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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
August 2009
Volume 10, Issue 8

Next Meeting Location:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 12th in the Conference Room at Henderson Executive Airport at 7:30pm.

2009 Officers and Directors:
President:Roger Hansen
Vice President:Terry Frazier
Secretary:Seb Trost
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director HND:Glenn Carlson
Director BVU:Glenn Smith

Presidents Corner:
First of all, I would again like to thank our July meeting host and hostess, Robert and Kathleen Jones. While attendance was a little disappointing, the hospitality and refreshments were outstanding. Robert is making progress on his RV-10 with the tail cone and empennage complete and now starting on the spar. (Pictures can be seen on our website here.) Robert has acquired some very nice metal working tools which make for a well crafted airplane. I forget the name of the deburing tool but it makes a single pass with a drill and deburs both sides. Since Robert is not doing a quick build, this will come in handy on the thousands of holes he has to debur.

A brief business meeting was conducted and my primary concern is still a lack of a Chapter Secretary. We need your help and involvement.

It was off to Oshkosh for a number of us. I believe all of us have returned safely that were flying. Terry and Linda are still back East in their motor home and should return early next month. August's meeting will be a show and tell of what we saw at Oshkosh and there is always plenty to see. We’ll each take about 20 minutes and report on what was of interest us.

While at OSH, Terry and I attended a seminar on taxes, as related to the chapter, along with a one-on-one meeting with Patti Arthur, a pilot, attorney and tax accountant. Patti was a wealth of knowledge and proved invaluable to the chapter. Many thanks to Patti for her donated services and to Brenda Anderson who coordinated the effort.

First of all, we are in compliance with the tax regulations as related to a 501(c)(3) corporation. The next great news is that Patti has offered to file our e-post card tax form on an annual basis . . . at no charge. Best deal I ever had from an attorney! Now the next topic of discussion was proving that we conduct or corporation within the guidelines of our 501(c)(3) status. Bottom line, we need written evidence that the purpose of our chapter is for education or charity and not for the benefit of our members. Clearly, our YE events that we post in writing (posters etc) and on the web site meet this requirement. Also any open houses where we invite the public to attend can also be a factor in meeting this requirement.

Speaking of Young Eagles, Ralph Millard has firmed up the Young Eagles event at Overton on Saturday September 18th. Ralph pointed out to me that this was also the weekend for the Reno air races; however, I don’t think this will have a huge impact on participating pilots. If you are available to fly or work as a ground crew, please contact Mike Smith who heads up the pilot phase of the event. Mike’s new email address is or you can call him at 702-565-4010.

Pahrump is scheduled for October 3rd. If you have any questions regarding either location, you can email or call Ralph at or 702-804-0441.

If you have any requests or want to host a chapter meeting to visit your project, please let me know.

Roger Hansen
President EAA 1300

Meeting Minutes:
Due to the lack of a Chapter secretary, there were no minutes recorded for the July meeting.

We will see you at the next meeting on September 9th.

Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

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