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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 34311

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89133-4311


                                               AUGUST 2005

                                        Volume 6, Issue No.8


August10, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at The North Las Vegas Airport,

Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 PM.

The group dinner before the meeting will be at 6:00PM.

We are trying a new location, the Town Center II located at

2992 W. Cheyenne Ave. Tel # 646-1131.



August  Meeting Program:

Aircraft Electrical Systems

Chapter member, Mike Perger will be our Guest Speaker for the evening.

He has prepared a workbook for all participants.


2005 Officers and Directors:

President:                        David Lerner

Vice President:                Paul Gerner

Secretary:                        Herman Leong

Treasurer:                        Ken Wyatt

Ass’t Treasurer:               Justin Kelly

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner July 2005:


I just returned from, for me, one of the best EAA AirVentures that I have ever attended. 

Last year I missed the fly-in because of a slight medical problem so I was most eager to see what

Oshkosh had to offer this year.  And to say the least I was not disappointed.  How often does one

get the opportunity to see such a diversity of aircraft in one place?

There they were three B-17’s, a B-24, Mustangs galore, T-6’s in what appeared almost to be an endless formation,

the P-38, Glacier Girl now fully restored after being entombed for years under the force of the crushing ice of Iceland,

the Global Flyer and last and certainly not least Space Ship One and White Knight. 

The Air Show which commemorated the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII was all the more spectacular not only

because of the presence of all these great aircraft, but the honor to the memory of the men who fought in them.


The Forums were equally exciting with Mike Melvill recounting his experience in the development and testing of Space Ship One,

which culminated in the successful flights, which brought Scaled Composites the X Prize and Melvill, Rutan and company,

the Collier Trophy.  Rod Machado was not only his usual entertaining self, but very informative on some of the finer points of flying. 

Then there were the variety of work shops which helped to clear away some of the doubts and mysteries one imagines before

seeing the real thing encountered in any new project.  All in all this AirVenture recharged my enthusiasm for the activity we all share. Now for next year’s Oshkosh I only need to remind myself to make early housing reservations.


For those of you who wish to get together before the meeting for dinner we are going to gather at 6:00pm at the Town Center II

located at Cheyenne and Simmons on the North side of Cheyenne (from the airport head North on Rancho and turn right onto Cheyenne). I think this will hopefully be a definite improvement over our other location both as to servers and food. 

Our next meeting at North Town will feature Mike Perger on Basic Aircraft Electrical Systems.  

This will be the third major presentation this year.  I hope that you will email me your feedback on the various programs

to date as well as any future programs you may wish the Chapter to arrange.


Regards and safe flying,


David Lerner, President 2005


Meeting Minutes:
July 13, 2005 


President Dave Lerner called the meeting to order at Glen Smith's hangar in  Boulder City Airport (61B) at 1935 Hrs. 

15 members were present.  The June minutes were approved.  Ivan McLay gave the Treasurer's report and it was approved. 

Our cash balance on June 30, 2005 was $2,780.83. Our guest speaker was then introduced by Glen Smith. 

Our guest speaker, Mike is the airport co-ordinator at Boulder City airport. He discussed the future plans at 61B.
The next meeting will be at VGT.  The guest speaker will be one of our members who will give a talk on basic electricity.

Young Eagles: Jim Bonelli announced the next event will be on Nov. 5th at the Boulder City airport. 

Dean Herrington reported on future a fly-out and other social events.  Sep 17 fly-out  to Pslm Springs, 

Oct 22  Picnic at Jean Airport,  and Dec 14 Ice Cream Social hosted by Jim & Jan Bonelli. 

There will be a Board meeting after the August meeting.  Refreshments was provided by Pat Dulaney

The 50/50 drawing was won by Brian Prinzavalli.  The meeting was adjourned at 2035 Hrs.


Respectfully Submitted,


Herman Leong
Chapter 1300


Welcome new Members:

No new Members to report at this time.


Webpage Material

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  The Chapter webpage URL is’ Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

There are 3 Young Eagles events to close out the year. 

Our usual Discover Aviation weekend on October 8th and 9th at Jean Sports Aviation airport. 

Then we have been asked to participate in the Boulder City Airport open house on November 5,

and finally, we are planning to be in Overton on December 3 for a Holiday Fly-in. 

Please mark your calendar for these events.



Classified ads:

See classified ads on the web site.



Refreshment Calendar:

Brian Prinzaivalli will be our refreshment host for August.

And thanks go out to Glenn Smith for being our host for

July, and thanks for the use of your Hangar.

For your Information: FYI.


Pacific Coast Air Museum


EAA Chapter 124, Santa Rosa, CA, would be pleased to provide fellow EAA members

with aircraft parking at our Club site for the two days of the Wings Over Wine Country Airshow,

August 20 & 21.  Van service will also be provided from the Site to the main entrance during the morning,

and back to your aircraft following the day’s performance. 


Please note, due to the proximity of our Site to the aerobatic box, access to, or staying by your aircraft,

will not be permitted during the air show.


As stated in the NOTAMS, Charles Schulz Sonoma County Airport will be closed during the air show both days.


RSVP please so we can be sure we have parking space and transportation available for you.


Bob Gutteridge


Larry Rengstorf

Facilities Chairman



                     Remember to wear your name badge

                                to the August meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 10th. Bring a friend……..

Contact: Webmaster