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The Official Monthly Electronic Newsletter of the

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P O Box 34311

Las Vegas, Nevada 89133-4311


January 2004
Volume 5, Issue No.1


January 14:

Our next meeting will be in Terminal Building, Henderson Executive Airport beginning at 7:30PM on January 14th.

Remember, a group of members have dinner at 6:00pm before the meeting at the Seven Hills Bar and Grill, 3051 Saint Rose Parkway. Everyone is “Welcome” to join us for Dinner. We are trying out a new location very close to the airport.


January Meeting Program:

Charlie Halterman, Tower Manager of the HEA ATCT, talk about new procedures

associated with the parallel runways, as well as brief us on the modified airspace that

they are currently working that will hopefully yield additional flexibility in working traffic

around HEA.  We will show a video on AOPA's Airport Watch Program.  Given our

current security environment, this 20 minute video should be viewed by all.


2004 Officers and Directors:
President:                  Mike Smith
Vice President:         Paul Gerner
Secretary:                  Herman Leong
Treasurer:                  David Lerner
Director VGT:            Armin Tuma
Director BLD:            Glenn Smith
Director HND:            Glenn Carlson

December Ice Cream Social:
We wish to say “Thanks” to Jim & Jan Bonelli for a nice ice cream social at the December meeting. 

Membership Renewal Time:
It is time to renew your membership, if you have not already renewed. An easy way to renew is to go to the website and print out a membership application, complete, attach your payment and mail to the address on the application form.
Or contact David Lerner, Chapter Treasurer.

Membership dues are $18 for individuals and $24 for families. If in doubt, check the roster. All family members have both members listed, together.


You can save postage by bringing cash or check to the Chapter meeting on Wed., 01/14. Otherwise please mail checks payable to "Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300" to either of the addresses below:

Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

POB 34311

Las Vegas, NV 89136


Formation Flying Class:
Glenn Smith and Mark DuLaney will be holding a formation class on January 24 & 25th at the Boulder City Airport. If you have any interest in formation flying contact Glenn Smith at 294-1111 or get your questions answered at the January meeting. See Mark DuLaney’s Plans for the Formation Days Below:

Howdy everybody,

We have decided to make January 24 and 25 our planned formation day. Everyone
on this e-mail list has expressed a desire to participate, and I hope you are
able to attend.

The goal of this weekend is to provide an opportunity for pilots to get
together and have a concentrated emphasis on safe and disciplined formation flying.
I will tailor the flying to each person's experience level. If you are new to
this then you can plan on flying mostly 2 or 3 ship formations, if you are
experienced then we would like to do some large show formations. I anticipate we
will have RVs, T-34's, Thorpe T-18 and Extra 300's plus possibly more types
of aircraft.

The plan is to have our initial briefing at 0900 Saturday 24 Jan 2004 at
either my hangar or Glenn Smith's hangar at Boulder City Airport (61B). We will
plan 0n at least 3 flying periods on Saturday and Sunday with lunch hopefully
catered around noon each day. The third flying period on Saturday will be
reserved for our large show formation flight. There is also an 5-6 ship Extra 300
photo flight planned during the weekend. A Saturday evening post flying beer
call will of course be a mandatory formation.

Just a reminder for some of you that don't know me. I am retired from the Air
Force where I spent 20 years flying trainer and fighter aircraft, I currently
fly for Southwest Airlines. I have an RV-6 that we have been doing formation
work for about two years. I have a formation flight lead/wingman card
administered by FFI. (Equivalent to a warbird FAST card).

Since I think we may have a good number of folks who are interested, I need
to know who is planning to attend. I would like to have a pretty firm count by
18 Jan 04. You can e-mail me or Glenn Smith or contact me by phone
(702-493-3361). I need to know type of aircraft, experience level at formation flying, if
you would like to be a flight lead for some of the less experienced folks,
and if you are an inexperienced flyer would you like to have a safety observer
fly with you or would you like to fly with an experienced wingman. We will be
following standard formation signals as illustrated in the Formation Flight
Manual. This is the standard manual used for warbird and FFI training. It can be
purchased at Those that are new to formation training
will be expected to have a working knowledge of formation procedures and

If you are coming from out of town let us know if you need hotel/rental car
information. More information to follow. Hope to see everone on the 24th and
please pass this along if you know of someone who may be interested.

Check 6

Mark "Dula" DuLaney

President’s Corner:
            Last year was a great year for our Chapter under the leadership of Walt Ayers and his Board of Directors and officers.  We had some great programs, fly-outs and especially Young Eagle Rallies coordinated by Jim Bonelli.  I looked at the Chapter’s Young Eagle tally in EAA National’s Young Eagle logbook today.  It had 26 chapter pilots listed that flew a total of 1259 “Young Eagles”.  We got some great “international” recognition through articles in “Sport Aviation” and good local exposure at Discover Aviation and the Nellis AFB Open House.  WOW, what an accomplishment in the short time our chapter has been active. No one kept close numbers of supporting volunteers that helped make this possible, but I’m sure those numbers would also be impressive.  Our chapter grew to at least 102 members by year’s end thanks to the active efforts of many members, especially Ken Wyatt’s led membership drive last spring.  Your 2004 Board and Officers have some big shoes to fill if we are to keep such a good record moving forward. 

