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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311,


                                                 October, 2004 

 Volume 5, issue No.10

October 13, 2004

Our next Chapter meeting will be at the North Las Vegas Airport ,

Terminal Building Grand Canyon Room at 7:30PM.


The group dinner before the meeting is at  6:00 P.M. at

 Foothills Ranch, 3377 N. Rancho Rd.


October Meeting Program:


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                              Mike Smith
Vice President:                     Paul Gerner
Secretary:                              Herman Leong
Treasurer:                              David Lerner
Director VGT:                       Armin Tuma
Director BLD:                       Glenn Smith  
Director HND:                       Glenn Carlson

President?s Corner:


            ?Good Morning Chapter 1300?.  As many of you may note, this salutation is a takeoff from Pat Sajak?s (Yes, the Wheel of Fortune guy.) ?Good Morning Vietnam? radio program we woke up to so often way back then.  Just a bit of trivia for the younger ones in the Chapter.

            Once again, we had a pretty good turnout (21 members and 2 quests) for a summer meeting.  I?m hoping we can do even better now that the summer is officially over and the weather is cooling down.  Justin Kelly presented a review of the past year?s accidents in the Las Vegas FSDO area.  If I remember correctly, there were 33.  Most were in type certified aircraft and many began with a component failure often cause by faulty or inadequate maintenance.  Some as usual, started out with fuel exhaustion.  The moral I got out of it was know well who is doing your maintenance so you can be confident in his work.  Also, know the calibration of your fuel gages and fuel consumption.  When concerned, stopping to get more fuel is less painful than running out.   

            Glenn Smith, Armin Tuma, Roy Campbell, Lonnie Roy, Jim Bonelli, and I flew 33 kids at the Beatty Young Eagle (YE) Rally on Saturday, September 11th.   Charlie Braun, with a few of his young crew, did another great job marshaling planes.  George and Renie Younghans were great hosts again through the use of their hangar and dinner at their home for those who could come early and stay late.  Jan Bonelli, Gail Smith, and Renie kept the kids ?lined-up? well and all the paperwork straight.   On behalf of our Chapter and Jim Bonelli, our State Coordinator, I wish to whole-heartedly thank all of those who helped make this rally another success.   Our next Rally is during the Las Vegas Discover Aviation (DA) days, October 30-31, at the Jean Airport. 

            I just attended a Discover Aviation planning meeting, and, if it all goes as planned, it should be good one.  We have time blocks for flying more YEs on both Saturday and Sunday.

            Please bring your ideas for Chapter programs and discussions to our meeting.  We need both your input and volunteers to lead your Chapter successfully.  At our next meeting, we hope to have Ken and Phyllis Wyatt give us a recap of their Australian ?flying? trip, Dan Landry?s recap of Copperstate Fly-in, and Rachel Dahl?s recap of her Air Academy trip. I hope to see you all there.  In case you haven?t marked your calendars or checked our webpage, our next meeting is at 1930 hours in the North Las Vegas terminal on Wednesday, October 13th.


Fly Safe,

Mike Smith, 2004 President

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300



EAA Chapter 1300

September 8, 2004 Minutes

EAA 1300 Monthly Chapter Meeting, 9/8/04, Henderson Executive Airport


1.  The meeting commenced at 1935 hours with 25 members present.  George Rudberg was introduced as a guest and spoke briefly about his Zenith Zodiac 601 XL project, which he is just starting.


2.  Justin Kelly gave an informative presentation regarding light aircraft accident s statistics collected for our very own FSDO.  The total of 33 accidents for light aircraft (private GA type aircraft) included numerous cases of material or maintenance related failure of certificated aircraft.  Among these were failure of a prop which lost 8 inches of one side, loss of power in a Mooney due to a missing spacer in the prop governor, failed welds leading to gear collapse, and tail rotor failure on a sightseeing helicopter causing the pilot to choose a high speed run on landing to save the day.  The point of citing these accidents is to indicate that certificated is not necessarily any safer in terms of material condition or proper maintenance.


Loss of control was another major theme of the accident statistics cited, and surprisingly many of these were during instruction.  Lesson number two ? choose your instructor wisely, a guy with the nickname of ?numnuts? or someone braver than you may not be the best choice.


Poor judgment in crosswind landings in gusty conditions by very high time pilots resulted in more than one fatality.  Poor aeronautical decision making including several downwind takeoffs in gusty conditions also led to catastrophic results.  As always, poor fuel management also contributed to accidents.  One member noted that gauges in certificated aircraft are only required to be accurate when they are reading ?empty?.  It was suggested that all pilots have a rule of never trusting the gauges.  Several builders provided tips as to how you can accurately calibrate your own fuel gauge during construction. 


3.  Tom Donaldson gave an update on the plans for Henderson Executive Airport.  Current plans call for the addition of 95 new hangars on the south and west sides of the existing GA ramp.  These are now under construction, and expected to be completed in about June 05.  A new control tower will go just south of these new hangars.  A new terminal will be constructed just to the north (left side) of the existing entrance road, east of the old Kings terminal.  The airport board has just approved a plan for more hangars on the north side ? which will be targeted for more commercial and corporate type use.


Tom also provided a heads up regarding operational challenges in October.  There will be a major exposition of business aircraft manufacturers (NBAA) in town between 8 and 18 October.  Plans include the imposition of a Special Traffic Management Plan (STMP) by the local FSDO which will include North Las Vegas and Boulder City as well as Henderson.  Part of the exhibition will include closure of the outer runway (35R) at Henderson to host the ?mile of airplanes?, with corporate jets parked from end to end.  VFR pilots in the area should check into the requirements of the STMP and plan accordingly.  Details regarding this event will be covered at a meeting on 22 September at 1900 at the Henderson airport.


4)  After a cookie break, the business meeting was conducted as follows.

            a.  The reading of the minutes was waived.

            b.  The Treasurer?s report was submitted and accepted with $2731 balance.

            c.  Builder support ? Doug Mueller said he hopes to fire up his Mazda engine on the test stand soon.  A referral was made to Dick McCune for avionic support, and other builders worked out some support for bucking bars and hole cutters.

            d.  Young Eagles coordinator invited participation at the Beatty rally for 9/11.  The Lions club was providing Breakfast and Lunch.  The next big Young Eagles event will be at Discover Aviation at Jean on 30 and 31 October.  Help is needed for front desk support and as always, the more pilots the better.

            e.  Flying activities announced included the Reno Air races September 16-19, and Copper State fly in October 7-10.


The meeting was adjourned at 2130. 



Welcome New Members:

No new Members Reported.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of

 interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter?s Webpage.

 Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure

 to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The next Young eagle event will be held at the Jean airport at the Discover Aviation Event on October 30 & 31. Ground support and  Pilots are requested

to contact  Mike Smith.


Refreshment Calendar:

Phyllis and Ken Wyatt will be your refreshment host for the October 13th Meeting.


Thanks go out to Brian Rossi for his contribution in September.


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see

 you at the meeting on the 13th. Bring a friend?.. 


Contact: Webmaster