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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
January 2009
Volume 10, Issue 1

Next Meeting Location:
The Wednesday, January 14th, 2008 EAA meeting has been cancelled. Instead, members are encouraged to attend the CCAA meeting on the same date, at 6:00 PM in the Texas Station casino.

2009 Officers and Directors:
President:Roger Hansen
Vice President:Terry Frazier
Secretary:Rachael Holland
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director BLD:Glenn Smith
Director HND:Glenn Carlson

Presidents Corner:
Legislative efforts are one of those "I need to do something but never seem to seem to get around to it" tasks. I don't think I'm unique in that respect but it seems to be the prevailing attitude when in comes to letter writing the politicians who affect our lifestyles. The comment by Randy Walker regarding homebuilts does a lot to create letter writing by those who oppose our views, and too often we just sit back and do nothing. Now is NOT the time to do nothing. Please attend the meeting this Wednesday the 14th starting at 6:00 PM at Texas Station. They will present a plan of action as I understand it and give you "talking points," along with the names and addresses of politicians to send your comments to. Remember, form letters and personal attacks do little to impact politicians in a positive way . . . in the words of Jack Webb, "just the facts ma'am".

Also, what would you like to see or do at our meetings in 2009? Here are some thought starters, and at the February meeting we'll pass out a form for you check off on topics for future meetings.

1. Product demos
2. "How to" presentations like riveting, composite layups, vacuum bagging, mold making, TIG welding, plasma cutting, machining etc.
3. Project visits
4. Presentations on flying destinations like Mexico, Canada, and the Bahamas.
5. Tower visit or presentation by tower/ATC personnel

Remember, it's your chapter and we want you to get something out of it. Please give us your feedback.

Roger Hansen

Meeting Minutes:


Minutes of Meeting
December 10, 2008
Henderson (HND)

Following a lively 6:00 PM refreshment hour and a great 7:00 PM Chapter Christmas dinner at the HND restaurant, our December meeting was called to order at 8:05 PM by Chapter President, Terry Frazier.

New members:
  • -None-
  • Seb Trost’s wife Darlene
  • Chad and Joan Tucker (have a Christen Eagle and both fly for Fed-Ex)
  • Glenn and Beth Ann Miller
  • Dennis Anderson, Airport Mgr for Jean and HND
  • Luther Tate who has been flying for 72 years (guest of Mike and Gail Smith)
  • The wives of many other Chapter members
  • Henderson Young Eagles set for Saturday, December 13.
  • Very Important CCAA meeting at No. Las Vegas (VGT), Grand Canyon Room at 6:30 PM. Purpose to discuss how to address Randy Walker’s/County Commission’s decision to move forward in trying to obtain authority over who and what can fly from Las Vegas Airports.
  • January 14, 2009 chapter meeting at VGT, Grand Canyon Room.
  • February 2009 meeting will be at HND.
  • No Floor announcements
  • Dennis Anderson, the new Airport Manager for HND and Jean, talked about his background and HND. He comes from Duncan Aviation in Lincoln, Nebraska and 21 years with America West Airlines in Nebraska and California. Not a pilot himself but is looking forward to accepting one of many offers to go for a ride in GA aircraft.
  • Dennis spoke about growth at HND with more corporate and other aircraft finding the great facilities and friendly service and close proximity to the Strip. HND will be working on a new transit ramp and look forward to having Mojave Aviation increase their presence on the field for aircraft maintenance.
  • A lively discussion ensued about “trash dumpsters” and their placement on the airport. Dennis will look into the issue.
Business Meeting:
  • M/S/P to accept November 12, 2008 minutes as posted on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report:
  • Presented by Brian Prinzavalli. Balance as of November 30, 2008 was $2,055.14. M/S/P to accept report as presented.
Old Business:
  • Terry presented the 2009 Officer and Director lists as elected at the Chapter’s November meeting. They are: Roger Hansen, President; Terry Frazier, Vice President; Rachael Holland, Secretary; Brian Prinzavalli, Treasurer, Glenn Carlson, Director HND; Armin Tuma, Director VGT; and Glenn Smith, Director Boulder City (61B). All received a round of applause and thanks for their willingness to serve during 2009.
  • Check our Chapter website for new links and information Randy has added. We now also have the ability for a member to join and/or renew on-line. All agreed Randy is doing a great job with our site. Thanks Randy!
  • Jim Bonelli and Terry updated the members on the VGT Open House held Saturday December 6, 2008. All went extremely well with an estimated 1,500-2,000 people attending throughout the day. A lot of children attended with their parents. All comments from attendees were positive. There was a great line up of aircraft on static display. Jim had a good mixture of factory built aircraft and experimental or custom built aircraft. There was such good quality and workmanship that many people couldn’t tell a factory built from a custom built aircraft.
  • No other Old Business from the floor.
New Business:
  • Henderson Young Eagles in conjunction with Mojave Aviation open house at HND, Saturday December 13, 2008.
  • CCAA is still discussing the possibility of an Open House at HND sometime in February, 2009.
Chapter Committee Reports:
  • Safety/accidents: -No discussion-
  • Builders Support: -No discussion-
  • Young Eagles: -No discussion other than what has already be reported elsewhere in these minutes.
  • Air Academy: -No discussion-
  • Social: Hangar visits continue to take place at HND Saturday mornings. There is a Henderson Hangar Group breakfast on Saturdays at 8:00 AM at the HND terminal restaurant.
Future Programs:
  • Incoming President Roger Hansen talked about wanting to send out a survey to our members to determine what types of programs members are interested in. Also asking members if they know of speakers who would be informative and interesting for our programs. Roger wants to address this early in the year 2009.
Status Reports:
  • None noted
  • No 50/50 drawing.
M/S/P to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. Terry again reminded all of the CCAA meeting 6:30 PM December 17, 2008 at VGT and our next Chapter meeting at No. Las Vegas Airport, Grand Canyon Room, 7:30 PM, January 14, 2009.

Submitted by Keith Hopkey, Secretary

Website Announcements:
There is now a Pay Now button on the Membership Application page!

This will allow new members to sign up via PayPal. It will also allow existing members to renew their membership, order replacement name badges, etc. Payments can be made via the user's own PayPal account, or via any standard credit card. Payments will be processed securely by PayPal's own secure servers, and the funds will be automatically deposited into the Chapter's bank account.

Be sure to give it a try when renewing your Membership for the upcoming year!

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate.

We will see you at the CCAA meeting on January 14th.

Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

Contact: Webmaster