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                    The official Monthly Electronic Newsletter Of the

    Southern Nevada EAA Chapter 1300

                                     P.O. Box 570561

                                 Las Vegas Nevada 89157-0561


                                                  APRIL, 2006

                                           Volume 7, Issue No.4


APRIL 12th, Meeting Location:


Our next meeting will be held at the North Las Vegas Airport

Grand Canyon Room at 7:30 PM. The Group dinner before

the meeting will be at the Towne Center II Bar & Grill @

2992 W. Cheyenne Av.


April Meeting Program;

We are pleased to have a return performance of the X-plane software presented by Chuck Bodeen. 

The designing process is made easier with his tools.  Come to discuss the upgraded programs with Chuck.



2006 Officers and Directors:


President:                         David Lerner

Vice President:                Dean Harrington

Secretary:                         Mike Perger              

Treasurer:                         Brian Prinzavalli              

Director VGT:                   Armin Tuma

Director BLD:                   Glenn Smith

Director HND:                  Glenn Carlson


Presidents Corner April 2006:


In the remains to be seen category is the recently reported program backed by the EAA designed to

expedite and reduce the backlog and wait times many pilots experience when they need a special

issuance medical certificate.  According to Avflash the FAA has agreed to take some steps to increase

the number of doctors able to review special issuance applications and has also expanded the list of

conditions that don't require the file being sent to the FAA for review. If any of you have ever dealt

with the inscrutable clerical face of the FAA you know what a relief this new program will be if it comes

to pass in elimination of wasted time, cost and mental strain.


And while the medical side of the FAA may improve the FAA Administrator Marion Blakey continues

her waffling act on whether user fees are planned for all or part of general aviation. Blakey dodged

the issue at a recent Senate hearing indicating that because the funding package is currently under

review by the administration, she couldn't talk about what, if any, user fees may be imposed.

But, according to Avflash, she did say the current method of funding doesn't work.  I wonder what the

odds makers on the Strip would give on the advent of user fees in the very near future.  At least the

Administrator is consistent in that she took the same circumspect approach in her speech at Oshkosh

last year and in the Q &A that followed.


I believe that if user fees come into being (and this seems inevitable) the worst thing Congress could

do is to permit the FAA to operate without the same monetary control it exercises at present over the Agency. 

The FAA has made noises in this direction in the recent past.  Another major item to put on the alert list.


Bob Cameron the new acting president of the Pahrump EAA Chapter 1160 has warmly invited our members

to visit on a Saturday morning by flying over the “Hump” into Calvada Meadows for what he termed

cold coffee and stale donuts”.  He also extended an invitation to their breakfast on May 6th. 

For details he can be reached by email at or through the Chapter‘s e-mail is Bob’s telephone is 775 727-0557.


The next meeting at VGT starting at 7:30pm features a presentation by Chuck Bodeen on his design software. 

Dinner for anyone who wishes to join in will be at the Town Center ll on Cheyenne and Simmons at 6:00pm


Until then safe flying and regards,


David Lerner, President 2006


Meeting Minutes of March 8 2005

Call-to-order was administered by Vice-President Dean Herrington at 19:32 hrs. 

A brief business meeting with approval of previous month’s minutes, treasury and some

old business items put to rest.  Fly-out schedule was presented along with Young Eagles rally dates. 

See appropriate web-pages for details.


Introduce Lance Atchison, speaking on aerial photography and his 20 year experience hare in the

Las Vegas valley.  He also gave CD’s of his recent work for all to enjoy.


Meeting closed at 21:15.  Next meeting at North Las Vegas (KVGT).


Welcome new Members:


Webpage Material:

Everyone is encouraged to submit material, information or pictures of interest,

to chapter members for publication on the Chapter’s Webpage.

Send whatever you have to Jim Bonelli, Webmaster at

e-mail address:

The Chapter webpage URL is:

Be sure to bookmark this URL.


Refreshment Calendar:


For your Information: FYI.



                    Remember to wear your name badge

                              to the April meeting.

                  Thanks for reading the Newsletter and

               we will see you On the 8th. Bring a friend……..








Contact: Webmaster