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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


                                                  August 2004 

 Volume 5, issue No.8

August 11, 2004

Our next Chapter meeting will be at North Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room at 7:30PM.


July Meeting Program:

 Belted Air Power is a company at NLVA that has retrofitted an RV-6A with a modified automobile engine.  While I won't pretend to understand all the technical details, it fits right into our program objectives.  I have contacted Jess Meyers, owner of Belted Air Power and he has agreed to speak at our August meeting at NLVA on the 11th.  He will also bring the RV-6A over to the terminal. 


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                              Mike Smith
Vice President:                     Paul Gerner
Secretary:                              Herman Leong
Treasurer:                              David Lerner
Director VGT:                       Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                       Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                       Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:


For those of you who didn?t make it to my home for the July 14th meeting, you missed a great BBQ and good eats plus the right wing ?mating? on my RV-7A.  The wing installation went quite well in my opinion.  Especially when I consider how much of a job it is for the RV-6A wing mating I helped with on Dick McEwen?s airplane.  I?ve since had both wings on together and off & on again with relative ease.  The RV-7 and 8 have a different ?center wing section?, than the 6, that makes wing attachment much easier. 

            I mentioned during the meeting that I needed to get our next year?s officer nomination activity started and could use some help.  After our meeting, Brian Rossi volunteered to serve on the Nomination Committee and start ?polling? our members for next year?s officers.  Thanks again Brian!  Please be receptive of his efforts and put your name in the hat.  I know we have some other great folks in the membership that can bring some new energy and ideas to the leadership.   So, don?t be ?bashful?, volunteer!

            Since July 5th, I?ve been ?saddled? with two grandsons that have consumed most of my time, so I haven?t gotten to all my e-mails, etc.  If you?ve sent me one, I?ll eventually get to it.  I did get the boys over to see the Grand Canyon (Thanks again Dave!) and did a few rolls with each of them in the KR.  Their aviation interest seems to be on an up swing at the moment.

            Our next meeting?s (August 11th at VGT) ?special program? should be interesting.  Jess Myers has been using his belted drive for quite a while and should have some interesting statistics.   We also should have some good ?Air Venture? reviews from those who attended.  Mark your calendars and be sure to attend.  Also, remember and come join the few who gather for dinner before the meeting at 1800 in the Foothills Ranch restaurant and casino.


Mike Smith, 2004 President

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

 Secretary?s Note Pad:
EAA Chapter 1300

July, 2004 Minutes

President Mike Smith convened the seventh meeting of the year at 1938 Hrs at his home in Henderson. It was preceded at 1800 Hrs by a BBQ social gathering hosted by Mike and his wife in their back yard. Twenty two members and one guest were present. Our repeat guest was Ivan McLay. There appeared to be more members present than the number who signed in. At future meetings, members are reminded to please remember to sign the member roster. Ivan mentioned that he knows of a nearly completed Cougar kit plane for sale. This plane is similar to the Whitman Tailwind. Anyone interested contact Ivan.

The Treasurer's report was given by Paul Gerner standing in for Treasurer Dave Lerner. At the beginning of June , there was $3,555.76 in the Treasury. Total Income for June was $386.00 less expenses of $$1,273.39 resulted in an end of June balance of $2,668.39. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer's report. It was seconded and passed.

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion was seconded and passed.

Old Business: Mike announced that the baseball caps are sold out but a few calendars remain.

Committee Reports: Safety: Glen Smith gave an account of his unfortunate incident at Boulder City airport(61B) on May 23, 2004. He was turning off runway 9R onto taxiway Bravo when a dust devil hit his aircraft causing a crash which resulted in about $75,000 worth of damage. Repairs are expected to take about 7-8 months. Program: The speaker for the August meeting will be Jess Meyer of Belted Power in Las Vegas. Jess has auto conversion engines in his aircraft and uses his belt driven PSRU(propeller shaft reduction unit) to reduce his crankshaft speed to propeller speed. His plane will also be on display that evening.

Builder's Support:David Dyer reported that he is still working on his Lancair 360 and would welcome any help from the membership. He is building his plane at his working place. There was discussion on using DARs for the FAA inspection. I used Bob Loose from Kingman, AZ. He carges $450. His ph. number is (928) 757-7875. Initially I called the Las Vegas FSDO and was assigned to Bill Neuman. He came out with 2 associates and they spent a couple hours looking over my Glastar. He left me with a list of 6 very small discrepancies and left. The next morning he called me to say that he could no longer continue with the inspection and to call DAR Bob Loose. I found out that Bill Neuman had never done an experimental and like the typical gov't bureaucrat he was very reluctant to sign off on something he knew nothing about. Armin Tuma used Linda Williams from the same FSDO with good results. She and her boss are knowledgeable on experimentals. A member at the meeting said that he recently called the FSDO and they told him the lead time was 6 weeks to arrange for an inspection. Young Eagles: The next Young Eagles event will be at Beatty on Sept. 11th. Membership: Total membership is currently 84. Homebuilder's Reports: I reported that my Glastar had it's First Flight at 1050 Hrs July 14, 2004 at the Searchlight airport. Jim Bonelli was the test pilot. Except for a couple minor items the 1 hour flight was uneventful.

The 50/50 drawing was was won by LaRene Younghans. The meeting adjourned at 2005 Hours. After adjournment some of the members helped Mike Smith trail fit his right wing to the fuselage on his RV-7A.


Respectfully submitted,

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