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The official monthly Electronic Newsletter of the
Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300
P.O. Box 570561, Topaz Station
Las Vegas, Nevada, 89157-0561
June 2009
Volume 10, Issue 6

Next Meeting Location:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 10th in the Conference Room at Henderson Executive Airport at 7:30pm.

2009 Officers and Directors:
President:Roger Hansen
Vice President:Terry Frazier
Treasurer:Brian Prinzavalli
Director VGT:Armin Tuma
Director HND:Glenn Carlson
Director BVU:Glenn Smith

Presidents Corner:
After a short meeting last month (our web editor is in favor of those) we adjourned to hangar D-8 where Terry Frazier and I did a demonstration on fiberglass mold making and vacuum bag part layups. I believe the techniques shown were relatively simple and uncomplicated and show the utility of making your own parts. What was not shown was the time it takes to make the “plug”. The plug is the most time consuming and critical part of the whole process since it follows the acronym “wysiwyg” (what you see is what you get). The word here is do not short cut the plug as it will show up in the actual part. Be sure and come to the June meeting where we will show you the results after the “cure”.

Seven pilots flew up to Tonopah May 23rd along with Terry and Linda as support crew. Thanks to Linda Frazier, Pat Wilson and my wife for their help in the support activities. A few kids were flown on Friday afternoon with rather blustery weather and a genuine bumpy ride! Saturday turned out to be a great day and all the planes were flying continually until about 3 PM. All in all we flew 60 kids, a great turnout when you consider there are only about 3000 inhabitants of Tonopah. After the event, Terry and I were treated to some of the activities of “Jim Butler Days” . . . .do any of you know what a “mucker” is? We had a demonstration by several people along with a tour of one of the mines. I now have a much greater regard for those who went down into those crevices to jack hammer silver ore.

For our June meeting, we were planning on having Mike Busch, who has a long and varied association with aviation, be our guest speaker. Mike was the founder of the website Along with exceptional computer skills, he knows the workings of aircraft from the inside out. While Mike’s schedule did not permit his speaking at out June chapter meeting, Mike agreed to join us later this fall after his busy summer schedule is concluded.

Speaking of the Web, Randy Holland, our Web Editor, has agreed to walk us through our greatly improved website. So if you have any questions or requests, this will be the time to bring them up. After Randy’s demonstration, there will be an A.O.P.A. DVD video on the number one violation of FAR’s. Do you know what that is? Bet you’ll learn a few things from the video.

For the July meeting, we are planning on visiting the RV-10 of Robert Jones. We will again have a short meeting at HND and then car pool to Robert’s home where he is building the plane.

In case you are unaware, our secretary resigned to time requirements of the job and the time available. We thank Rachael for her service. However, that places us short of chapter Secretary and we are looking for an individual who can fill out the remaining term of seven months. If you would like to get more involved in the chapter and aviation please let me know, we need your help.

That’s all for now folks, see you at the meeting June 10th.

Roger Hansen

Meeting Minutes:


Minutes of Meeting
May 13, 2009
Henderson (HND)

Meeting was called to order by Chapter President, Roger Hansen at 7:30 pm with a promise to make this an extremely short meeting due to the activities planned for afterward.

New members:
  • None noted
  • Dan Bird, CFI
  • Terry Frazier flew his RV-7A for the first time two days ago.
Business Meeting:
  • M/S/P to accept April 2009 minutes as posted on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report:
  • Presented by Brian Prinzavalli. Balance as of April 30, 2009 was $2,260.25. The balanced as of March 30, 2009 was amended to $2,084.74. M/S/P to accept report as presented.
Old Business:
  • Jim Butler Days in Tonopah, May 23, 2009. We have committed. They will provide hotel rooms for participants on Friday night. Eight pilots have committed and two additional are maybes. They have collected $700 in a kitty for fuel. Parade and fly over at 10 am on Saturday. Festivities on Friday night. 40 kids, mostly from aero club at high school, are signed up for flights.
  • Vote was 17 to 8 to keep all meetings at Henderson in lieu of rotation.
New Business:
  • M/S/P to have club pay outstanding fuel bill from Young Eagle event in the Henderson, for $60.48.
  • No program scheduled yet for June meeting. Looking for suggestions.
  • Board Meeting is scheduled for Memorial Day, 4th Monday in May. Will get rescheduled, with date and time TBD.
Status Reports:
  • Terry Frazier made two flights this week. Mike Smith flew safety chase and did communications with tower. Standing ovation for Terry.
  • Randy Holland is working on the tail/horizontal stabilizer and making metal hinges.
  • Bob reported that his airframe kit for the Sonex Waiex Y-Tail ships this week.
  • Cancelled this month to shorten meeting.
M/S/P to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm.

  • Roger teaches how to make fiberglass molds in his hanger.
Submitted by Rachael Holland, Secretary

Website Announcements:
There is now a Pay Now button on the Membership Application page!

This will allow new members to sign up via PayPal. It will also allow existing members to renew their membership, order replacement name badges, etc. Payments can be made via the user's own PayPal account, or via any standard credit card. Payments will be processed securely by PayPal's own secure servers, and the funds will be automatically deposited into the Chapter's bank account.

Be sure to give it a try when renewing your Membership!

Refreshments are provided each month by volunteers. We very much appreciate the generosity of those who participate.

We will see you at the next meeting on June 10th.

Remember to wear your name badge, and be sure to bring a friend!

Contact: Webmaster