            However, I am certain that with the active participation of each and every member, we can do as much or more in the coming year.   As the new President of our chapter, I am encouraging all of you to share your ideas, with an officer, on what you would like to see happen within our chapter during the coming year.  We have a few “standard items” that we plan to continue – Young Eagle Rallies, and sponsorship of aviation minded candidates to the Oshkosh Air Academy to inspire youngsters, and flyouts and “programs” to stimulate our flying/building interest.  But, we need your ideas for “program” material that keeps you and inspires others to come to our meetings and on any new initiatives we should undertake.  We usually have the best meetings when we have the most members present, because conversation stimulates ideas and renewed interest.  After I brought an elevator I had just finished to our last meeting, someone mentioned they would like to see more of such things.  So, for those of you building or restoring something, bring in a piece for a little “show and tell”.   Glenn Smith says to block your calendar on January 24-25 for a weekend of flying activity at Boulder City.  More detail at our next meeting, Wednesday, January 14th, at Henderson Executive Airport.

            I look forward to serving as your President through 2004 and working with all of you to make our chapter even bigger and better.


Mike Smith, President

Secretary’s Note Pad:
December 10, 2003 Minutes

President Walt Ayers convened the last meeting of the year at 1935 Hrs at the North Las Vegas airport. Sixteen members and two guests were present. Our guests were Brian Rossi and Luther Tate. Brian has lived in Las Vegas for 4 years and former lived in Seattle. He enjoys acrobatic flying and is building a Glasair. Luther has been in Las Vegas for 30 plus years and has built or re-built more than 20 airplanes. His first was an Aronica 3C monoplane which he re-built in 1939.

Old Business:

Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to forego reading of the previous month's minutes since they are published on the Chapter web site. The motion passed.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Stan Roeske reported that total income for November 2003 was $0.23. Expenses were fees of $100 for the Nellis Airshow display leaving a Total Funds Balance Ending Nov. 31, 2003 of $2,728.23. $180.75 was allocated to the Aviation Education Fund [510(c)(3)] resulting in Total Uncommitted Funds for Chapter Use of $2,547.98.

New Business:

President Walt Ayers presented Chapter Service Award certificates and pins to the following members of Chapter 1300:

Name             Award

Jim Bonelli      Young Eagles Co-ordinator

Mike Smith     Young Eagles Co-ordinator

Hugh Mattern   Technical Advisor

Roland Fraga    Web Page Editor

Stan Roeske    Treasurer

Mike Smith       Vice President

Herman Leong   Secretary

Ken Wyatt         Newsletter Editor

At the request of President Walt Ayers, EAA awarded Dave Roebke a copy of "Dawn at Kitty Hawk" , a Centennial of Flight Co-ordinator award certificate and a medal for his outstanding work. Stan Roeske read a copy of a letter of appreciation sent by Tim Clark, Clark County Library District administrator to Tom Poberenzy, President of EAA praising Dave Roebke for his great job.

Stan Roeske asked for a show of interest in the 2004 EAA calendar. A motion was made to purchase 24 calendars. It was seconded and passed. Nellis Airshow report: The Chapter 1300 booth was manned by Jim & Jan Bonelli, Mike Smith, and several volunteers. Four home-builts, a 300 Xtra, and a Stearman were on display. Crowd control of the static display was better than last year. About 40-50 people picked up literature on Chapter 1300 activities provided at the booth.

Jim Bonelli reported that Diane Rankin, Administrative Secretary at N. Las Vegas airport is retirering on Jan. 7, 2004. A motion was made to purchase an award plaque to be presented to her at her retirement luncheon. Cost not to exceed $100. Motion was seconded and passed. George Younghans announced that Beatty, Tonapah, And Gabbs airports are looking for airport managers. Anyone interested can contact George for an application form.

President Walt Ayers thanked the outgoing officers for a job well done and introduced the officers for 2004. The 50/50 drawing was won by Stan Roeske. The meeting was adjourned at 2002 hrs and followed by an Ice Cream social. The delicious refreshments were provided by Jim & Jan Bonelli.

Respectfully submitted,

Herman Leong, Secretary

Welcome New Members:
The Chapter wishes to “Welcome” the following New Members and we urge each of you to take an active roll in the chapter.

No new members last month


Wanted Newsletter Editor:

The chapter is looking for a volunteer newsletter editor to take over the newsletter. Ken Wyatt has served as editor for over three years and he would like to be replaced by a member willing to try his/her hand as editor of the production the “WING TIP”. If you would like to volunteer as editor, please contact Walt Ayers (702-795-8288 or

or Ken Wyatt (702-349-7795 or


Flying Activities – January 2004:

The December flying activity will be a lunch flight to Bullhead City, AZ  (    ) on January 18th. Arrive by 11:30 A.M PST. We will have lunch at the Riverside Buffet at Noon PST. If the weather is not VFR, then the breakfast flight is cancelled.
Do it Safely and Enjoy Your Flight.


Webpage Material:
Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage. Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, WebMaster,
email address:

The chapter webpage URL is: Be sure to Bookmark this URL.

Young Eagles:

The 2004 Young Eagle Flight Rally (Partial) Schedule:

            February 7, 2004 – North Las Vegas Airport – International Young Eagle Rally


Refreshment Calendar:

If you would like to volunteer to provide refreshments for one of our monthly meetings, please email or call Ken Wyatt at 349-7795 to sign up.

January 14, 2004      No sponsor, so no refreshment will be served      


Thanks for reading the newsletter and we will see you at the meeting on the 14th. Bring a friend….. 

Contact: Webmaster