andria Anderson, head of the Aviation Technology Program at Community College of Southern Nevada.  They have 123 students currently enrolled.  Students get their first two years and a private pilots license at CCSN and can transfer directly into Embry Riddle’s program.  Anyone who has relatives or friends interested in an Aviation degree or vacation should contact CCSN at 702-651-4019.  Our thanks to Dr. Anderson.
 If our next program was announced, I missed it.  But, I’m sure it will be interesting.   See you  at North Las Vegas terminal November 13th for our next meeting.
 50/50:  I missed who it was that won our 50/50 drawing but it should have been a good pot with all the folks who were in attendance and the makeshift tickets we sold!  THANKS TO ALL WHO ATTENDED!
Respectfully submitted,
 Mike Smith, Secretary
Chapter Family Picnic:
Our annual chapter family picnic was another great success with over 30 members and their guests, There was plenty of delicious food and beverages for everyone. The weather was fantastic and Craig Fordem gave the group our own private airshow in his Extra 300. Excellent job Craig. The group appreciated it very much. A large group of members flew to Jean in their favorite flying machines including two Cessna’s on floats.
Welcome New Members:
Rob Burton
Paul & Sherry Gerner
Bill Goff
Micheal Hope
Dick & Jerrye McEwen

Members Projects:
John Andrzejewski - Berkut
Jim Bonelli - Air Force T-41
Jerry Campbell - RV-8 (“finished”)
Tom Cooper - Zenair
Keith Courson - Rebuild Stinson Voyager
Lee Dillingham – Cozy Mk IV
Roland Fraga - Glasair TD (finished)
Herman Leong - Glastar
Hugh Mattern - Lancair (finished)
Doug Mueller - RV6
Glen Smith - RV-8 (“finished”)
Armin Tuma - Glastar
If your project is not listed, please give me a call and I will add it to the list.  Also, our web site manager, Roland Fraga, wants project pictures to put on the web page.  His addresses are: 1540 Mancha Drive, Boulder City, NV 89005 and

Chapter Meeting Schedule:
November 13, 2002 – North Las Vegas – Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm
December 11, 2002 - North Las Vegas - Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 pm

Flying Activities:
The Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers has been re-activated with a much simpler format.
* No webpage pictures
* No webpage flight postings
* Only an email link to the LVHDHF Group to post a flight
It is everyone's responsibility to post Breakfast or Lunch flights whenever you are going somewhere and would like to have other flyers join you. Remember sometime you will dine alone, while other times you will dine with a room full. That is the way it works. So, please do not be bashful, post a flight soon.
The link to the Las Vegas $100 Hamburger Flyers webpage is shown below. Remember to save the site in your "Favorites", so you can go there to post your future flights.
Fly Safely and Enjoy Your Flights.

Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Roland Fraga, WebMaster, email address:
The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:
The 2002 Young Eagle Flight Rally schedule has been completed for this year and our hats are off to all of the members who flew Young Eagles in 2002.

Classified Ads:
This space is available to all chapter members to place ads for aviation items for sale or wanted. Submit your ads to the Newsletter Editor by snail mail or email.
FOR SALE: Pazmany PL-2 project (due to physical limitations). All ribs, spar extrusions (machined & bent), elevon & rudder spars, landing gear complete, windshield & canopy frame and Plexiglas, engine mounts and many formed or machined parts. Also, some radio, Norco, Motorola and 28volt Collins Call John Osburn (702) 456-4123 or email:
FOR SALE: PS Engineering PMA6000 audio panel with mounting tray.  14 to 28 volts.  New from Aircraft Spruce $795.00
Make offer:  e-mail

FOR SALE: Airspeed indicator 0-300 MPH Make: Pioneer,
used 200 hours since overhaul.  $50 e-mail

Officers & Directors 2002:
President: Jim Bonelli   Vice President: Walt Ayers
Secretary: Mike Smith  Treasurer: Keith Hopkey
Director: Dave Austin   Director: Dave Morrow
Director: Armin Tuma

Chapter Hats:
The chapter has a supply of Official Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300 Baseball Caps (Blue) for sale to members for $20.00. Pick up yours at the November Meeting.

Other Aviation Events Coming Soon:
CCAA meeting for November is scheduled for November 20, 2002 in the Grand Canyon Room at VGT – 7:00PM
CCAA Holiday Party at the Nellis Air Force Base Officer’s Club, December 19, 2002, 1800-2200 hours. Make your reservation through CCAA.
Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 13th. Bring a friend…..

Contact: Webmaster