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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                              January 2007

                                         Volume 8, Issue No.1


January 10th, Meeting Location:

Our next meeting will be held at the Henderson Executive Airport in the conference room

Located In the main Terminal bldg. at 7:30 pm. Dinner before the meeting is at the Seven  

Hills Bar & Grill located just east on St. Rose Pky at 6:00 PM.



January Meeting Program

Our Guest Speaker for Wednesday’s Meeting will be Captain Bly.  ( click for info )



2007 Officers and Directors:

President:                        Terry Frazier

Vice President:                Mike Perger

Secretary:                        Micah Braun              

Treasurer:                        Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner January 2007:


First, I’d like to thank the membership for their expression of confidence in the 2007 slate of officers for

EAA Chapter 1300.  We certainly have big shoes to fill.   I would like to assure the membership that we

will do our best to live up to the high standards set by David Lerner and the rest of the 2006 officers,

directors and volunteers. 


We will start our year with a real treat at the January 10 meeting at the new Henderson facility.  Dean has

arranged for a presentation by USAF Capt. Bly – a predator pilot and trainer from Nellis.  I expect to see

some great video and gain key insights into this unique USAF program.  The February meeting will be at

Boulder City where I hope to discuss our priorities for 2007.  I have a few ideas, but your 2007 officers will

be most interested in input from each of you as chapter members. Please try to attend. 


We face several opportunities and challenges this year.  First, the continued success of our Young Eagles

program has become a legacy priority for Chapter 1300.  It represents a very real contribution to the future

of personal aviation by any American who chooses to take up the challenge. Opportunities to expand these

efforts – especially the ownership of “Discover Aviation - Wings and Wheels 2007” at Jean will continue to

be a priority in my book.  I am also hopeful that we can find ways to include the other end of the age spectrum

(“Bald Eagles”?) with broader exposure to the advantages EAA and the new LSA ratings and equipment.


An urgent set of challenges to our freedom of flight are represented by the first flights ban at VGT.  Talking to

Cecil Johnson at a recent Henderson Hangar Meeting raised concerns that this type of challenge may not be too

far off at Henderson.  We will have our hands full with this and related FAA and non-flying public challenges

to our activities.  I am confident that Chapter 1300 will make a positive contribution as we work together to

expand our freedom of flight in 2007. 



Keep your airspeed up,


Terry Frazier

Chapter President, 2007

Meeting Minutes December 13th 2006:

This will be the last time I write the minutes as secretary for 2006. I want to thank everyone for a great year and look

 forward to serving you as VP in the coming year.


Mike Perger


Meeting notes:

The January meeting will be held at Henderson instead of VGT. We have a very special speaker who will talk about

the B-1 and the Predator. To read more go to the Chapters website and click on the link for the January meeting on the

front page. It sounds like it will be an astounding meeting and if you don’t attend you will definitely miss a very informative

and exciting presentation. (We will see/use the new audio/video equipment in the new Henderson airport meeting room).


The December meeting is always the annual ice cream special. All consumables were donated by Jim and Jan Bonelli.

Many thanks to them for a great “meal”. Does anyone know how long they have volunteered to do this??


David Lerner presented EAA “Certificate of Service” awards to board and committee members. We want to thank all those

who made 2006 a very successful and informative year. Also, thank you to all the guest speakers throughout the year for

lots of great information they shared with us.


Last but not least, we celebrated the singing of “Happy Birthday” to our outgoing President, David Lerner.

While not divulging his age,  we all firmly believe he FINALLY turned 41. Thanks David for a great year.


Submitted by,

Mike Perger



Welcome new Members:



Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster, email address:  

The Chapter webpage URL is’

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Young Eagles:

Keep your thinking caps on for a candidate for the Air academy


Mike Smith writes --- Our first Young Eagle Rally of the year will be at the Henderson Executive airport on

Saturday, February 3rd.  I need to start collecting names of volunteers (both flyers and ground support)

who will be available and willing to come out to help.  David Lerner has rounded up about 60 kids so far

and anticipates a few more. 

Please give me an e-mail reply if you can bring a plane and fly and if you can help with ground support. 

I'll call to confirm with more details as I get them from Tom Donaldson and our HND Director Glenn Carlson.

Thanks much!


Classified ads:

Classified ads are a service to members and posted on the Web site.  The posting will remain until the

Item offered is sold or 1 year, which ever comes first.


Refreshment Calendar:

Thanks go out to Jim & Jan Bonelli are the hosts for the December Meeting.

Ice Cream Social.   YUMMMMMMM!


For your Information: FYI.

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of 

those who participate. We are again asking for volunteers for the 2007 Meeting schedule.

           Feb        14       BLD

           March    14       HEN

            Apr       11       VGT

            May      9         HEN

            Jun        13       VGT

             Jul         11      BLD

            Aug          8      VGT

            Sep        12      HEN

            Oct        10      VGT

            Nov     ( tba )  BLD   Usually combined with Open House

            Dec        12      VGT



                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the January meeting.

               Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

             we will see you On the 10th. Bring a friend……..






Contact: Webmaster